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There are 125 Bills pending in House Education




SB 15Relating generally to in-field master’s degree02/19/21
SB 36Relating to WV Secondary School Activities Commission audits03/23/21
SB 588Requiring county boards of education and county superintendents to comply with instructions of State Board of Education03/30/21
HB 2033Establishing matrix necessary for an institution of higher education to become exempt from the Higher Education Policy Commission02/10/21
HB 2039Expunging records of unsubstantiated complaints made by the Department of Health and Human Resources against teachers02/10/21
HB 2040Adopting and implementing a “Heat and Humidity Practice Policy” for all interscholastic athletic events02/10/21
HB 2057Establishing the Summer Feeding for All initiative02/10/21
HB 2061Katherine Johnson College Award Program02/10/21
HB 2066Providing school days for registering eligible students to vote and to provide transportation to voting places02/10/21
HB 2067Relating to designation of social workers in the Department of Health and Human Services02/10/21
HB 2070Relating to mandatory drug testing for state legislators and teachers02/10/21
HB 2071Eliminating the requirement that schools be closed on election days02/10/21
HB 2079Providing equitable distribution to county boards of education of reimbursement costs of special needs students02/10/21
HB 2080“Bank Time” used in reaching 180 instructional requirement02/10/21
HB 2084Amend section providing for waiver of tuition and fees for older persons auditing certain college classes.02/10/21
HB 2089Defining a work day for school service personnel and removing a provision relating to employment of licensed practical nurses02/10/21
HB 2092Requiring each high school student to complete a full credit course of study in personal finance02/10/21
HB 2109Relating to vocational and technical education programs02/10/21
HB 2110Relating to senior citizens attending college classes at state institutions without receiving college credit02/10/21
HB 2118Providing school days to register and transport eligible students to vote02/10/21
HB 2141Relating to participation in school sports02/10/21
HB 2143Declaring a shortage of qualified bus operators and allowing retired bus operators to accept employment02/10/21
HB 2144Modifying the definitions and pay grades of certain school cafeteria personnel02/10/21
HB 2152Requiring test in civics to graduate high school or obtain GED02/10/21
HB 2155Creating three separate job titles for school bus operators02/10/21
HB 2157Forbidding displays relating to sexuality in public school facilities and forbidding the teaching of sexuality in public schools02/10/21
HB 2161Relating to the removal of standardized testing in public schools02/10/21
HB 2206Discontinuing the use of common core standards and assessments in the state02/10/21
HB 2210Exempting personal income earned by individuals working as teachers at primary and secondary schools from personal income tax02/10/21
HB 2214Home Instruction Tax Relief Act02/10/21
HB 2233Coordinating a plan to provide the first two years of post-secondary education for free02/10/21
HB 2243West Virginia Saving Money and Reducing Time Prize Program02/10/21
HB 2245Relating to the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission02/10/21
HB 2268Changing the recommended guidelines for full-day and half-day cooks to the minimum ratio of one cook for every 110 meals02/10/21
HB 2271Requiring compulsory immunization of public school children02/10/21
HB 2279Establishing a higher education scholarship program for foster children02/10/21
HB 2304Changing the school aid formula allowances for instructional technology and for AP and dual credit courses02/12/21
HB 2314Relating to teacher salary enhancement02/12/21
HB 2315Relating to PROMISE Scholarship Program requirements02/12/21
HB 2320Relating to mandatory drug testing of all classes of employees in K through 12 schools02/12/21
HB 2321Education Savings Account Act02/12/21
HB 2341Reducing federal adjusted gross income for interest paid on student loans02/12/21
HB 2357Requiring all schools to instruct students on the Holocaust and other genocides02/12/21
HB 2367Creating the Homeschool Credential Recognition Act02/13/21
HB 2381Authorizing the suspension or dismissal of school personnel who retaliate against a student or parent who has made a complaint02/13/21
HB 2484Relating to relocation or closure of state higher education institutions02/15/21
HB 2486Qualifying not-for-profit private baccalaureate institutions for the Advanced Career Education Programs and the WV Invests Grant Program02/15/21
HB 2487Creating a Campus Mentors pilot program02/15/21
HB 2501Suspend School Aid Funding Formula implementation until budget year 202402/15/21
HB 2506Establish a max ratio of the number employees of the Dept of Education to the number of students02/15/21
HB 2541Requiring seat belts on every new school bus02/16/21
HB 2543Relating to calculation of the school aid formula based on net enrollment02/16/21
HB 2546Relating to education to children and adults housed in correctional facilities and regional jails02/16/21
HB 2547Establishing the “Stay in State” tax credit02/16/21
HB 2555Relating to required courses of instruction02/16/21
HB 2564Requiring free feminine hygiene products in grades 6 through 1202/17/21
HB 2576Creating the Virtual Public Schools Act02/17/21
HB 2577Create the Statewide Online Education Act02/17/21
HB 2583Authorizing student athletes to be compensated for use of their name, image or likeness02/17/21
HB 2584Prohibiting the home schooling of children in certain circumstances02/17/21
HB 2586Expanding the amount of promise scholarship funds awarded to persons majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathematics02/17/21
HB 2604Expand 529 savings plans to include vocational and trade schools02/19/21
HB 2622College Graduate Tax Credit02/19/21
HB 2623Providing a tax credit to encourage new teachers to remain in the state02/19/21
HB 2624Redirecting a percentage of any surplus to state institutions of higher education to restore their state allocation funding levels02/19/21
HB 2637West Virginia Residential Incentive Tax Credit Act02/22/21
HB 2638Granting full time employees of county boards of education three months of paid leave following the birth of a child02/23/21
HB 2641The Young Professional Tax Credits02/23/21
HB 2652Modifying the school calendar02/23/21
HB 2657Relating to the Antihazing Law02/23/21
HB 2659Granting jurisdiction to supervise youth sport league events to county boards of education and the Secondary School Activities Commission02/23/21
HB 2676Relating to participation in athletic events exclusively for males and females02/23/21
HB 2687To prohibit minors from dropping out of high school unless they are emancipated02/23/21
HB 2690To provide that out of school suspensions be considered “excused” absences02/23/21
HB 2704Creating the “Civic Minded Mountaineer Scholarship.”02/23/21
HB 2712Modifying the school calendar to begin not earlier than September 1 and end no later than June 702/23/21
HB 2723Relating to providing taxpayers a deduction for interest paid on qualified education loans to the extent such amount is not allowable as a deduction when arriving at a taxpayer’s federal adjusted gross income02/24/21
HB 2728Require all vaccinations for school attendance be included in the West Virginia code02/24/21
HB 2734Require all athletes to perform in sport of the sex they were born02/24/21
HB 2748Modifying the school calendar to begin not earlier than September 1 and end no later than June 102/24/21
HB 2753Provide programs to educate senior citizens02/24/21
HB 2755Requiring the State Board of Education to provide for the routine education of all professional educators02/24/21
HB 2771Creating the Economic Development Tuition Waiver02/26/21
HB 2815Requiring air conditioning on all school buses03/02/21
HB 2824Relating to public school education assessment of students for dyslexia and dyscalculia03/02/21
HB 2832Protecting political ideas and speech in the hiring process at schools and universities03/02/21
HB 2870Requiring county boards of education to make vocational classes available to private school students of the appropriate grades as space is available.03/03/21
HB 2886Replacing minimum minutes of instructional time required per day with a flexible requirement based upon the completion of classroom or other equivalent work 03/03/21
HB 2917Require anyone participating in high school or middle school sports to play per their biological birth gender03/04/21
HB 2930Require the School Improvement Council appoint two members to a Selection Committee 03/05/21
HB 2937Requiring a vote on school closure or consolidation in certain circumstances03/05/21
HB 2939Clarify “out-of-school” time programs.03/05/21
HB 2949Providing supplemental education through learning pods03/05/21
HB 2978Gun carry allowed on college campuses 03/08/21
HB 2994Relating to the special community development school pilot program03/09/21
HB 2995Create two readily identifiable pathways to better prepare high school students for their chosen career path03/09/21
HB 3006Creating a homeless education coordinator for county schools03/09/21
HB 3017Remove homeschool testing and portfolio requirements03/09/21
HB 3019Creating the Campus Free Expression Act03/09/21
HB 3022The Campus Self Defense Act03/09/21
HB 3048Allow a school district to develop or adopt a program in which the subject of nutrition and exercise education is taught03/10/21
HB 3073Relating to West Virginia Emergency School Food Act03/11/21
HB 3087Allow teachers to retire earlier from public school system to teach in a public charter school03/12/21
HB 3096Requiring county boards of education to publish its sponsored programs and the number of students permitted to participate03/12/21
HB 3110Student Suicide Prevention - ID Cards03/12/21
HB 3111Supporting Students Who Are Parents Act03/12/21
HB 3114Direct West Virginia State Board of Education to require proof of vision examination before child is enrolled in public or private school03/12/21
HB 3125Mandating that teachers receive supplemental pay for compelled teaching outside of established schedule03/12/21
HB 3126Public School Protection Act03/12/21
HB 3150To cap the cost of in-state tuition for West Virginia universities and colleges who receive in state funding03/15/21
HB 3156To ban The Prevalent and Intrusive Chinese Communist Parties Confucius institutions in West Virginia03/15/21
HB 3187Prohibit parents from being restricted from monitoring virtual public education classrooms03/16/21
HB 3190Allow anyone with a master’s degree to sit for WV Bar exam and become licensed attorney03/16/21
HB 3199To establish gender guidelines for public school restrooms03/16/21
HB 3202To allow public high schools to have full time athletic trainers03/16/21
HB 3207Protecting teacher work schedules03/16/21
HB 3221To modify the state special education appropriation to counties for special education students who are wards of the state and who require out of state placement03/16/21
HB 3225Hunger-Free Campus Act03/16/21
HB 3232To establish cultural competency training for teachers obtaining or renewing a teaching license in West Virginia03/16/21
HB 3236Relating to pay for Board of Education members03/16/21
HB 3251Exempting school buses with students on board from paying turnpike tolls03/16/21
HB 3252Establish the Commission on American History Enrichment03/16/21
HB 3271Providing that the WVSSAC promulgate rules relating to the right to broadcast interscholastic athletic events03/16/21
HB 3282Establish caps on the numbers of students per classroom at all grade levels03/16/21
HB 3284To differentiate the roles of public high school teachers03/16/21
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