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Bill Status - 2002 Regular Session

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Delegate Campbell sponsored 37 bills:


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HB 2014 Restoring the former training season for hunting dogs in certain counties Pending  House A&N Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2250 Creating a joint legislative committee on technology Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2442 Reducing the blood alcohol content for DUI convictions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2523 Requiring county school boards to employ one school nurse for every one thousand pupils Pending  House Education Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2930 Sales tax exemption for commissions paid to resident travel agents by out-of-state vendors Pending  House Finance Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2940 Relating to the multicounty economic development authority for the counties of Greenbrier, Monroe and Pocahontas Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3039 Relating to the monitoring of nursing home residents through the use of electronic monitoring devices Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3085 Allowing real-time campaign finance filing and disclosure through the internet Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3087 Creating an information network commission Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3088 Requiring state agencies to implement activity-based costing to review their procedures in issuing approvals Pending  House Finance Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3117 Adding county economic development authorities as recipients of hotel occupancy tax proceeds Pending  House Finance Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3210 Increasing the tax on nonspayed or nonneutered dogs and imposing a tax on nonspayed or nonneutered cats Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/02 
HB 4075 Providing for commitment to state institutions of certain persons suffering from tuberculosis that is not in a communicable stage Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/05/02 
HB 4108 Revising the school aid formula Pending  House Education Committee  01/21/02 
HB 4300 Requiring the state treasurer to retain an actuary to review and evaluate all municipal police and firefighters' pension plans Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/30/02 
HB 4310 Increasing the penalties for discarding lighted materials and giving the fire marshal enforcement powers Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4325 Authorizing a special motor vehicle registration plate as a tribute to those victims who lost their lives in the September 11th terrorist attacks Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/31/02 
HB 4387 Changing the final average salary calculation in determining the benefit of a deputy sheriff retirement system member Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/04/02 
HB 4388 Relating to municipal police and firemen's pension and relief funds Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4405 Amusement Rider Safety Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/02 
HB 4462 Relating to public defender services Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/12/02 
HB 4482 Relating to reinstatement or transfer of service to the deputy sheriff retirement system Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/14/02 
HB 4483 Clarifying the service credit earned for certain public employees retirement system employees Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/14/02 
HB 4484 Allowing retired members of the teachers retirement system to name a new joint annuitant upon the death of a spouse Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4547 Providing service credit in the public employees retirement system for all active time served in the armed forces Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4559 Supplemental appropriation to the higher education policy commission Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/27/02 
HB 4570 Expanding permissible expenditures from the hotel occupancy tax proceeds to include library or other educational facility construction Pending  House Finance Committee  02/21/02 
HB 4579 Clarifying that a retired public school teacher may be employed as a higher education teacher without loss of benefits Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4588 Requiring the commissioner of highways to establish and maintain a system of signs identifying national historic districts Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4589 Providing that a governing body may not go into executive session to discuss the filing of a vacancy in certain circumstances Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4590 Providing a one-time supplement to certain public employee retirement system annuitants Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4632 Permitting state employers or other public employers to contribute to deferred compensation plans to match employee contributions Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4658 Relating to public employees retirement and state teachers' retirement Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4659 Relating to reemployment after retirement of certain legislative employees Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  03/04/02 
HB 4666 Establishing a process to enter into negotiations with pharmaceutical companies for rebates that cannot be accessed through Freedom of Information Act requests or open meetings Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4667 Relating to annexation by municipalities Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/04/02 
HB 4677 Supplemental appropriation to the department of education and the arts, division of rehabilitation services Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
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