Saturday, March 9, 2019
House Resolution
22. By Del. Walker, Angelucci, Bates, S. Brown, Byrd, Doyle, Estep-Burton, Fleischauer, Fluharty, Hansen, Hornbuckle, Longstreth, Miller, Pushkin, Pyles, Robinson, Rowe, Skaff, Staggers, Tomblin, Williams and Zukoff - Relating to the Affordable Care Act- To Health and Human Resources then Rules
House Concurrent Resolutions
100. By Del. Sypolt, Rowan, Boggs, Linville, Longstreth, Lovejoy, C. Martin, P. Martin and Pyles - Study of the adoption process in West Virginia- To Rules
101. By Del. Rowan, Rohrbach, Boggs, Graves, Longstreth, Lovejoy, Malcolm, C. Martin, P. Martin, Pyles, Sypolt and Toney - Study relating to the state funding of local senior centers of West Virginia.- To Rules
102. By Del. Rowan, Boggs, Rohrbach, Graves, Longstreth, Lovejoy, Malcolm, C. Martin, P. Martin, Pyles and Sypolt - Feasibility study of the West Virginia Crime Victims Compensation Fund- To Rules
103. By Del. Graves, Rowan, Lovejoy, C. Martin and Sypolt - Relating to support and assistsnce of “Grandfamilies” in West Virginia- To Rules
104. By Del. Rowan, Graves, Lovejoy, Pyles and Sypolt - Study of child custody models - To Rules
105. By Del. Boggs, Rowan, Graves, Longstreth, Lovejoy, Malcolm, C. Martin, P. Martin, Pyles, Sypolt and Toney - Relating to elderly abuse- To Rules
106. By Del. Rowan, Graves, Longstreth, Lovejoy, Malcolm, C. Martin, P. Martin, Pyles and Sypolt - Study of the impact of human trafficking in West Virginia- To Rules
107. By Del. Pethtel - Study of trespassing domestic animals - To Rules
109. By Del. Harshbarger - Study of commercial guided bear hunting in the State of West Virginia-