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There are 450 Bills pending in House Judiciary




SB 10Permitting independent initiation of disciplinary proceedings by certain licensing boards04/02/13
SB 27Relating to administration of opioid antidote in emergency situations04/03/13
SB 76Permitting certain voters who have moved to vote for President and Vice President02/27/13
SB 90Creating felony offense of DUI causing death or serious bodily injury04/04/13
SB 117Creating criminal offense of possession of burglar's tools04/04/13
SB 139Regulating certain purchases of precious metals and gems03/08/13
SB 157Exempting certain nonresidents from Class D license requirement04/10/13
SB 187Creating Jobs Impact Statement Act03/27/13
SB 201Permitting expedited partner therapy04/03/13
SB 324Allowing boards licensing persons engaging in manufacture, distribution or dispensing controlled substances set fees by legislative rule04/05/13
SB 338Relating to liability of possessor of real property for harm to trespasser03/06/13
SB 347Requiring Public Employees Grievance Board and Division of Personnel provide training seminars to certain persons04/08/13
SB 365Relating to certain criminal conviction expungement04/04/13
SB 368Clarifying certain criminal conviction constitutes basis for voiding marriage03/18/13
SB 384Increasing certified legal education credits required for court-appointed attorneys in juvenile cases03/28/13
SB 427Clarifying requirements for certain motor vehicle searches03/18/13
SB 429Redefining "facility" under Medication Administration by Unlicensed Personnel Act04/03/13
SB 433Creating informal dispute resolution process for DHHR providers or licensees04/05/13
SB 451Clarifying when carbon monoxide detector is required04/04/13
SB 466Creating Dangerous Wild Animals Act04/03/13
SB 488Relating to damage to health or safety systems of certain facilities04/01/13
SB 490Creating Equine Facilities and Care Act04/04/13
SB 493Providing standards for converting and retrofitting motor vehicles to alternative fuels04/08/13
SB 509Imposing statutory liens on certain fire insurance proceeds04/08/13
SB 563Excluding jewelry platinum, gold, silver and palladium from definition of "scrap metal"04/01/13
SB 570Cleaning up outdated language in code relating to elections03/28/13
SB 579Updating code relating to absentee and early in-person voting04/02/13
SB 582Implementing terms of Uniform Arbitration Act04/03/13
SB 584Creating Pretrial Release Program03/27/13
SB 592Removing requirement Physicians' Mutual Insurance Company be nonprofit corporation04/02/13
SB 594Establishing Court of Claims procedure for unjust arrest, conviction or imprisonment claims04/04/13
SB 615Amending table game license renewal fee for pari-mutuel racetracks04/04/13
SB 624Adjusting penalties for willful failure to pay child support04/03/13
SB 656Establishing special study committee to assess problems facing gaming industry04/04/13
HB 2005Relating to the insertion of language which defines acts of violence and makes its false reporting a felony02/13/13
HB 2008Protecting computer owners and users from computer spyware02/13/13
HB 2009Providing petitioners to referendums, elections or any other ballot issue be afforded the same privacy rights as voters02/13/13
HB 2011Establishing threshold quantities of certain controlled substances to trigger prima facie evidence of intent to deliver if possessed by an individual02/13/13
HB 2012Including a clearer definition of hazing within West Virginia's antihazing statute02/13/13
HB 2018Requiring racetracks who are licensed to operate video lottery terminals pay a fee of one thousand dollars for each machine and that the revenue from these fees are to be transferred to the benefit fund of the Teachers Retirement System02/13/13
HB 2019Relating to elections02/13/13
HB 2020Relating to conditions of bond for defendants in cases of crimes between family or household members02/13/13
HB 2022Relating to minimum grab bar standards for hotel and motel rooms that are specifically designated or intended for use by handicapped or disabled guests02/13/13
HB 2023Requiring that protective fencing be placed along railroad lines operating adjacent to public schools02/13/13
HB 2026Relating to requirements for self-employed persons to participate in the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement's PayConnextion program02/13/13
HB 2027Relating to the nonpartisan elections of Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General and Commissioner of Agriculture and justices of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals02/13/13
HB 2029Requiring the reporting and publication of all compensation, including contingent compensation, paid to lobbyists for all lobbying activities02/13/13
HB 2030Providing a commercial property owner the ability to have the property appraised by an MAI appraisal prior to condemnation proceedings02/13/13
HB 2032Allowing political parties to obtain ballot access by expanding the scope of the definition of political party02/13/13
HB 2033Requiring an automatic home confinement sentence for certain nonviolent misdemeanors02/13/13
HB 2037Increasing the minimum sentence for maliciously assaults a government representative02/13/13
HB 2040Providing that when a person from another state writes a worthless check in this state which results in a summons to appear in magistrate court but then fails to appear shall have his or her privilege to drive in this state revoked02/13/13
HB 2041Changing the time for periodic valuations and assessments of real and personal property02/13/13
HB 2049Eliminating eligibility for parole for certain criminal offenses02/13/13
HB 2051Requiring a preliminary breath analysis for the purpose of determining the blood alcohol content of a surviving driver02/13/13
HB 2058Providing for the temporary detention of criminal suspects by law-enforcement officers where probable cause appears to exist02/13/13
HB 2059Mandatory funding of community corrections programs02/13/13
HB 2061Requiring operators to post a bond for each well and to condition the release of the bond02/13/13
HB 2062Studying the environmental and health impacts of shale gas development02/13/13
HB 2064Requiring a driller or owner of a natural gas well who contaminates a groundwater aquifer to remediate the aquifer until it meets the standards of the Clean Water Act02/13/13
HB 2065Relating to ground water contamination and spills associated with the stimulation of wells using the fracking process02/13/13
HB 2066Requiring the posting of material data safety sheets and documentation of fracking fluid components02/13/13
HB 2071Relating to procedures for writs of execution, suggestions and suggestee executions relating to child support and spousal support, and increasing the statute of limitations02/13/13
HB 2077Providing a three percent cap on any increase in assessment on real property that is the primary residence02/13/13
HB 2079Providing for an extension of limitations to file a civil action for a claim of sexual abuse against a minor02/13/13
HB 2080Requiring community corrections performance measurement standards for agencies responsible for supervising individuals placed on probation, serving a period of parole02/13/13
HB 2082Prohibiting a cheif deputy sheriff from engaging in certain political activities02/13/13
HB 2084Providing forensic evaluators with civil immunity for acts committed by the subject of the evaluation02/13/13
HB 2089Uniform Premarital Agreement Act02/13/13
HB 2091Relating to election complaint procedure02/13/13
HB 2092Adding certain sanctions for violations of probation and parole02/13/13
HB 2096Relating to the remediation and disclosure of clandestine drug laboratories02/13/13
HB 2100Adding one family court judge to the twenty-third family court circuit02/13/13
HB 2104Allowing quarterly payment of real and personal property taxes02/13/13
HB 2105Making it a misdemeanor to make more than three separate calls to 911 for nonemergency health concerns02/13/13
HB 2106Making English the official language of West Virginia02/13/13
HB 2110Providing that visitation to a grandparent shall consist of a minimum of one visit a month02/13/13
HB 2114Relating to revocation of current and future horizontal well permits02/13/13
HB 2120Prohibiting the publication of the consideration paid for the sale of real estate or the amount of any lien on the real property subject to the sale02/13/13
HB 2135Permitting those individuals who have been issued concealed weapons permits to keep loaded firearms in their motor vehicles on the State Capitol Complex grounds02/22/13
HB 2136Providing landowners of property adjacent to proposed well sites copies of the application, the erosion and sediment control plan02/13/13
HB 2137Enacting zoning ordinances that regulate drilling and hydraulic fracturing activity02/13/13
HB 2138Permitting mineral owners and producers to negotiate a new lease under certain conditions02/13/13
HB 2139Relating to assignment of cases to private attorneys by bid02/13/13
HB 2140Allowing certain vehicles for emergency response by West Virginia police reserves to use red flashing lights02/13/13
HB 2146Relating to conduct and circumstances of child abuse02/13/13
HB 2152Requiring flowback plans for all work on oil and gas wells02/13/13
HB 2155Making grants from state and other funds to provide civil legal services to low income persons02/13/13
HB 2156Providing criminal penalties for the intentional defacement of public and private property due to graffiti02/13/13
HB 2164Providing rehabilitation treatment programs to inmates imprisoned in any jail02/13/13
HB 2166Modifying the bonding requirement for closing-out sales02/13/13
HB 2167Creating the misdemeanor offense for child neglect resulting in a substantial risk of bodily injury02/13/13
HB 2172Redefining the term "public record" as it is used in the Freedom of Information Act02/13/13
HB 2176Relating to interconnection and net-metering of customer-generators of renewable energy02/13/13
HB 2178Authorizing licensing boards to require applicants to submit to criminal background checks02/20/13
HB 2179Relating to absentee ballot fraud02/13/13
HB 2181Creating a juvenile sex offender registration02/13/13
HB 2183Requiring all final actions by the Department of Environmental Protection regarding coal mine permits to be completed within six months02/13/13
HB 2184Requiring review and approval of final settlements of Workers' Compensation awards02/13/13
HB 2188Requiring DNA testing for individuals arrested for certain offenses02/13/13
HB 2189Creating a magistrate court deputy clerk for Mineral county02/13/13
HB 2192Increasing parental liability for the willful, malicious or criminal acts of their juvenile children02/13/13
HB 2195Providing for the seizure of assets and other real property used for the exploitation of children02/13/13
HB 2196Requiring registration and updating to the sex offender registration02/13/13
HB 2198Relating to polygraph examinations required as a condition of supervision for certain sex offenders02/13/13
HB 2199Increasing the salaries of magistrates who serve populations of eight thousand four hundred or more02/13/13
HB 2201Relating to child abuse and neglect02/13/13
HB 2210Relating to energy efficiency for electric and gas utilities and their customers02/13/13
HB 2211Imposing advanced recovery fees on consumers for the purchase of electronic devices02/13/13
HB 2212Adding a magistrate to Monongalia County02/13/13
HB 2215Requiring a voter to present an identifying document which contains the name, address and a photograph of that person02/13/13
HB 2216Preserving the rights of individuals guaranteed by the West Virginia Constitution and the United States Constitution when deciding the comity of a legal decision in a foreign country02/13/13
HB 2220Prohibiting sex offenders from residing in certain areas and subjecting convicted sex offenders to global positional system monitoring02/13/13
HB 2225Creating a procedure by which the Governor or other elected member of the Board of Public Works can declare themselves disabled or unavailable02/13/13
HB 2245Requiring the use of helmets by skateboarders02/13/13
HB 2251Providing for the payment of unemployment compensation when a person misses work due to domestic violence02/13/13
HB 2254Requiring an emergency, temporary and permanent water supply when gas and oil operations have resulted in contamination, diminution or interruption02/13/13
HB 2255Studying injection induced seismic activity associated with to horizontal well drilling and waste injection02/13/13
HB 2256Establishing a cradle to grave monitoring system for withdrawals of water used in the development of natural wells02/13/13
HB 2257Creating a publicly accessible database of information relevant to all horizontally drilled wells02/13/13
HB 2258Requiring the center of all new gas wells to be more than one thousand feet from water wells or six hundred twenty-five feet from the edge of the well pad02/13/13
HB 2259Requiring persons giving testimony or providing information to the Legislature to attest to the truthfulness of the testimony02/13/13
HB 2260Prohibiting the drilling of horizontal oil and gas wells beneath abandoned wells02/13/13
HB 2262Requiring operators of natural gas wells and surface owners to enter into surface use agreements02/13/13
HB 2263Permitting surface owners to receive a two percent royalty for minerals extracted02/13/13
HB 2264Disclosing to surface owners the impact the mineral extraction will have on the surface owner02/13/13
HB 2269Making it a crime for preventing an individual from calling emergency service personnel02/13/13
HB 2270Increasing the effective period for domestic violence protective orders02/13/13
HB 2272Requiring the voter to mark the location necessary to indicate that a write-in vote is to be cast02/13/13
HB 2273Limiting the liability of military personnel who respond to local emergencies and calls for assistance02/13/13
HB 2278Protecting nonfamily or nonhousehold members from sexual offenses, stalking and harassment02/13/13
HB 2287Increasing the jurisdictional amount in controversy in Magistrate Courts02/13/13
HB 2292Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to remediate any waste tire pile in the state consisting of more than twenty-five tires02/13/13
HB 2293Reducing from six months to three months the period of delinquency for failure to meet an obligation to pay support to a minor02/13/13
HB 2294Relating to the transport and storage of firearms in private vehicles02/13/13
HB 2296Establishing a bill of rights for children in foster care02/13/13
HB 2297Establishing a bill of rights for foster parents02/13/13
HB 2298Providing guidance for prosecuting attorneys in cases involving abused and neglected children02/13/13
HB 2299Requiring certain insurance companies to participate in information data matches with the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement02/13/13
HB 2300Regulating the use of the internet by children02/13/13
HB 2304Adding oil and gas facilities, wells, pipelines and tanks to the coordinated statewide program of air pollution prevention02/13/13
HB 2308Relating to the excise tax on the privilege of transferring real property and using the tax to reimburse counties for regional jail fees02/13/13
HB 2310Adding a circuit court judge for the 5th Judicial Circuit02/13/13
HB 2311Permitting the state to opt out of a federal statute that would otherwise not allow a state resident who has been convicted of a felony involving a controlled substance from receiving certain benefits02/13/13
HB 2318Relating to competency and criminal responsibility of persons charged or convicted of a crime02/13/13
HB 2324Increasing the minimum prison sentence for a parent or guardian or custodian who abuses a child02/13/13
HB 2325Authorizing immediate discharge and transportation to a regional jail for aggressive and violent behavior of persons committed to state hospitals02/13/13
HB 2336Removing the receipt of an annuity, pension or other retirement pay as a disqualification for unemployment compensation benefits02/13/13
HB 2337Creating the criminal offense of online impersonation02/13/13
HB 2338Requiring a convicted sex offender who volunteers for an organization whose volunteers have contact with minors to inform that organization of his or her conviction02/13/13
HB 2347Establishing a returnable beverage container deposit program02/13/13
HB 2350Relating to voting procedures02/13/13
HB 2366Clarifying procedures for protection of graves and burial sites02/13/13
HB 2374Eliminating eligibility for parole for the offenses of abuse, neglect or death of an incapacitated adult, murder of a child by a parent, guardian or custodian by refusal to supply necessities02/13/13
HB 2381Allowing the use of low-speed vehicles on roads in municipalities with speed limits over twenty-five miles per hour and less than thirty-five03/21/13
HB 2382Relating to the Fire Prevention and Control Act02/13/13
HB 2383Relating generally to requiring health insurance coverage of maternity and contraceptive services in certain circumstances03/27/13
HB 2387Relating to the West Virginia Fair Housing Act02/13/13
HB 2391Relating to actions brought for damages for injuries suffered in a nursing home02/13/13
HB 2401Requiring the Department of Health and Human Resources to reimburse the circuit clerk of the county where involuntary commitment hearings are held for certain expenses02/13/13
HB 2405Redistricting of the House of Delegates into one hundred single member districts after the 2020 census02/13/13
HB 2407Eliminating the third offense conviction of shoplifting and its corresponding felony penalty02/13/13
HB 2408Requiring all state boards, commissions, committees or councils to be gender balanced and to have proportionate representation of minorities02/13/13
HB 2409Relating to child welfare02/13/13
HB 2410Prohibiting declination, cancellation or nonrenewal of a property insurance policy if the insured does not file a claim relating to the loss or damage to insured property02/13/13
HB 2413Compensating all state magistrates, magistrate assistants, magistrate court clerks equally02/13/13
HB 2419Relating to dual liner requirements02/13/13
HB 2424Relating to automatic revocation of a will upon legal separation and excluding from the definition of "surviving spouse"02/13/13
HB 2427West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act02/13/13
HB 2428Relating to the Community Corrections Performance Incentive02/13/13
HB 2435Relating to severance taxes collected for privilege of producing oil or natural gas02/14/13
HB 2437Exempting of certain public safety training courses from payment of consumer sales tax02/14/13
HB 2438Certified Legal Assistant Act02/14/13
HB 2442Requiring every internment or grave to identify the decedents' identity02/14/13
HB 2446Creating the crime of soliciting a minor02/14/13
HB 2447Requiring that advertising must identify candidates' party affiliation02/14/13
HB 2448Authorizing trusts to be applicants for a nonintoxicating beer distributor license and adding limited liability companies to the definition of person in the Nonintoxicating Beer Act02/14/13
HB 2449Requiring a landlord address issues of the accumulation of moisture and the growth of mold02/14/13
HB 2452Relating to extended family visitation02/14/13
HB 2454Making it a crime to interfere with a member of the Legislature02/14/13
HB 2459Permitting certain holders of concealed weapons permits to carry weapons of the grounds and buildings on the State Capitol Complex02/14/13
HB 2465Creating a uniform regulation of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories02/14/13
HB 2466Requiring that medical treatment and prescription medications be continued throughout the appeal process in Workers' Compensation claims02/14/13
HB 2472Increasing the speed limit from 60 mph to 70 mph on a specific section of I-7703/07/13
HB 2473Requiring all state activities and records to be in English02/15/13
HB 2478Requiring persons incarcerated for sex offenses to register as such at the time they are incarcerated02/15/13
HB 2479Relating to the nonpartisan elections of justices of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals and circuit court judges02/15/13
HB 2480Including additional information on the sex offender registry02/15/13
HB 2481Changing the way that the cost of incarcerating inmates in regional jails is collected02/15/13
HB 2483Creating the felony offense of possession of one gram or more of cocaine02/15/13
HB 2486Limiting the amount a property reappraisal can increase02/15/13
HB 2489Relating to official misconduct by a public officer or employee02/15/13
HB 2495Requiring participation in a drug treatment program for all drug offenders02/15/13
HB 2499Eliminating good time for persons convicted of sex crimes involving minor children02/15/13
HB 2500Increasing the penalty for driving under the influence causing death02/15/13
HB 2504Relating to firearms02/15/13
HB 2507Jobs Impact Statement Act02/15/13
HB 2520Proscribing juveniles from manufacturing, possessing, and distributing nude or partially nude images of minors02/18/13
HB 2527Creating a drug testing program for applicants and recipients of temporary assistance for needy families cash benefits03/28/13
HB 2530Relating to reciprocity for psychologists, social workers, professional counselors and marriage and family therapists02/22/13
HB 2547Repealing provisions establishing a system for the issuance of personal safety orders02/19/13
HB 2549Increasing salaries of those magistrates and their staffs whose salaries were reduced02/19/13
HB 2552Providing an exception to magistrates and municipal court judges from the requirement of having a license to carry a concealed weapon02/19/13
HB 2558Removing the "grandfather" clause that excepts municipal ordinances limiting the purchase, possession, transfer, ownership, carrying, transporting, selling or storing of guns or ammunition02/28/13
HB 2565Providing official ballot status to a political party that received at least one per cent of the votes02/20/13
HB 2572Clarifying circumstances under which a person may possess certain firearms while afield hunting02/20/13
HB 2574Relating to the right of an owner of real estate to set aside a tax deed02/20/13
HB 2580Providing that all future federal, state and local statutes, ordinances, laws, orders and rules concerning firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition and their accouterments are invalid and unenforceable02/21/13
HB 2582Relating to the liability of a possessor of real property02/21/13
HB 2589Repeals the section requiring a license to sell drug paraphernalia03/12/13
HB 2593Establishing a water quality-based effluent limit for selenium discharges02/21/13
HB 2595Relating to the death penalty for first degree murder02/21/13
HB 2597Creating the Intrastate Coal and Use Act03/21/13
HB 2602Providing full faith and credit to nonresidents who have permits or licenses to carry handguns in their states02/22/13
HB 2605Relating to the time final wages are required to be paid to discharged employees02/22/13
HB 2610Authorizing the Office of Administrative Hearings to promulgate a legislative rule relating to appeal procedures02/25/13
HB 2611Authorizing the Commissioner of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to animal disease control03/29/13
HB 2612Authorizing the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the procedures, criteria and curricula for examination and licensure03/29/13
HB 2613Authorizing the Consolidated Public Retirement Board to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the West Virginia State Police03/22/13
HB 2614Authorizing the Board of Dental Examiners to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the Board03/29/13
HB 2615Board of Dental Examiners, relating to the expanded duties of dental hygienists and dental assistants03/29/13
HB 2616Department of Environmental Protection, permits for construction and major modification of major stationary sources02/25/13
HB 2617Department of Environmental Protection, standards of performance for new stationary sources02/25/13
HB 2618Department of Environmental Protection, control of air pollution from the combustion of solid waste02/25/13
HB 2619Department of Environmental Protection, control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities02/25/13
HB 2620Department of Environmental Protection, relating to requirements for operating permits02/25/13
HB 2621Department of Environmental Protection, emission standards for hazardous air pollutants02/25/13
HB 2622Department of Environmental Protection, hazardous waste administrative proceedings and civil penalty assessment02/25/13
HB 2623Department of Environmental Protection, water pollution control permit fee schedules03/19/13
HB 2624Department of Environmental Protection, WV/NPDES regulations for coal mining facilities02/25/13
HB 2625Development Office, use of coalbed methane severance tax proceeds03/19/13
HB 2627Department of Health and Human Resources, Grade "A" pasturized milk03/07/13
HB 2628Department of Health and Human Resources, regulation of opioid treatment programs03/14/13
HB 2629Division of Labor, Crane Operator Certification Act - practical examination03/07/13
HB 2630Division of Natural Resources, relating to special boating03/07/13
HB 2631Division of Natural Resources, defining the terms used in all hunting and trapping rules03/07/13
HB 2632Division of Natural Resources, prohibitions when hunting and trapping03/14/13
HB 2633Division of Natural Resources, general trapping03/07/13
HB 2634Division of Natural Resources, special waterfowl hunting03/07/13
HB 2635Division of Natural Resources, special fishing03/14/13
HB 2636Racing Commission, greyhound racing03/19/13
HB 2637Racing Commission, legislative rule relating to pari-mutuel wagering03/19/13
HB 2638Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, renewal of licensure - qualifications for renewal03/29/13
HB 2639Board of Social Work, rule relating to applications03/29/13
HB 2640Board of Social Work, continuing education for social workers and providers03/29/13
HB 2641Board of Social Work, code of ethics03/29/13
HB 2642Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, licensure of speech-pathology and audiology03/29/13
HB 2643Department of Administration, selecting design-builders under the Design-Build Procurement Act03/22/13
HB 2644Department of Administration, state owned vehicles03/22/13
HB 2645Commissioner of Agriculture, poultry litter and manure movement into primary poultry breeder rearing areas03/29/13
HB 2646Board of Architects, registration of architects03/29/13
HB 2647Athletic Commission, mixed martial arts03/08/13
HB 2648Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists, barber apprenticeships03/29/13
HB 2649Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists, operational standards for schools of barbering and beauty culture03/29/13
HB 2650Broadband Deployment Council, broadband deployment grants programs03/19/13
HB 2651Conservation Committee, relating to the operation of the West Virginia State Conservation Committee and conservation districts03/29/13
HB 2653Consolidated Public Retirement Board, benefit determination and appeal03/22/13
HB 2654Consolidated Public Retirement Board, Teachers' Retirement System03/22/13
HB 2655Consolidated Public Retirement Board, Public Employees Retirement System03/22/13
HB 2656Board of Dental Examiners, practitioner requirements for accessing the West Virginia controlled substances monitoring program database03/29/13
HB 2657Board of Dental Examiners, continuing education requirements03/29/13
HB 2658Department of Environmental Protection, rule relating to horizontal well development02/25/13
HB 2659Department of Environmental Protection, covered electronic devices recycling02/25/13
HB 2660State Fire Commission, state building code03/26/13
HB 2661State Fire Commission, volunteer firefighters' training, equipment and operating standards03/26/13
HB 2662Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction, relating to the protocol for law enforcement response to stalking03/26/13
HB 2663Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction, relating to the protocol for law enforcement response to child abuse and neglect03/26/13
HB 2664Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority to promulgate a legislative rule relating to rules for use of the facility03/29/13
HB 2665Department of Health and Human Resources, regulation of opioid treatment programs03/21/13
HB 2667Department of Health and Human Resources, minimum licensing requirements for residential child care and treatment facilities for children and transitioning adults03/12/13
HB 2668Health Care Authority, West Virginia Health Information Network03/07/13
HB 2669Department of Health and Human Resources, relating to pulse oximetry newborn testing02/28/13
HB 2670Department of Health and Human Resources, general sanitation03/12/13
HB 2671Department of Health and Human Resources, fees for services03/07/13
HB 2672Department of Health and Human Resources, reportable diseases, events and conditions03/07/13
HB 2673Commissioner of Highways, transportation of hazardous wastes upon the roads and highways02/28/13
HB 2674Insurance Commissioner, provider sponsored networks03/07/13
HB 2675Division of Labor, bedding and upholstered furniture03/07/13
HB 2676Division of Labor, Amusement Rides and Amusement Attractions Safety Act03/07/13
HB 2677Division of Labor, supervision of elevator mechanics and apprentices03/07/13
HB 2678Division of Labor, Crane Operator Certification Act03/07/13
HB 2679Lottery Commission, state lottery rules03/19/13
HB 2680Board of Medicine, practitioner requirements for accessing the West Virginia controlled substances monitoring program data base03/29/13
HB 2681Board of Medicine, rule relating to licensure, disciplinary and complaint procedures; continuing education; and physician assistants03/29/13
HB 2682Board of Medicine, continuing education for physicians and podiatrists03/29/13
HB 2683Board of Miners Training, Education and Certification, standards for certification of coal mine electricians03/07/13
HB 2684Division of Motor Vehicles, rule relating to the denial, suspension, revocation, disqualification, restriction, nonrenewal, cancellation, administrative appeals and reinstatement of motor vehicle operating privileges03/07/13
HB 2685Division of Natural Resources, special motorboating03/07/13
HB 2686Division of Natural Resources, deer hunting03/14/13
HB 2687Division of Natural Resources, legislative rule relating to falconry03/14/13
HB 2688Board of Optometry, continuing education03/12/13
HB 2690Board of Osteopathic Medicine, licensing procedures for osteopathic physicians03/29/13
HB 2691Board of Osteopathic Medicine, osteopathic physician assistants03/29/13
HB 2692Board of Osteopathic Medicine, relating to practitioner requirements for controlled substances licensure and accessing the West Virginia controlled substances monitoring program database03/29/13
HB 2693Board of Pharmacy, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine control03/29/13
HB 2694Board of Pharmacy, controlled substances monitoring03/29/13
HB 2695Division of Protective Services, contracted police or security services03/26/13
HB 2696Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, requirements for licensure and certification03/29/13
HB 2697Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses, services rendered by the Board and supplemental renewal fee for the center for nursing03/29/13
HB 2698Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses, practitioner requirements for accessing the West Virginia controlled substances monitoring program database03/29/13
HB 2699Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses, announcement of advanced practice03/29/13
HB 2700Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses, relating to limited prescriptive authority for nurses in advanced practice03/29/13
HB 2701Secretary of State, Uniform Commercial Code03/29/13
HB 2702Secretary of State, administration of the address confidentiality program03/29/13
HB 2703Secretary of State, regulation of political party headquarters financing03/29/13
HB 2704Secretary of State, regulation of late voter registration03/29/13
HB 2705Bureau of Senior Services, in-home care worker registry02/28/13
HB 2706Board of Social Work, qualifications for the profession social work03/29/13
HB 2707Board of Social Work, fee schedule03/29/13
HB 2708State Tax Department, valuation of commercial and industrial real and personal property for ad valorem property tax purposes03/19/13
HB 2709Treasurer's Office, enforcement of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act03/29/13
HB 2710Board of Veterinary Medicine, organization and operation and licensing of veterinarians03/29/13
HB 2711Board of Veterinary Medicine, schedule of fees03/29/13
HB 2712Racing Commission, thoroughbred racing03/19/13
HB 2713Board of Optometry, expanded therapeutic procedures certificates03/29/13
HB 2714Department of Health and Human Resources, chronic pain management clinic licensure03/19/13
HB 2720Requiring the closing hours of private clubs to be two o'clock a.m.02/25/13
HB 2721West Virginia Religious Freedom Restoration Act02/25/13
HB 2723Relating to bail bond surcharge02/25/13
HB 2726Reforming aspects of the criminal justice system to improve public safety and address the growing prison overcrowding and substance abuse problems02/26/13
HB 2732Freedom From Unwarranted Surveillance Act02/26/13
HB 2734Making it illegal for anyone to photograph a corpse except for certain legitimate purposes02/26/13
HB 2736Relating to elections and write-in candidates02/26/13
HB 2737Work/Incarceration Prison pilot program02/26/13
HB 2742Providing for the redistricting office of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to propose redistricting plans during census years02/26/13
HB 2748Requiring the reporting and publication of all compensation, including the source of that compensation, paid to lobbyists02/27/13
HB 2750Updating and revising the law governing the practice of dentistry03/13/13
HB 2755Relating to certified professional midwives03/14/13
HB 2757"Felicity's Law"02/27/13
HB 2758Relating to eyewitness identification02/27/13
HB 2771Relating to elections03/01/13
HB 2772Permitting motorcyclists and bicyclists to safely proceed through a traffic light if they have waited a minimum of two minutes03/07/13
HB 2774Relating to the effects of a criminal conviction and incarceration on a municipal officer03/01/13
HB 2777Relating to Public Defender Services03/01/13
HB 2781Relating to juvenile proceedings03/01/13
HB 2782Relating generally to personal safety orders03/01/13
HB 2783Relating generally to the powers of family court judges03/01/13
HB 2788Requiring that all attorneys employed by the State of West Virginia in legal positions paying $100,000 or more must have a license to practice law in the state03/01/13
HB 2791Exempting licensed surveyors from liability for defamation or slander of title03/01/13
HB 2796Requiring lobbyists to disclose compensation agreements03/01/13
HB 2804Creating enhanced criminal penalties for assaults or batteries against pregnant women03/04/13
HB 2810Clarifying the statutory restrictions placed on sex offenders03/04/13
HB 2811Prohibiting convicted felons from holding certain employment positions03/04/13
HB 2820Prohibiting a person convicted of a sexual offense against a child from being on school property without written permission03/05/13
HB 2824Relating to procedures and protections for child witnesses in domestic relations03/05/13
HB 2828Relating to the crime of soliciting or attempting to solicit a child into a motor vehicle near a school03/05/13
HB 2829Relating to the nomination and election of magistrates03/21/13
HB 2832Creating the "Firearm Protection Act"03/05/13
HB 2834Exempting valid nonprofit organizations from licensing requirements of the West Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority during certain events03/06/13
HB 2839Relating to payment of employees separated from payroll before paydays03/06/13
HB 2843Relating to comparative fault03/06/13
HB 2844Creating the Jobs Impact Statement Act03/06/13
HB 2845Ensuring that persons convicted of felony, treason and bribery in an election are not allowed to run for any elective office03/06/13
HB 2853Increasing the amount of certain exemptions of property in bankruptcy proceedings03/06/13
HB 2857Relating to vacancies for elected officials03/07/13
HB 2863Relating to the preparation and sale of voter registration lists03/07/13
HB 2865Relating to electronic registration of voters03/07/13
HB 2868Relating to daily passenger rental car business03/27/13
HB 2869Providing for judges and magistrates of West Virginia Courts to carry concealed firearms03/08/13
HB 2871Providing that West Virginia will not participate in the REAL ID Act of 200503/08/13
HB 2876Requiring that legislative rules be reviewed five years after initial approval by the Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee and the Legislative Auditor's Office03/08/13
HB 2881Requiring photograph on voter's registration card03/08/13
HB 2884Relating to the Freedom of Information Act03/08/13
HB 2885Prohibiting the use of the name or likeness of elected or appointed officials on publicly-owned vehicles03/08/13
HB 2889Recognizing the right of judges and magistrates of West Virginia Courts who are licensed to carry a concealed weapon to carry a concealed firearm in court buildings03/11/13
HB 2892Changing the number of strikes in jury selection in felony cases03/11/13
HB 2894Allowing the Division of Corrections and Regional Jail Authority employees who are authorized to carry a weapon to carry concealed weapons03/11/13
HB 2901Relating to juvenile proceedings03/12/13
HB 2907Relating to property crimes committed against coal mines and other industrial facilities03/12/13
HB 2911Exempting records of concealed weapon license applications and issuance from disclosure under the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act03/12/13
HB 2917Making it an unfair trade practice to refuse to refill a propane gas tank03/13/13
HB 2927Relating to publication of list of delinquent real estate03/13/13
HB 2935Increasing certain penalties under the child pornography law to make them similar to those imposed under federal law03/14/13
HB 2936Relating to the regulation of fireworks03/22/13
HB 2939Modifying the definition of "battery" and "domestic battery"03/14/13
HB 2941Relating to the maintenance of voter registration lists and related records03/14/13
HB 2942Prohibiting public officials and employees from using public funds for self promotion03/14/13
HB 2944Permitting the sale of nonintoxicating beer within a certain distance from a church that consents to the sale03/14/13
HB 2947Permitting surface owners to purchase the mineral interests that lay below the property in certain circumstances03/15/13
HB 2948Freedom From Unwarranted Surveillance Act03/15/13
HB 2949Making it illegal for a manufacturer, winery, farm winery or supplier to deliver wine to a distributor without having an equitable franchise agreement03/15/13
HB 2951Providing enhanced criminal and civil protections to individuals who use force in protecting themselves, their property or others03/15/13
HB 2965Cleaning up outdated language in article one, chapter three of the West Virginia Code03/19/13
HB 2967Prohibiting the publication of the identities of persons who have been issued licenses to carry a concealed deadly weapon03/19/13
HB 2969Relating to poultry inspection exemptions03/21/13
HB 2978Relating to wages for construction of public improvements03/19/13
HB 2980Updating existing code language concerning absentee and early in-person voting03/19/13
HB 2981Providing that historical reenactors are not violating the provision prohibiting unlawful military organizations03/21/13
HB 2984Relating to assessment of real property03/19/13
HB 2985Authorizing attorney fees and costs to the prevailing party in a court case in which adverse possession is asserted03/19/13
HB 2987Relating to methadone and treatment program required reports03/21/13
HB 2989Creating a system for the bifurcation for trial of claims for compensatory and exemplary damages03/20/13
HB 2990Relating to insurance or other security required for registration or operation of a motor vehicle03/27/13
HB 2991Providing that a wine retailer may be licensed as a retail dealer in nonintoxicating beer for the limited purpose of selling nonintoxicating beer at the same festival or fair03/20/13
HB 2997Prohibiting the use of unmanned aircraft03/20/13
HB 3001Requiring a composite soil sampling and testing be performed on the ground area underneath a pit or impoundment after it has been drained03/20/13
HB 3010Limiting the use of credit information in connection with the declination and termination of property insurance03/20/13
HB 3012Relating to the nonpartisan election of justices to the Supreme Court of Appeals beginning in 201403/20/13
HB 3022Relating to the sale of certain beer, wine and liquor03/21/13
HB 3024Granting county commissions advice and consent authority with respect to the discharge of county employees03/27/13
HB 3029Providing a procedure for West Virginia to select delegates to an Article V convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America03/21/13
HB 3032Relating to the regulation and control of elections03/21/13
HB 3037Relating to the form of trust deeds03/21/13
HB 3038Changing the way that the cost of incarcerating inmates in regional jails is collected03/21/13
HB 3039Relating to the right of the landlord of commercial premises to terminate the lease under certain circumstances03/21/13
HB 3045Eliminating specific statutory restrictions on outdoor advertisement03/22/13
HB 3046Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to issue a procedural rule to allow surface owners a right to a hearing and appeal03/22/13
HB 3051Relating to fees charged for natural gas drilling waste fluids injected into underground injection control wells03/22/13
HB 3052Exempting from excise taxation the transfer of real property from an individual to a wholly-owned subsidiary03/22/13
HB 3053Relating to the labor-management relations act for the private sector03/22/13
HB 3056Providing a special method for valuation of certain wireless technology property for property taxes03/22/13
HB 3061Relating to the right of a minor to nominate a guardian03/22/13
HB 3066Prohibiting the denial of insurance coverage based on the prohibited use of electronic communications devices03/22/13
HB 3067Relating to limitations of actions and suits03/22/13
HB 3070Relating to bail bond surcharge03/22/13
HB 3071Relating to civil penalties and civil administrative penalties for violations of the Water Pollution Control Act03/22/13
HB 3074Increasing the criminal penalties for the offenses of driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs; "Andrea's Law"03/22/13
HB 3076West Virginia Buy American Act of 201303/25/13
HB 3077Relating to the publication requirements of the administration of estates03/25/13
HB 3079Relating generally to arbitration03/25/13
HB 3084Relating to restricted races at pari-mutuel thoroughbred horse race tracks03/25/13
HB 3087Authorizing the Division of Corrections to implement a responsible parent program pilot project03/25/13
HB 3091Relating to restricted races at pari-mutuel thoroughbred horse race tracks03/25/13
HB 3094Subjecting persons convicted of sexual crimes against a minor to "GPS" monitoring for life03/25/13
HB 3096Increasing the compensation caps for secretary-clerks and case coordinators in the family court system03/25/13
HB 3098Relating to the accountability of a corporation's political activities03/25/13
HB 3099Relating to insurance03/25/13
HB 3101Updating the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act03/25/13
HB 3106Prohibiting the Attorney General from placing his or her name or likeness on trinkets purchased with public moneys, and on public advertising purchased during an election period03/25/13
HB 3107Requiring voters to present identifying documents, issued either by the State of West Virginia or the United States Government that contain the name, address and a photograph of the person desiring to vote03/25/13
HB 3108Relating generally to nursing homes03/28/13
HB 3110Clarifying the powers of the Attorney General to enter into contracts for legal services with attorneys03/25/13
HB 3114Relating to the Freedom of Information Act03/25/13
HB 3117Relating to voter photo identification03/25/13
HB 3118Requiring a change of venue in all criminal matters for which the sentence could be life without mercy and to allow for appeals by current inmates03/25/13
HB 3119Relating to video lottery03/25/13
HB 3123Enhancing protections of the principal under a medical power of attorney and power of attorney03/25/13
HB 3126Providing encouragement to inmates to complete education and treatment programs03/25/13
HB 3130Authorizing a new court to be known as the Intermediate Court of Appeals03/25/13
HB 3131Providing that all persons have the right to be free from violence03/25/13
HB 3132Creating the offense of sexual battery03/25/13
HB 3137Relating to criminal background checks for applicants for home inspectors03/25/13
HB 3140Providing a procedure for the reassessment and classification of Class III or IV real property transferred to persons to be used and occupied by the owner thereof exclusively for residential purpose03/25/13
HB 3141Providing consistency for the location of the Alcohol Beverage Control Administration's appeal hearings03/25/13
HB 3142Relating to eligibility for release on parole of inmates in regional jails that have been committed to prison03/25/13
HB 3146Implementing drug testing for recipients of federal-state and state assistance03/25/13
HB 3151Relating to generally oil and gas conservation03/25/13
HB 3152Relating to the criminal offense of driving a motor vehicle in this state under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs03/25/13
HB 3153Relating to retailer electronic waste collection03/25/13
HB 3154Relating to the expungement of certain felony convictions03/25/13
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