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There are 48 Bills pending in House Roads and Transportation




SB 118Creating I Support Veterans license plate and license plate for fallen law-enforcement officers next-of-kin04/04/13
HB 2004Exempting nonprofit organizations from paying an annual motor vehicle registration fee02/13/13
HB 2025Terminating tolls on the West Virginia Turnpike before 202002/13/13
HB 2070Allowing the use of traffic law photo-monitoring devices02/13/13
HB 2088Including Pine Terrace in Cross Lanes, Kanawha County into the State Road System02/13/13
HB 2093Requiring the Commissioner of Highways to require bonds be posted in connection with major construction, mineral extraction and industrial projects that impact the roads02/13/13
HB 2103Allowing a disabled veteran one additional license plate02/13/13
HB 2122Issuing a special "Family of an Officer Killed in the Line of Duty" license plate02/13/13
HB 2125Giving bicycle, pedestrian and transit ways full consideration in the planning and development and redevelopment of state roads, railways and waterways02/13/13
HB 2126Providing a clear zone in the event that a vehicle is stopped along a highway02/13/13
HB 2127Prohibiting the modification of mufflers resulting in excessive noise levels02/13/13
HB 2149Extending the expiration of driver's licenses for active military members' spouses02/13/13
HB 2151Requiring the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways to use recycled materials in construction or maintenance of roads and highways02/13/13
HB 2157Relating to signage for construction zones02/13/13
HB 2180Exempting from the sales and use tax special equipment installed in a motor vehicle for the use of a person with physical disabilities02/13/13
HB 2312Requiring a photograph on the removable handicap windshield placard02/13/13
HB 2317Relating to the issuance of driver's licenses and disposition02/13/13
HB 2320Giving local authorities the authority to decrease the speed limit on streets and highways where school buses travel in its jurisdiction02/13/13
HB 2345Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue a special license plate for applicants who are hearing impaired02/13/13
HB 2443Exempting antique cars from taxation and fees02/14/13
HB 2458Raising the speed limit for cars and one ton trucks on certain portions of Interstate highways02/14/13
HB 2493Relating to driver's licensing02/15/13
HB 2494Complete Streets Act02/15/13
HB 2506Relating to the tax credit for alternative fuel motor vehicles02/15/13
HB 2511Relating to the funding of transportation public-private partnership projects02/15/13
HB 2528Requiring holders of graduated driver's licenses to pass drug tests02/19/13
HB 2529Reducing the motor fuel excise tax02/19/13
HB 2537Requiring retail establishments offering gasoline or other motor fuel to provide refueling assistance and refueling access to persons with a disability02/19/13
HB 2562Prohibiting the West Virginia Parkways Authority to borrow funds02/20/13
HB 2718Creating the Keyser-McCool Bridge Fund and providing construction of the Keyser-McCool Bridge02/25/13
HB 2719Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue special registration plates that read "In God We Trust"02/25/13
HB 2785Creating the "Safe and Efficient Parkways Act" (SEPA)03/01/13
HB 2798Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue a special "SECOND AMENDMENT" license plate03/01/13
HB 2817Relating generally to use of alternative-fuel motor vehicles03/05/13
HB 2860Providing that a municipality receive no more than $25 from speeding fines03/07/13
HB 2886Relating to the taxation of alternative fuel03/08/13
HB 2914Relating to conformity with the international fuel tax agreement03/12/13
HB 2921Providing an exemption on sales of motor vehicles using natural gas or dual purpose motor vehicles using a combination of gasoline and natural gas03/13/13
HB 2922Issuing of special veterans vanity registration plates for motorcycles03/13/13
HB 2976Creating a fund for pothole repair contributed to by private businesses or entities03/19/13
HB 3025Relating to illuminated flashing yellow signals03/21/13
HB 3033Relating to taxes on motor fuels, aviation fuels and consumer sales and service03/21/13
HB 3041Prohibiting the exclusion, modification or limitation of any warranty or remedy in the sale of used motor vehicles03/21/13
HB 3057Establishing the offense of operating a motor vehicle using a wearable computer with a head-mounted display03/22/13
HB 3100Increasing the minimum amounts of insurance necessary for commercial motor carriers03/25/13
HB 3109Prohibiting a person from driving in the passing lane of a highway when not passing another vehicle under certain circumstances03/25/13
HB 3127Providing discounted motor vehicle registration fees for members of volunteer fire departments03/25/13
HB 3148Creating the "ATV and UTV Recreation Act"03/25/13
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