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HCR 1 Raising a Joint Assembly to open and publish election returns Adopted 01/09/13
HJR 1 The March Legislative Session Amendment Pending House 02/13/13
HR 1 Adopting Rules of the House of Delegates Adopted 01/09/13
SCR 1 Adopting joint rules of Senate and House Adopted 01/09/13
SR 1 Adopting rules of Senate Adopted 01/09/13
SJR 1 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Marriage Protection Amendment Pending Senate 02/13/13
SJR 2 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment Pending Senate 02/13/13
SR 2 Raising committee to notify House Senate has organized Adopted 01/09/13
SCR 2 Authorizing payment of supplies, services, printing and other expenses Adopted 01/09/13
HR 2 Authorizing the publication of a Legislative Manual, providing for a mailing list for House Journal, authorizing other mailings upon request, and authorizing payment of travel and other expenses of the House Adopted 01/09/13
HJR 2 Legislator Term Limit Amendment Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 2 Providing for an adjournment of the Legislature until February 13, 2013 Adopted 01/09/13
HCR 3 Extending an invitation to His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver an address to the Legislature and raising a Joint Assembly therefor Adopted 02/13/13
HJR 3 Lieutenant Governor Amendment Pending House 02/13/13
HR 3 Authorizing printing and distribution of Acts of the Legislature and Journals of the House of Delegates Adopted 01/09/13
SCR 3 Requesting DOH name bridge in Boone County "Army Sergeant Junior Elwood Dunlap Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/11/13
SR 3 Raising committee to notify Governor Legislature has organized Adopted 01/09/13
SJR 3 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Initiative, Referendum and Recall Amendment Pending Senate 02/13/13
SJR 4 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Veto Session Amendment Pending Senate 02/13/13
SR 4 Authorizing mailing of bills and journals Adopted 01/09/13
SCR 4 Requesting DOH name bridge in Boone County "James 'Eddie' Mooney Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/11/13
HR 4 Authorizing the Committee on Rules to arrange a Special Calendar and providing for making public the vote on certain questions in connection with the preparation thereof Adopted 01/09/13
HJR 4 Legislative Reapportionment Amendment Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 4 The "USMC CPL Larry G. Curnutte Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 03/19/13
HCR 5 The "Edward I. Eiland Bridge" Pending Senate 03/11/13
HJR 5 Citizens' Redistricting Commission Amendment Pending House 02/13/13
HR 5 Authorizing the appointment of employees for this, the First Regular Session of the Eighty-first Legislature, two thousand thirteen Adopted 01/09/13
SCR 5 Requesting DOH name bridge in Wetzel County "Army Sgt. Norman R. Cunningham Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/12/13
SR 5 Authorizing appointment of 2013 session employees Adopted 01/09/13
SJR 5 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Religious Freedom Guaranteed Amendment Pending Senate 02/18/13
SJR 6 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Homestead Exemption Calculation Amendment Pending Senate 02/26/13
SR 6 Creating Select Committee on Children and Poverty Adopted 02/13/13
SCR 6 Requesting DOH name bridge in Wayne County "Wayne County Veterans Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/11/13
HR 6 Designating that February 13, 2013 be proclaimed as West Virginia Nurses Unity Day. Adopted 02/13/13
HJR 6 Amendment clarifying that nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 6 The "Sergeant Elzie Mundy, Jr. Bridge" Pending Senate 03/19/13
HCR 7 The "County Sheriff Sgt. Michael Todd May Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/22/13
HJR 7 Active Military Personal Property Tax Relief Amendment of 2014 Pending House 02/13/13
HR 7 Designating February 14, 2013, as "Corrections Day" Adopted 02/14/13
SCR 7 Designating Hall Flintlock Model 1819 official state firearm Adopted 04/05/13
SR 7 Designating February 13, 2013, West Virginia Nurses Unity Day Adopted 02/13/13
SJR 7 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Simple Majority Approval Amendment Pending Senate 03/01/13
SJR 8 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Nonpartisan Election of State Board of Education Amendment Pending Senate 03/14/13
SR 8 Designating February 14, 2013, Corrections Day Adopted 02/14/13
SCR 8 Requesting DOH name portion of Route 38 in Fayette County "Sizemore Moran Veterans Memorial Road" Adopted 04/01/13
HR 8 Designating February 20, 2013, as "Marshall University Day" Adopted 02/20/13
HJR 8 The "Tangible Personal Property Tax Exemption and Rate Reduction Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 8 The "U.S. Army S/Sgt. E. J. A. Maynard Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/22/13
HCR 9 The "Garry Lee Burgess Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/22/13
HJR 9 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HR 9 Calling upon the United States Congress to propose a constitutional amendment overturning the Supreme Court's United v. Federal Election Commission ruling and related cases Adopted 03/28/13
SCR 9 Requesting DOH name bridge in Boone County "Naval Chief Boatswain Fred L. Byrnside and Army Captain Dora Jo Chambers Byrnside Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/05/13
SR 9 Honoring Congressional Medal of Honor recipients Adopted 02/14/13
SJR 9 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Organization of Houses of the Legislature Amendment Pending Senate 03/22/13
SJR 10 Proposing constitutional amendment designated Veto Session Amendment Pending Senate 03/22/13
SR 10 Designating February 18, 2013, Preston County Day Adopted 02/18/13
SCR 10 Requesting DOH name bridge in Lincoln County "Shelton Topping Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HR 10 Recognizing the statewide contributions of the Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences of West Virginia Adopted 02/19/13
HJR 10 The "Defense of Marriage Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 10 The "Staff Sergeant Lesley Wayne Reed US Army Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/22/13
HCR 11 Requesting the State of West Virginia to annually recognize August 16 as "Airborne Day" in West Virginia Adopted 04/08/13
HJR 11 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 03/15/13
HR 11 Designating February 19, 2013, as "West Virginia Home School Day" Adopted 02/19/13
SCR 11 Requesting DOH name portion of State Route 214 "Army Pvt. Parker Meikle Memorial Road" Adopted 04/08/13
SR 11 Designating February 18, 2013, Veterans Visibility Day Adopted 02/18/13
SR 12 Recognizing contributions of Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences Adopted 02/19/13
SCR 12 Requesting DOH name section of Lick Creek Road in Boone County "PFC Randall Bruce Miller Memorial Road" Adopted 04/08/13
HR 12 Designating February 26, 2013 as "Community Action Day" Adopted 02/26/13
HJR 12 The "Super-Majority Required for Passage of Tax Bill Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 12 Designating the annual observance of March 31 as "West Virginia State Trooper Day" Adopted 04/01/13
HCR 13 The "Wayne County Veterans Memorial Bridge" Pending House 02/13/13
HJR 13 The "Initiative, Referendum, and Recall Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HR 13 Designating February 27, 2013, as "Disability Advocacy Day" Adopted 02/27/13
SCR 13 Requesting DOH name bridge in Lewis County "J. Cecil Jarvis Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/05/13
SR 13 Recognizing Kendyl Ryan Adopted 02/19/13
SR 14 Designating February 19, 2013, West Virginia Home School Day Adopted 02/19/13
SCR 14 Requesting DOH name portion of State Route 20 in Upshur County "Thomas B. Dunn Memorial Highway" Adopted 03/29/13
HR 14 Amending the Rules of the House of Delegates, relating to requiring that a Jobs Impact Statement be attached to proposed legislation affecting employment or taxes Pending House 04/12/13
HJR 14 The "Right to Work Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 14 The "Marine LCpl Benny A Gilco Bridge" Pending Senate 03/19/13
HCR 15 The "Curtis Emmet Lowe Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
HJR 15 The "Super-Majority Required for Passage of Tax Bill Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HR 15 Expressing support of the House of Delegates urging Congress to enact H. R. 129, the "Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2013" Pending House 02/27/13
SCR 15 Requesting DOH name Logan County Route 5/12 "Army Private First Class Troy Franklin Tomblin Memorial Highway" Adopted 04/13/13
SR 15 Designating February 20, 2013, Marshall University Day Adopted 02/20/13
SR 16 Recognizing Blue Ridge Chapter of National Multiple Sclerosis Society Adopted 02/21/13
SCR 16 Requesting DOH name County Route 5/07 in Logan County "Army PFC James Edward Workman Memorial Road" Adopted 04/12/13
HR 16 Memorialing the life of the Honorable J. Richard Campbell, educator, civic leader, veteran, and a man of great experience Adopted 03/01/13
HJR 16 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 16 The "Army Specialist-4 Harmon 'Hoppy' Lee Hopson Jr. Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 17 The "State Police Cpl. Marshall Lee Bailey and Trooper Eric Michael Workman Memorial Interchange" Adopted 05/22/13
HJR 17 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HR 17 Honoring the West Virginia Women's Commission and designating March 5, 2013 as "Women's Day at the West Virginia Legislature" Adopted 03/05/13
SCR 17 Requesting DOH name bridge in Randolph County "Army Captain Bernard Francis Jones Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/12/13
SR 17 Congratulating Wayne High School football team Adopted 02/21/13
SR 18 Congratulating Wyoming East Warriors baseball team Adopted 02/21/13
SCR 18 Requesting DOH name portion of State Route 20 in Wyoming County "David and Janet Lee Memorial Highway" Adopted 04/08/13
HR 18 Calling upon the United States Congress to preserve the United State's Constitutional Second Amendment Rights of our citizens and to address the greatest cause of acts of mass violence, mental illness Adopted 03/21/13
HJR 18 The "Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 18 The "Cpl. Sherald P. Brady, U.S. Army Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/22/13
HCR 19 The "Corporal Ronald Lee Kesling USMC Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/22/13
HJR 19 The "Prohibiting the Governmental Taking of Private Property for Private Use Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HR 19 Designating March 7, 2013, as "Child Advocacy Center Day" Adopted 03/07/13
SCR 19 Requesting DOH name bridge in Kanawha County "U. S. Army Sgt. Archie W. Searls Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/12/13
SR 19 Recognizing Leadership Berkeley Adopted 02/25/13
SR 20 Designating February 26, 2013, Community Action Day Adopted 02/26/13
SCR 20 Requesting DOH name portion of State Route 80 in McDowell County "Army PFC Phill G. McDonald Memorial Highway" Adopted 04/13/13
HR 20 Honoring the victims and survivors of the 1972 Blacksville Mine Fire Adopted 03/20/13
HJR 20 The "Capital Punishment Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 20 The "Army Corporal Rex Marcel Sherman Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 21 The "Upshur Civil War Company 'C'Militia Memorial Highway" Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 21 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HR 21 Calling upon the United States Congress to protect Social Security benefits Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 21 Requesting DOH name bridge in Logan County "Navy Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Edsel Carl Varney Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/12/13
SR 21 Designating February 27, 2013, Disability Advocacy Day Adopted 02/27/13
SR 22 Congratulating Shinnston Little League All-Star Team Adopted 02/28/13
SCR 22 Requesting DOH name bridge in Kanawha County "Joseph Albert 'Joey' King, Jr., Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/12/13
HR 22 Designating Thursday, March 14, 2013, as "Generation West Virginia Day" Adopted 03/14/13
HJR 22 The "Homestead Exemption Calculation Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 22 The "Kerry Albright Road" Pending Senate 03/12/13
HCR 23 The "Branchland Veteran's Memorial Bridge" Pending House 02/15/13
HJR 23 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HR 23 Commemorating the life of the Honorable Carl C. Thomas, veteran and public servant Adopted 03/14/13
SCR 23 Requesting DOH name bridge in Wyoming County "Reverend Edward and Mary Mullins Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/12/13
SR 23 Honoring victims and survivors of 1972 Blacksville Mine Fire Adopted 03/01/13
SR 24 Requesting Congress propose constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling Adopted 04/10/13
SCR 24 Requesting DOH name portion of U. S. Route 60 in Kanawha County "Lou Tabit Highway" Adopted 04/12/13
HR 24 Designating March 19, 2013, as "West Virginia State University Day" Adopted 03/19/13
HJR 24 The "Manufacturing Inventory Amendment" Pending House 02/13/13
HCR 24 The "Rex Lane Mullins Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 25 The "U.S. Army CPL Fred Russell Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 25 The "Elimination of Individual Terms of Circuit Courts Amendment" Pending House 02/14/13
HR 25 Amending House Rule No. 94, relating to increasing the allowable number of joint sponsors of a bill Pending House 04/12/13
SCR 25 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study distributed electricity generation technologies Pending Senate 03/21/13
SR 25 Designating March 6, 2013, "Women's Day" Adopted 03/06/13
SR 26 Designating March "American Red Cross Month" Adopted 03/06/13
SCR 26 Supporting commitments made to Patriot Coal employees Pending Senate 03/22/13
HR 26 Expressing concern of the House to the growth of the federal government's power over the individual states of the U.S. Pending House 03/25/13
HJR 26 The "Prohibiting the Governmental Taking of Private Property for Private Use Amendment" Pending House 02/15/13
HCR 26 The "Army Corporal Richard D. McGhee Memorial Triangle" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 27 The "Army SSGT Arthur N. McMellon Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 03/18/13
HJR 27 The "Initiative, Referendum, and Recall Amendment" Pending House 02/15/13
HR 27 Supporting the protection of the site of the Blair Mountain battle of 1921 Pending House 03/25/13
SCR 27 Designating "My Home Among the Hills" official state song Pending Senate 03/22/13
SR 27 Recognizing Southern Area Public Library Adopted 03/07/13
SR 28 Designating March 11, 2013, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Day Adopted 03/11/13
SCR 28 Requesting DNR study making Upper Mud River Wildlife Management and Recreation Area a state park Adopted 04/22/13
HR 28 Calling upon Patriot Coal to live up to their obligations to active and retired miners, their families and widows. Adopted 03/25/13
HJR 28 The "Taxpayer Bill of Rights Amendment" Pending House 02/15/13
HCR 28 The "Mud River Pound Punchers Highway" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 29 The "Army Specialist-5 James R. Justice Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 29 The "Simple Majority Approval Amendment" Pending House 02/20/13
SCR 29 Requesting DOH name bridge number 20-64-54.37 "Army Cpl. Kenneth R. Hess Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SR 29 Recognizing Leadership Jefferson Adopted 03/11/13
SR 30 Congratulating St. Agnes School Lady Vikings basketball team Adopted 03/11/13
SCR 30 Requesting DOH name bridge in Wyoming County "Army SP4 Jackie (Hearn) McMillion Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 30 The "Simple Majority Levy Approval Amendment" Pending House 02/25/13
HR 30 Commemorating the life of the Honorable Virginia Rae "Ginny" Starcher, educator, civic leader, and public servant Adopted 03/29/13
HCR 30 The "Army Sergeant Thomas Lawrence Dunithan Memorial Highway" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 31 The "WWII 78th Lightning Division Road" Adopted 03/26/13
HR 31 Requesting Congress to revoke the policy of extending "trusted traveler" status under the Global Entry Program to Saudi Arabian travelers Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 31 The "Homestead Exemption Increase Amendment" Pending House 03/07/13
SCR 31 Requesting DOH place signs at Tyler County line reading "Home of the 2011 FFA National Champions" Pending Senate 03/25/13
SR 31 Congratulating Huntington High School wrestling team Adopted 03/12/13
SR 32 Recognizing Huntington Prep basketball team Adopted 03/13/13
SCR 32 Requesting DOH name bridge in Monongalia County "U. S. Army and Air National Guard Col. Garry L. Bowers-Ices Ferry Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 32 The "Governor's Succession Amendment" Pending House 03/13/13
HR 32 Honoring the service and contributions of Governor William Gaston Caperton III to the youth of West Virginia Adopted 04/04/13
HCR 32 Urging the Environmental Protection Agency to revoke its decision to allow the sale of gasoline with fifteen percent ethanol Pending House 02/15/13
HCR 33 The "201st Artillery Drive" Adopted 04/01/13
HR 33 Requesting the House of Delegates Women's Caucus, acting as an Interim Study Committee, study crimes against children Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 33 The "County Liquor Sales Amendment" Pending House 03/14/13
SCR 33 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study safety, roles and responsibilities of the WV Deputy Sheriff Reserve Pending Senate 03/27/13
SR 33 Congratulating Cabell Midland High School boys' cross country team Adopted 03/13/13
SR 34 Recognizing truck drivers Adopted 03/13/13
SCR 34 Requesting DOH name bridge in Wayne County "Mavis Granny Castle Bridge" Adopted 04/08/13
HJR 34 The "Marriage Protection Amendment" Pending House 03/18/13
HR 34 Designating April 10, 2013, as "Crime Victims Day at the Legislature" Adopted 04/10/13
HCR 34 The "Army Sergeant Junior Elwood Dunlap Memorial Bridge" Pending House 02/20/13
HCR 35 The "Charles Eugene Kessel Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HR 35 Recognizing the one hundredth year of the West Virginia Division of Highways Adopted 04/11/13
HJR 35 "Nonpartisan Election of the State Board of Education Amendment" Pending House 03/21/13
SCR 35 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study aging watershed dams and channels Pending House Agriculture and Rural Development 04/12/13
SR 35 Designating Thursday, March 14, 2013, Generation West Virginia Day Adopted 03/14/13
SR 36 Recognizing Affiliate Program of High Technology Foundation Adopted 03/14/13
SCR 36 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study impact of Common Core State Standards on public education Pending Senate 04/02/13
HJR 36 The "Attorney General Term Limit Amendment" Pending House 03/22/13
HR 36 Recognizing the Modern Woodmen of America's free Youth Educational Program Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 36 The "U.S. Army Private First Class Oscar Harper, Sr. Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 37 The "U.S. Army Sgt. Norman R. Cunningham Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 03/27/13
HR 37 Recognizing the dedicated service of West Virginia's Family Physicians to the Legislature, on the 24th Anniversary of the "Doc for a Day Program" program Adopted 04/13/13
HJR 37 The "Homestead Exemption and Property Tax Limitation Amendment of 2014" Pending House 03/25/13
SCR 37 Requesting DOH name bridge in Hardy County "Army 1SG Boyd 'Doc' Slater Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/22/13
SR 37 Congratulating WV Golf Association Adopted 03/15/13
SR 38 Recognizing volunteers and staff at pregnancy care centers Adopted 03/18/13
SCR 38 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study Moving Ahead for Progress in 21st Century program Pending House 04/12/13
HJR 38 The "Property Tax Limitation and Homestead Exemption Amendment of 2014" Pending House 03/25/13
HR 38 Memorializing the life of the Honorable Loutellus M. Stout, farmer, association executive, and public servant Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 38 The "James Darrell Mangrum Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 39 The "PFC Harry Sine, Jr. Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
SCR 39 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study tax system Pending Senate 04/04/13
SR 39 Designating March 19, 2013, West Virginia State University Day Adopted 03/19/13
SR 40 Recognizing Toyota Motor Manufacturing, WV, Inc. Adopted 03/21/13
SCR 40 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study Taxpayer Bill of Rights Pending Senate 04/04/13
HCR 40 The "Estel R. Stacy World War II Navy Veteran Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 41 The "US Army Staff Sergeant Cornelius Nebo Lackey Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
SCR 41 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study critical access need for emergency electric generators Pending House Economic Development 04/12/13
SR 41 Recognizing WV Campus Compact Student Advisory Board Adopted 03/21/13
SR 42 Congratulating Maggie Drazba Adopted 03/21/13
SCR 42 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study state's purchasing process and procedures Pending House Government Organization 04/12/13
HCR 42 The "Mike Whitt Visionary Leadership Highway" Adopted 03/26/13
HCR 43 Designating "Take Me Home, Country Roads" written by John Denver, Taffy Nivert, and Bill Danoff and initially recorded by John Denver, an official state song of West Virginia Pending Senate 04/13/13
SCR 43 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study feasibility of regional testing for examinations by state agencies, boards, commissions and entities Pending Senate Government Organization 04/04/13
SR 43 Designating Thursday, March 21, 2013, Higher Education Day Adopted 03/21/13
SR 44 Designating March 22, 2013, West Virginia University and West Virginia University Extension Day Adopted 03/22/13
SCR 44 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study safeguarding older West Virginians against abuse, fraud and financial exploitation Pending Senate 04/10/13
HCR 44 Requesting a study on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Supreme Court Rules on the Appeals process in West Virginia Pending Senate 03/19/13
HCR 45 The "Army PFC French E. Marsh Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 45 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study financial solvency of volunteer and part-volunteer fire departments Pending Senate Banking and Insurance 04/09/13
SR 45 Designating Monday, March 25, 2013, Wyoming County Day Adopted 03/25/13
SR 46 Congratulating Bridgeport High School Lady Indians basketball team Adopted 03/26/13
SCR 46 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study distribution of power to rural communities Pending Senate Agriculture and Rural Development 04/09/13
HCR 46 The "Martha Ellen Taylor & Sons Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 47 The "Thomas B. Dunn Memorial Highway" Pending Senate 03/21/13
SCR 47 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study cultivation of meat processing industry Pending Senate Agriculture and Rural Development 04/09/13
SR 47 Recognizing Society of Human Resource Management Adopted 03/26/13
SR 48 Recognizing WV Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors and WV Certification Board of Addiction and Prevention Professionals Adopted 03/27/13
SCR 48 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study availability of affordable housing Pending House Select Committee on Children and Poverty 04/12/13
HCR 48 The "Albert & Peggie Maynard Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 49 The "Larry W. Border Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 49 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study impact of Limited Video Lottery Act on children and poverty Pending Senate 04/11/13
SR 49 Designating March 28, 2013, WV Kids at Risk Day Adopted 03/28/13
SR 50 Supporting commitments made to Patriot Coal employees Adopted 04/01/13
SCR 50 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study abuse deterrent formulations for opioid medications Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/12/13
HCR 50 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to schedule the June 2013 Legislative Interim Committee meetings in Wheeling during the week of June 20. Adopted 04/12/13
HCR 51 Requesting a study on the economic impact of federal laws and regulations upon the sovereign rights of the State of West Virginia and our citizens Pending Senate 04/13/13
SCR 51 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study needs, challenges and issues facing senior citizens in finding personal care services Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/12/13
SR 51 Recognizing Salem International University Adopted 04/01/13
SR 52 Memorializing life of Honorable Ursula Jae Spears Adopted 04/02/13
SCR 52 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study tobacco use Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/12/13
HCR 52 The "Richardson Brothers' Memorial Highway, United States Army, World War II" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 53 The "Oral Gene Castle Bridge" Pending Senate 03/26/13
SCR 53 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study disbursing portion of Turnpike tolls to host counties Pending Senate Transportation and Infrastructure 04/10/13
SR 53 Recognizing Josh Miller Adopted 04/02/13
SR 54 Congratulating WVU Rifle Team Adopted 04/02/13
SCR 54 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study consolidating definitions of "ATV" and similar vehicles for consistency in state code Pending Senate Transportation and Infrastructure 04/10/13
HCR 54 The "Sergeant First Class Thomas Clyde Farley Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 55 The "Trooper Brian William Linn Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 55 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study consolidation of operations and functions of Parkways Authority within DOH Pending Senate Transportation and Infrastructure 04/10/13
SR 55 Recognizing WV School of Osteopathic Medicine Adopted 04/03/13
SR 56 Honoring Franklin D. Cleckley, former Justice of the WV Supreme Court of Appeals Adopted 04/04/13
SCR 56 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study proposed Safe and Efficient Transportation Act of 2013 Pending Senate Transportation and Infrastructure 04/10/13
HCR 56 The "John Edgar Saville Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 57 The "Fire Chief Lyle Ware Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 57 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study how to maintain State Park System Pending Senate Natural Resources 04/10/13
SR 57 Recognizing Honorable Gaston Caperton Adopted 04/04/13
SR 58 Recognizing Citizens Conservation Corps Adopted 04/04/13
SCR 58 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study laws pertaining to use of firearms for hunting and recreational shooting enthusiasts Pending Senate Natural Resources 04/10/13
HCR 58 The "Marine Lance Corporal Michael Steven Garrett Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 59 The "Corporal Gerry Glen Simpson Memorial Bridge, United States Army" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 59 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study laws applying to electrical standards for boat docks and marinas to improve safety Pending Senate Natural Resources 04/10/13
SR 59 Congratulating Tug Valley High School boys' basketball team Adopted 04/08/13
SR 60 Designating April 8, 2013, Jefferson County Day Adopted 04/08/13
SCR 60 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study feasibility of DNR entering into lease agreements for hunting and other outdoor recreational opportunities Pending Senate Natural Resources 04/10/13
HCR 60 The "Williams S. (Bill) Croaff Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 03/18/13
HCR 61 Requesting a study on the economic and personal liberty impact of federal laws and regulations upon the sovereign rights of the State of West Virginia and our citizens Pending House 03/07/13
SCR 61 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study economic and community development challenges associated with abandoned and dilapidated structures Pending Senate Government Organization 04/10/13
SR 61 Congratulating Cabell Midland High School Show Choir Adopted 04/09/13
SR 62 Congratulating Cabell Midland High School Marching Knights Adopted 04/09/13
SCR 62 Urging Army Corps of Engineers and Federal Highways Administration respect state land use planning processes Pending House 04/11/13
HCR 62 The "Navy Chief Petty Officer Nicholas Heath Null Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 63 The "US Army SFC James Edward Duncan Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 63 Recognizing July 16 as "Atomic Veterans Day of Remembrance" Pending Senate 04/12/13
SR 63 Recognizing one hundredth year of Division of Highways Adopted 04/10/13
SR 64 Congratulating Bluefield High School boys' basketball team Adopted 04/10/13
SCR 64 Requesting DOH name portion of County Route 15 in Mercer County "River Road Music Heritage Trail" Pending Senate 04/12/13
HCR 64 Requesting a study on the feasibility and economic impact of not paving the shoulders of state highways during repaving when the shoulders are in good condition Pending House 03/08/13
HCR 65 The "Jimmie Stewart Pauley Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/26/13
SCR 65 Designating West Virginia as Purple Heart State Pending Senate 04/12/13
SR 65 Designating April 10, 2013, "Crime Victims Day at the Legislature" Adopted 04/10/13
SR 66 Recognizing sister-state relationship with Republic of China (Taiwan) Adopted 04/12/13
SCR 66 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study insurance rates Pending Senate 04/12/13
HCR 66 The "PFC Casey West Memorial Bridge, United States Navy" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 67 The "J. Cecil Jarvis Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 03/27/13
SCR 67 Urging Congress support funding and completion of Coalfields Expressway and King Coal Highway Pending Senate 04/12/13
SR 67 Authorizing Senate Committee on Confirmations meet and be paid for interims between regular sessions of Eighty-First Legislature Adopted Rules 04/12/13
SR 68 Recognizing importance of Corridor H Adopted 04/12/13
SCR 68 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study small business development Pending Senate Economic Development 04/11/13
HCR 68 The "Army Maj. Gen. Charles C. Rogers Memorial Bridge" Adopted 03/26/13
HCR 69 Requesting a study on the impact of the $200 million in economic development grants used during the Governor Wise administration Pending Senate 04/13/13
SCR 69 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study West Virginia Project Launchpad Act Pending House Economic Development 04/12/13
SR 69 Recognizing July 16 as "Atomic Veterans Day of Remembrance" Adopted 04/13/13
SR 70 Raising committee to notify House of Delegates Senate is ready to adjourn sine die Adopted 04/17/13
SCR 70 Requesting DOH name bridge near Wayne/Mingo county line "Nancy E. May Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 04/12/13
HCR 70 Requesting a study on the feasibility of having magistrate districts to be the same as delegate districts Pending House 03/12/13
HCR 71 Requesting a study of the impact of the Neighborhood Investment Program tax credit Pending House 03/12/13
SCR 71 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study transferring EMT-mining training and certification program Pending Senate Government Organization 04/12/13
SR 71 Raising committee to notify Governor Legislature is ready to adjourn sine die Adopted 04/17/13
SCR 72 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study methods to increase salaries of elected county officials Pending Senate Government Organization 04/12/13
HCR 72 Requesting a study on the impact of consolidating certain constitutional offices Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 73 The "Nancy E. May Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
SCR 73 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study bail bonding industry Pending Senate Government Organization 04/12/13
SCR 74 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study local funding of public libraries Pending Senate Education 04/12/13
HCR 74 The "USMC LCpl. David Lee Powell Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 75 The "USN S2C Jack Wade and USMC PFC Don Wade Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 75 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study privately-owned licensed residential facilities for certain school-aged children Pending Senate Education 04/12/13
SCR 76 Urging Congress to update Renewable Fuel Standard Adopted 04/22/13
HCR 76 The "John W. Pyles Bridge" Pending Senate 03/26/13
HCR 77 Requesting a study on the feasibility and viability of building an intermodal facility at the Keyser Rail Yard in Mineral County Pending House 03/15/13
SCR 77 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study alternative and renewable energy sources Pending Senate 04/13/13
SCR 78 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study authorizing PSC to oversee Internet service providers Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 78 The "Louis J. 'Zeke' Trupo Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 79 The "Joe Curtis (Joey) Dingess Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
SCR 79 Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study equalization of magistrate pay Pending House Finance 04/13/13
HCR 80 Urging the US Congress to move West Virginia from the Environmental Protection Agency's Region 3 office to the Region 4 office in Atlanta Pending Senate 04/04/13
HCR 81 The "Brigadier General Timothy C. Barrick Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 82 Requesting a study of the methods to insure the long-term fiscal stability of the PROMISE scholarship program Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 83 Requesting a study on viable alternatives to placing children in maximum security environments Pending Senate 04/05/13
HCR 84 Declaring the "pepperoni roll" to be the official State Food of West Virginia Pending House 03/19/13
HCR 85 The "Carnie L. Spratt Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 03/28/13
HCR 86 Requesting a study of methods to insure the long-term fiscal stability of the 529 education savings plans offered by the State Pending House 03/19/13
HCR 87 Requesting the Division of Highways to erect signs at the Tyler County line that read "Home of the 2011 FFA Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation National Champions" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 88 Calling upon Patriot Coal to live up to their obligations to active and retired miners, their families and widows Pending House 04/12/13
HCR 89 The "Navy AD3 Jack Lively Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 90 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States requiring that an increase in the federal debt requires approval from a majority of the legislatures Pending House 03/21/13
HCR 91 The "Platoon Sgt. Clifford Tomblin Highway, United States Army" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 92 The "Army Corporal Randell Maynard Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 93 Requesting a study of county self government in the State of West Virginia Pending House 03/22/13
HCR 94 Requesting a study on whether the age of 14 is the appropriate age for a child to have the right to have to nominate a guardian Pending House 03/22/13
HCR 95 The "Army PFC Willie P. 'Jenkie' Wilson Memorial Bridge" Pending House 04/12/13
HCR 96 The "Army Sgt. Paul Witman Carroll Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 97 Designating the annual observance of the week following Veterans' Day Holiday as Veterans' History Week Pending House 03/25/13
HCR 98 Requesting a study on the feasibility of obtaining a waiver of the federal requirement relating to state/federal matching highway funds based on a proposed funding model Pending Senate 04/10/13
HCR 99 Application to Congress for a Balanced Budget Amendment Pending House 03/25/13
HCR 100 Requesting a study of Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan policies in other states Pending Senate 04/12/13
HCR 101 Requesting a study on the legality and the potential consequences of the use of drones by public and private entities in the State Pending Senate 04/12/13
HCR 102 The "Michael A. Oliverio, Sr. Interchange" Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 103 The "U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Kenneth Amick Memorial Bridge" Pending House 03/26/13
HCR 104 Recognizing the many contributions made by citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and that it is in the best interest of the State of West Virginia to promote relationships with the Azerbaijani people Pending Senate 04/05/13
HCR 105 Requesting a study on the necessity of hiring additional fraud investigators for the Department of Health and Human Resources and the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Adopted 04/12/13
HCR 106 The "O. Winston Link Trail" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 107 Expressing support for the President's proposal to increase the minimum wage to $9 per hour from $7.25 per hour Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 108 The "Army Specialist Fourth Class Tommy Joe Belcher Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 109 Requesting the Legislature establish a Joint Legislative Committee on Public Service Commission Accountability Pending House 03/29/13
HCR 110 The "Boyd Leon Parsons Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 111 Requesting the Division of Highways to build the bridge on County Route 65/03 located near Tug Valley High School in Naugatuck, Mingo County Pending Senate 04/05/13
HCR 112 The "Army Command Sergeant Major Wade Damron Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 113 Requesting a study on the need for and the constitutionality of a revenue surcharge designated for live adult entertainment establishments that serve alcohol Pending Senate 04/12/13
HCR 114 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the authority of structure of DHHR Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/03/13
HCR 115 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the current medical exemption process for immunizations in West Virginia Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/03/13
HCR 116 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to authorize a study on medicinal marijuana Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/08/13
HCR 117 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the certificate of need review process within the Health Care Authority Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/03/13
HCR 118 The "U.S. Marine Corps PFC Daniel L. Edwards Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 119 The U.S. Army Corporal John L. Gibbs Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 120 The "1st Sergeant Walter Criss Bridge, United States Army" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 121 The "LSC (SS) Andrew Scott Mollohan Memorial Bridge" Adopted 05/06/13
HCR 122 Requesting a study of the rural health workforce in West Virginia Pending Senate 04/05/13
HCR 123 Requesting a study of the feasibility of reapportioning the number of magistrates among our counties Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 124 Requesting a study whether all operators of underground facilities should be required to be a member of a one-call system, West Virginia 811 Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 125 The "Army Sergeant Richard Bowry Memorial Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 126 The "John Jacob Fry II Memorial Highway" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 127 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study adult day care services in West Virginia Pending Senate Senior Citizen Issues 04/12/13
HCR 128 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the needs, challenges and issues facing senior citizens in finding personal care services Pending Senate Senior Citizen Issues 04/13/13
HCR 129 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the deficiencies in home caregiver assistance for senior citizens Pending Senate Senior Citizen Issues 04/12/13
HCR 130 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the feasibility of updating state laws that strengthen protections against elder abuse, exploitation and fraud Pending Senate Senior Citizen Issues 04/12/13
HCR 131 Supporting the goals and ideals of the National Day of Silence in bringing attention to anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender name-calling, bullying and harassment faced by individuals in schools Pending House 04/08/13
HCR 132 Requesting a study on whether insurers licensed to sell motor vehicle insurance should be prohibited from raising premiums after a claim which no insured person was at fault Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 133 The "James T. and Paul T. Billups Bridge" Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 134 Requesting a study on whether employees of the State whose salaries are not set my statute should be granted an annual salary increase of $1,000 per year Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 135 Proclaiming West Virginia as a Purple Heart State Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 136 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the requirement of successfully passing a drug test by applicants before issuance of an instruction permit or level three full Class E license Pending House Roads and Transportation 04/08/13
HCR 137 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the adequacy of the SNAP providing healthy diets to low-income recipients Pending House Health and Human Resources 04/08/13
HCR 138 Requesting that the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study on state recognition of Native American Tribes Pending Senate Government Organization 04/12/13
HCR 139 Requesting a study for the potential for creating new jobs and improving our economy by increasing agribusiness in the state Pending Senate 04/12/13
HCR 140 Recognizing July 16 as "Atomic Veterans Day of Remembrance" in West Virginia Adopted 04/13/13
HCR 141 Requesting a study to require social workers to be employed in each public school, K through 8 in the state Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 142 Urging Congress to swiftly take bipartisan, concrete action to address the growing scourge of prescription drug abuse in West Virginia and other states Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 143 The "Sloan Brother's Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 144 The "Quentin H. Wickline Memorial Bridge" Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 145 Requesting a study on how West Virginia can fully fund the West Virginia Veterinarian's Tuition Contract Program Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 146 Requesting a study on the need for regulations of anesthesia for surgery performed in physicians' and dentists' offices Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 147 Requesting a study to consider a sentencing revision for DUI with death cases Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 148 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to undertake a study of current procurement and purchasing procedures Pending House Finance 04/10/13
HCR 149 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the proposals of the executive department of this state for the disposition of general revenue surplus revenues Pending House Finance 04/10/13
HCR 150 Requesting a study in regard to whether crossbow hunting should be authorized Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 151 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the need for legislation to grant the Secretary of State authority to extend the deadline during which a city council must meet as a levying body Pending House 04/12/13
HCR 152 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study how to engage West Virginia's large employers, public and private, to bring about a health-culture transformation Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 153 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study including historic resort hotel lottery table games employees in the percent table games fund allocation toward an employee pension plan Pending House 04/12/13
HCR 154 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the possible revision of the current law of the state relating to the disclosure of public records Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 155 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study on better connecting the education system to workforce and career futures Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 156 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study on establishing a comprehensive educator career development continuum Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 157 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study on restoring the authority, flexibility, and capacity of schools and school systems Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 158 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study on how the governance of Regional Education Service Agencies can be best aligned Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 159 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study regarding higher education governance and capital projects Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 160 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study regarding outcomes-based funding models used in higher education Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 161 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study regarding the full cost of an education at the state institutions of higher education in West Virginia Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 162 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to conduct a study regarding the administrative level of the state institutions of higher education Pending House Education 04/12/13
HCR 163 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the impact of permitting the disposal into commercial solid waste landfills of drill cuttings and associated drilling mud generated from well sites Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 164 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the feasibility of electing the West Virginia State Board of Education Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 165 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the issues of West Virginians' access to effective pain management medications Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 166 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the allocation of resources by the Department of Highways for the removal of snow and general highway maintenance Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 167 Requesting the Joint Committee on Health authorize a study regarding the health and safety regulations of West Virginia's abortion providers Pending Senate 04/13/13
HCR 168 Urging Congress to update the Renewable Fuel Standard to allow a broader range of domestic fuel sources, such as natural gas and coal, to be used to make liquid ethanol Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 169 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance authorize a study of alternative and renewable energy sources Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 170 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study providing certain forms of educational assistance to returning service members and veterans Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 171 Requesting that the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the authorization and permitting processes that may be necessary to facilitate industrial hemp farming Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 172 Urging the U. S. Congress to take swift bipartisan action to prevent the closure of the air traffic control towers located at the Lewisburg, Parkersburg and Wheeling, West Virginia Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 173 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the financial status and fee collection needs and authority of local health departments Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 174 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the inventory and responsible development of West Virginia's oil and gas resources Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 175 Urging the Governor to retain the one percent tax on food and dedicate the revenue toward in-home senior care services Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 176 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the use of ‘model designs' for purpose of new school construction in West Virginia Pending House 04/13/13
HCR 177 Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the necessity of the application of oil and gas conservation law and lease integration principles Pending Senate 04/13/13
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