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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
There are 76 bill(s) regarding Governor -- Bills Requested By |
Bill![]() |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Step |
Last Action |
SB 269 | Budget Bill | Pending | CONF | 03/12/16 | |
SB 341 | Expiring funds from Insurance Commissioner, Examination Revolving Fund and Insurance Commission Fund to State Fund, General Revenue | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 24, 2016) | ||
SB 342 | Decreasing appropriations from State Fund, General Revenue, to DHHR, Division of Human Services and Bureau of Senior Services | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 8, 2016) | ||
SB 349 | Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 9, 2016) | ||
SB 350 | Exempting community-based behavioral health facilities, programs or services from certificate of need | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/21/16 |
SB 352 | Dedicating corporation net income tax proceeds to railways | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 11, 2016) | ||
SB 353 | Relating to allocation of premiums for employers and employees in PEIA | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 01/21/16 |
SB 354 | Updating meaning of federal taxable income | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 01/21/16 |
SB 355 | Imposing consumers sales and service tax on sales of telecommunications service | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 01/21/16 |
SB 356 | Eliminating consumers sales and service tax exemption for 2016 fiscal year | Pending | Senate Rules | Committee | 02/17/16 |
SB 357 | Supplemental appropriation from Lottery Net Profits to Bureau of Senior Services, Lottery Senior Citizens Fund | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 8, 2016) | ||
SB 360 | Supplemental appropriation to Division of Human Services | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 8, 2016) | ||
SB 364 | Supplemental appropriation expiring funds to General Revenue | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 2, 2016) | ||
SB 400 | Reducing amount of sales tax proceeds dedicated to School Major Improvement Fund | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2016) | ||
SB 419 | Relating to termination of Workers' Compensation Debt Reduction Act | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 26, 2016) | ||
SB 420 | Increasing tax rate on cigarette and tobacco products | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/23/16 |
SB 421 | Terminating behavioral health severance and business privilege tax | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 1, 2016) | ||
SB 425 | Expanding definition of underground facility in One-Call System Act | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/05/16 |
SB 426 | Continuing Office of Coalfield Community Development | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2016) | ||
SB 427 | Transferring funds from State Excess Lottery Fund to Department of Revenue | BL | Governor | ||
SB 428 | Ending discretionary transfers to Licensed Racetrack Modernization Fund | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 01/29/16 |
SB 430 | Allowing transportation network companies operate in state | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 01/29/16 |
SB 431 | Authorizing pharmacists and pharmacy interns dispense opioid antagonists | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016) | ||
SB 432 | Relating to levies on classifications of property by Board of Public Works | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/08/16 |
SB 440 | Expanding Learn and Earn Program | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 441 | Supplemental appropriation from State Road Fund to DOT, Division of Highways | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 442 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to PSC, Motor Carrier Division | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 443 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to DHHR, Consolidated Medical Service Fund | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 444 | Supplemental appropriation of public moneys in Treasury to DHHR, Division of Health, WV Birth-to-Three Fund | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 445 | Requiring well operators and pipeline operators to report emergency incidents to Division of Homeland Security | Pending | Senate Energy, Industry and Mining | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 446 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to State Board of Education, School Lunch Program | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 447 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to Department of Commerce, WorkForce West Virginia, Workforce Investment Act | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 448 | Supplemental appropriation of public moneys in Treasury to Department of Revenue, Tax Division, Wine Tax Administration Fund | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 449 | Supplemental appropriation from State Fund, General Revenue to Department of Administration, Public Defender Services | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 24, 2016) | ||
SB 450 | Supplemental appropriation from State Fund, General Revenue to DHHR, Division of Health | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 24, 2016) | ||
SB 451 | Supplemental appropriation from State Fund, General Revenue to Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 24, 2016) | ||
SB 452 | Revising school aid formula | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/24/16 |
SB 453 | Establishing Self-Employment Assistance Act | Pending | Senate Labor | Committee | 02/01/16 |
SB 454 | Licensing and regulating medication-assisted treatment programs for substance use disorders | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016) | ||
SB 634 | Creating William R. Laird IV Second Chance Driver's License Act | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016) | ||
HB 2009 | Allowing State Police, police, sheriffs and fire and emergency service personnel to possess naloxone or other approved opioid antagonist | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/13/16 |
HB 4017 | Budget Bill, making appropriations of public money out of the treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article six of the Constitution | Tabled | 3rd Reading | 03/11/16 | |
HB 4030 | Updating the meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/15/16 |
HB 4032 | Self-Employment Assistance Act | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/19/16 |
HB 4149 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Human Services | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/19/16 |
HB 4150 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources | BL | Governor | ||
HB 4151 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Education | BL | Governor | ||
HB 4152 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Division of Environmental Protection – Protect Our Water Fund | BL | Governor | ||
HB 4153 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health, and the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Human Services | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/19/16 |
HB 4154 | Making a supplementary appropriation of public to the Department of Administration, Public Defender Services | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/19/16 |
HB 4155 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Health – West Virginia Birth-to-Three Fund, and the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Human Services - Medical Services Trust Fund | BL | Governor | ||
HB 4156 | Transferring funds from the State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund, to the Department of Revenue, Lottery Commission, Distributions to Statutory Funds and Purposes | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/19/16 |
HB 4157 | Supplementing, amending, and increasing items of the existing appropriations from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 7, 2016) | ||
HB 4158 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, WorkForce West Virginia – Workforce Investment Act | Signed | Effective from passage - (February 19, 2016) | ||
HB 4159 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Public Services Commission – Motor Carrier Division | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 7, 2016) | ||
HB 4160 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Revenue, Tax Division | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 7, 2016) | ||
HB 4214 | Continuing the Office of Coalfield Community Development within the Department of Commerce | Pending | House SB | Committee | 01/21/16 |
HB 4216 | Exempting community-based behavioral health facilities, programs or services from the certificate of need process | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/21/16 |
HB 4217 | Reducing the distributions to the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund | Pending | 1st Reading | 03/12/16 | |
HB 4220 | Imposing the consumers sales and service tax and use tax on sales of telecommunications service and ancillary services | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/21/16 |
HB 4229 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Bureau of Senior Services | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/22/16 |
HB 4268 | Relating to dedication of severance tax proceeds to the West Virginia Infrastructure General Obligation Debt Service Fund | Pending | 1st Reading | 03/12/16 | |
HB 4269 | Relating to public school finance | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/26/16 |
HB 4270 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/26/16 |
HB 4271 | Ending discretionary transfers to the Licensed Racetrack Modernization Fund | Rejected | 03/12/16 | ||
HB 4293 | Relating to the West Virginia Controlled Substances Monitoring Program database | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/20/16 |
HB 4295 | Relating to the School Innovation Zones Act | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016) | ||
HB 4304 | Relating to the allocation of premiums for employers and employees in the Public Employees Insurance Agency | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/27/16 |
HB 4305 | Authorizing transportation network companies to operate in the state | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/27/16 |
HB 4315 | Relating to air-ambulance fees for emergency treatment or air transportation | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016) | ||
HB 4322 | Expanding the Learn and Earn Program | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2016) | ||
HB 4323 | Relating to the reporting of emergency incidents by well operators and pipeline operators | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2016) | ||
HB 4324 | Authorizing information sharing by Workforce West Virginia | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2016) | ||
HB 4325 | Requiring promulgation of a rule to provide for payment of tuition by county boards of education to the Mountaineer Challenge Academy | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/04/16 |
HB 4335 | Authorizing a pharmacist or pharmacy intern to dispense, pursuant to a protocol, an opioid antagonist without a prescription | Pending | House DA | Committee | 01/29/16 |
HB 4683 | West Virginia Second Chance Driver’s License Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/23/16 |