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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 3 | Relating to registration fees for certain military-related license plates | 01/08/20 |
SB 23 | Creating "Choose Life" special registration plate supporting adoption | 01/08/20 |
SB 30 | Extending expiration of driver's licenses for active military members' spouses | 01/22/20 |
SB 32 | Allowing vehicles operated by certain county boards of education to use red flashing warning lights | 01/08/20 |
SB 34 | Relating generally to emergency vehicles | 01/08/20 |
SB 47 | Relating generally to autocycles | 01/08/20 |
SB 61 | Relating to safety of tow trucks, wreckers, and tilt-bed vehicles | 01/08/20 |
SB 88 | Relating to mobility impairment identifying documents | 01/08/20 |
SB 129 | Authorizing DOH Commissioner or local authorities to establish minimum speed limits in certain areas | 01/08/20 |
SB 148 | Creating Road Maintenance Program | 01/08/20 |
SB 149 | Including emergency response vehicles in single fee EZ Pass transponder program | 01/08/20 |
SB 153 | Allowing certain motorcycle operators to ride without helmet | 01/09/20 |
SB 154 | Allowing certain out-of-state residents ride motorcycle without helmet | 01/09/20 |
SB 162 | Enhancing maintenance and repair of state's roads and highways | 01/09/20 |
SB 216 | Requiring towing services be rotated within a towing district | 01/09/20 |
SB 226 | Providing special obligation notes to finance construction of Interstate 73 and Interstate 74 through WV | 01/09/20 |
SB 237 | Exempting emergency vehicles and private ambulances from paying tolls or other charges | 01/09/20 |
SB 245 | Relating to placement of traffic control devices before and after street and highway construction and maintenance | 01/09/20 |
SB 248 | Repealing additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles | 01/10/20 |
SB 249 | Authorizing law enforcement to make safety inspections of commercial vehicles | 01/10/20 |
SB 258 | Relating to when child passenger safety devices are required | 01/10/20 |
SB 298 | Redefining "autocycle" | 01/10/20 |
SB 315 | Creating Special Road Repair Program | 01/13/20 |
SB 495 | Relating to registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles | 01/15/20 |
SB 497 | Relating to outdoor advertising regulated by Commissioner of Highways | 01/15/20 |
SB 574 | Relating to funding of road construction projects | 01/21/20 |
SB 587 | Mandating escorts for vehicles that exceed maximum width requirements | 01/22/20 |
SB 619 | Relating to motor fuel excise tax | 01/24/20 |
SB 631 | Authorizing Commissioner of Highways designate road as "Historic Route" | 01/27/20 |
SB 695 | Relating to maintenance and repair of roads and highways | 02/04/20 |
SB 736 | Relating to public service districts' laying of certain utility lines on state rights-of-way | 02/07/20 |
SB 761 | Relating generally to state resource enhancement | 02/12/20 |
SB 769 | Prohibiting stopping, standing, or parking in access aisle adjacent to van-accessible parking space | 02/13/20 |
SB 777 | Exempting taxi, limousine, and ride-share company drivers from undergoing background checks for misdemeanor convictions | 02/13/20 |
SB 790 | Simplifying process for listing and decertifying road on Coal Resource Transportation System | 02/14/20 |
SB 815 | Removing residency requirement for Commissioner of DOH | 02/17/20 |
SB 834 | Relating to operation of street-legal special purpose vehicles | 02/17/20 |
HB 2028 | Limiting supervision of laying of lines on state rights-of-way | 02/20/20 |
HB 2679 | Relating to state issued identification cards | 01/20/20 |
HB 2877 | Relating to charging a fee for parking in an accessible parking space bearing the international symbol of access | 01/30/20 |
HB 4853 | Relating to a customer constructing a connection or other infrastructure necessary for the customer to connect to the public utility | 02/26/20 |
HB 4886 | Requiring the PSC and the DOH to submit reports concerning activity on the Coal Resource Transportation Road System | 02/26/20 |