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Bill Status - 2001 6th Special Session

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The search returned 24 Bills


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SB 6001 Relating to medical professional liability civil actions Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6002 Relating to terrorist threats generally Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6003 Making supplementary appropriation to department of agriculture Pending  Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6004 Expiring funds from various accounts to unexpired balance in general revenue fund Pending  Senate Finance Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6005 Making supplementary appropriation to division of natural resources Pending  Senate Finance Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6006 Making supplementary appropriation to division of forestry Pending  Senate Finance Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6007 Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of commerce Pending  Senate Finance Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6008 Making supplementary appropriation to department of military affairs and public safety Pending  Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6009 Making supplementary appropriation to division of protective services Pending  Senate Finance Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6010 Authorizing issuance of bonds by economic development authority Pending  Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6011 Establishing Insurance Availability and Affordability Act Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6012 Creating homeland security commission Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  10/29/01 
SB 6013 Exempting certain active duty military pay from personal income tax Pending  Committee  10/21/01 
SB 6014 Relating to medical malpractice liability insurance generally Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6015 Relating to leave for public officials and employees for certain military obligations; setting maximum paid Pending  House Introduction 10/24/01 
SB 6016 Making supplementary appropriation to department of tax and revenue, racing commission Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6017 Making supplementary appropriation to office of emergency services Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6018 Making supplementary appropriation to higher education policy commission Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6019 Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of environment, special reclamation fund Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6020 Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of environment, solid waste management board Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6021 Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of environment, mining and reclamation operations fund Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6022 Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of environment, solid waste reclamation and environmental response fund Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6023 Making supplementary appropriation to auditor's office, national white collar crime center Signed  Governor  12/18/01 
SB 6024 Making technical revisions to law creating family court system; adjusting certain salary levels Pending  Governor  12/18/01 
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