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There are 75 Bills pending in Senate Government Organization




SB 42Providing state income tax credit for certain firefighters02/13/13
SB 63Requiring equal number of county planning commission members from each magisterial district02/13/13
SB 67Reinstating former paid fire department chiefs under certain circumstances02/13/13
SB 81Permitting Monongalia County Commission levy special district excise tax for University Towne Center02/13/13
SB 86Designating English official state language02/13/13
SB 89Requiring replacement of public rest area, institution and school urinals be water free02/13/13
SB 99Prohibiting increases in assessed value of real property under certain circumstances02/13/13
SB 115Relating generally to horse and dog racing02/13/13
SB 126Increasing number of state troopers and beginning pay02/13/13
SB 127Requiring PSC annually report on broadband markets 03/07/13
SB 135Creating Equal Pay Coordinator within Division of Personnel 02/13/13
SB 136Removing statutory reference to salary of Women's Commission Executive Director02/13/13
SB 141Dedicating proceeds from county excise tax on transfer of real property to regional jails and substance abuse programs02/13/13
SB 154Relating to charitable organizations' audit requirements02/14/13
SB 163Relating to Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program02/14/13
SB 170Creating Keep Jobs in West Virginia Act02/15/13
SB 204Allowing licensure of certain veterinarians by endorsement02/18/13
SB 211Requiring criminal history record check for certain Real Estate Commission license applicants02/19/13
SB 213Authorizing county commissions to temporarily fill certain office vacancies02/19/13
SB 330Prohibiting firearm seizure during declared state of emergency02/20/13
SB 333Relating to carrying concealed weapons on State Capitol Complex grounds02/20/13
SB 337Creating Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Commission02/21/13
SB 342Creating WV Land Stewardship Corporation Act03/21/13
SB 343Dedicating portion of oil and gas severance tax to counties and municipalities of origin02/21/13
SB 345Increasing number of state troopers and beginning pay02/22/13
SB 346Creating Appraisal Management Companies Registration Act02/22/13
SB 351Allowing certain employees donate sick leave for leave donation program02/22/13
SB 356Increasing salaries of certain State Police forensic lab employees and certain civilian employees02/22/13
SB 357Including commercial campsite in definition of "hotel" for hotel occupancy tax purposes 02/22/13
SB 362Dedicating proceeds from county excise tax on transfer of real property to regional jails02/25/13
SB 391Transferring Division of Early Care and Education and Head Start State Collaborative to Department of Education and Arts03/15/13
SB 393Relating to licensed surveyors exemption from liability for defamation or slander of title02/27/13
SB 397Creating Protecting West Virginia's Investments Act02/28/13
SB 400Relating to Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program02/28/13
SB 402Relating to Domestic Violence Act02/28/13
SB 408Allowing private property owner to prohibit concealed weapons03/01/13
SB 415Relating to multidisciplinary team meetings for juveniles in Division of Juvenile Services' custody03/27/13
SB 422Increasing Cultural Facilities and Capitol Resources Matching Grant Program Fund allocation from racetrack video lottery03/04/13
SB 436Eliminating rehabilitated residential building tax credit 03/05/13
SB 452Increasing Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses membership03/05/13
SB 480Requiring alcohol servers obtain alcohol server permits03/07/13
SB 500Authorizing certain counties levy charge on ski lift tickets to fund emergency medical services 03/12/13
SB 503Requiring county commissions purchase and display POW/MIA flag03/12/13
SB 505Publishing certain Secretary of State documents in electronic format only03/12/13
SB 519Providing elected county officials and employees receive raise based on Consumer Price Index03/13/13
SB 529Requiring county commission be advised before discharging certain county employees03/14/13
SB 531Providing elected county officials receive raise based on Consumer Price Index03/14/13
SB 536Prohibiting public officials and employees from using public funds for self promotion03/14/13
SB 541Increasing compensation of certain county officials03/15/13
SB 548Requiring county commission be advised before discharging certain county employees03/15/13
SB 556Relating to broadband deployment projects03/28/13
SB 566Permitting certain municipalities opt into rate regulation by PSC 03/19/13
SB 572Relating to claims against counties, school districts or municipalities03/19/13
SB 574Creating WV Buy American Act of 201303/20/13
SB 595Permitting surface owners to purchase delinquent mineral interests03/21/13
SB 597Permitting county boards of education to sell advertising on school bus exteriors03/22/13
SB 598Qualifying certain NPDES permit holders for Environmental Quality Board membership03/22/13
SB 600Establishing one-time audit cost amnesty program for local governments with delinquent audit costs03/22/13
SB 610Renaming Industrial Home for Youth as Salem Correctional Center; placing Salem and Parkersburg correctional centers under Division of Corrections04/03/13
SB 620Requiring state agencies, boards, commissions and entities give tests regionally03/22/13
SB 625Relating to payment of claims against counties, school districts or municipalities03/22/13
SB 626Creating criminal offense for law-enforcement or EMS personnel creating visual portrayal of certain victims03/25/13
SB 633Relating to residential community waivers for salvage yard establishment03/25/13
SB 636Limiting amount municipalities can receive from certain speeding violation fines03/25/13
SB 642Relating to requirement of professional engineer serving on sanitary board03/25/13
SB 647Allowing WV Military Authority receive funds from special revenue accounts03/25/13
SB 651Allowing state agencies to keep portion of surplus funds for employee bonuses03/25/13
SB 654Increasing salaries of Division of Corrections' employees03/25/13
SB 659Requiring National Flood Insurance Program State Coordinator establish permit fees for certain project applications03/25/13
HB 2173Relating to funeral expenses for indigent persons02/26/13
HB 2450Granting licensed real estate appraisers access to commercial or residential review documents03/11/13
HB 2544Improving state emergency preparedness04/04/13
HB 2570Relating to the West Virginia Public Employees Grievance Procedure04/04/13
HB 2583Establishing a regulatory system for sexual assault forensic examinations03/27/13
HB 2760Creating a uniform regulation of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories03/12/13
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