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Delegate Kelly, J. sponsored 31 bills:


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HB 2342 Establishing and implementing a program to require bonding sufficient to reclaim abandoned wind generation facilities and solar generation facilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/05/21 
HB 2581 Providing for the valuation of natural resources property and an alternate method of appeal of proposed valuation of natural resources property Signed  Effective from passage - (April 10, 2021)
HB 2598 Altering the definition of an above ground storage tank Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/12/21 
HB 2671 Relating to financial exploitation of elderly persons, protected persons or incapacitated adults Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2021)
HB 2710 Providing counties the power to establish a county sales tax under certain circumstances Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/23/21 
HB 2711 Permitting persons who are twenty-one years of age or older to operate or be a passenger on a motorcycle without a helmet Pending  House T&I Committee  02/23/21 
HB 2712 Modifying the school calendar to begin not earlier than September 1 and end no later than June 7 Pending  House Education Committee  02/23/21 
HB 2722 Prohibiting the use of class B fire-fighting foam for testing purposes if the foam contains a certain class of fluorinated organic chemicals Signed  Effective July 1, 2021
HB 2727 Providing a special license plate for homeland security individuals Pending  House T&I Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2734 Require all athletes to perform in sport of the sex they were born Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2748 Modifying the school calendar to begin not earlier than September 1 and end no later than June 1 Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2791 Relating to enrollment and costs of homeschooled or private school students at vocational schools Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 4, 2021)
HB 2792 Relating to the expansion of direct access to natural gas service for new customers Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/26/21 
HB 2798 Relating to requiring the Health Department to mandate mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 (MPS1) test for newborn babies, to be known as Embie’s Law Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/11/21 
HB 2835 Requiring the construction, development, acquisition or other establishment of an alcohol or drug treatment facility and drug and alcohol treatment services to obtain a certificate of need Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/02/21 
HB 2842 Preventing cities from banning utility companies in city limits Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2021)
HB 2852 Relating to distribution of the allowance for increased enrollment Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 30, 2021)
HB 2853 Provide for the unitization of interests in drilling units in connection with shallow horizontal oil or gas wells Pending  House ENG Committee  03/02/21 
HB 2874 Extend the current veteran’s business fee waivers to active duty military members and spouses Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 6, 2021)
HB 2884 To make changes to the FOIA law to protect public utility customer databases from disclosure, with exceptions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 8, 2021)
HB 2959 Relating to the financing of environmental pollution control equipment for coal-fired power plants Pending    2nd Reading  04/10/21 
HB 2973 To modify the teacher retirement system so that Tier 2 teachers may use annual/sick leave towards retirement Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  03/08/21 
HB 2979 Creating a tax credit for a manufacturer or power generating facility in West Virginia that purchases and uses coal, oil or gas Pending  House ENG Committee  03/08/21 
HB 2990 Requiring that any municipality or county commission intending to approve a location for a video lottery retailer must first announce their intention to do so and hold a public hearing Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/09/21 
HB 3009 Relating to the publication of county board financial statements Pending    2nd Reading  04/10/21 
HB 3082 Stabilizing funding sources for the DEP Division of Air Quality Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/31/21 
HB 3084 Providing commercial discrimination of producers of coal, gas, oil, carbon-based energy, and other products in the State of West Virginia Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  03/12/21 
HB 3089 Make utility workers essential employees during a state of emergency Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2021)
HB 3146 Relating to the review of certain executive orders issued by the President of the United States Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/21 
HB 3159 Relating to Consumer Data Privacy Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/21 
HB 3281 To put cable television network providers under the purview of the PSC for any rate increases or reductions of channels available to customers Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/16/21 
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