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The search returned 49 bills introduced on 02/16/06:


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HB 4584 Amending the Motor Fuel Excise Tax so as to include other responsible individuals in the definition of "person" Pending  House Finance Committee  02/27/06 
HB 4585 Relating to sexual abuse by a juvenile between the ages of twelve and fourteen Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4586 Limiting graduate work completed by teachers for advanced salary classification Pending  House Education Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4587 Establishing a "Do Not Call" list Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4588 Creating a crime for concealing a human body of a victim of a murder, voluntary manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter and prescribing penalties therefor Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4589 Clarifying the penalty provisions regarding battery on a police officer Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4590 Requiring the state to pay incarceration fees related to inmates who were arrested by the State Police at the same rate the counties pay Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4591 Increasing the homestead exemption for low-income taxpayers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4592 Providing that a State Policeman who retires on a disability pension for an injury incurred in the performance of duty will continue to receive a disability pension after age fifty-five Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4593 Requiring state board rule for approval and operation of alternative preparation programs for teachers to obtain additional certification area endorsements Pending  House Education Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4594 Authorizing the tax department to collect the cost of federal refund offset fees from the tax debtor Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4595 Authorizing the Board of Treasury Investments to retain, rather than require it to retain, one employee with a chartered financial analyst designation Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4596 Relating to the Director of the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4597 Relating to the calculation of legislative service for retirement benefits for members of the Legislature Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4598 Eliminating the requirement for combined oil and gas returns for purposes of property taxes, and to further define the information that may be released Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4599 Requiring a low-income person filing for the refundable Senior Citizens Tax Credit to file a claim within three years Pending  House Finance Committee  02/27/06 
HB 4600 Relating to criminal investigation and special audits divisions of State Tax Division Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4601 Increasing the amount transferred to the Special Operating Fund in the State Treasury for the Auditor's Public Utilities Division and dedicate the increased amount to pay for public utility litigation expenses Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
HB 4602 Relating to the rate of tolls charged and collected by the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/16/06 
HB 4603 Authorizing rules for the Higher Education Policy Commission and the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education regarding authorization of degree granting institutions Signed    Governor  04/17/06 
SB 587 Relating to increment pay for certain higher education faculty Signed    Governor  04/13/06 
SB 588 Establishing Commission for Drug-Free West Virginia Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/22/06 
SB 589 Relating to PEIA premium rates for certain public employee retirees Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/16/06 
SB 590 Including responsibility for personal income tax compliance by Tax Division's criminal investigation and special audits divisions Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 591 Authorizing Tax Commissioner collect cost of federal refund offset fees Signed    Governor  04/13/06 
SB 592 Relating to oil and gas property tax returns Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/16/06 
SB 593 Providing income tax credit for Turnpike tolls payment Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  02/16/06 
SB 594 Relating to Director of Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 595 Prohibiting abortion discussion or referrals by state-funded family planning centers Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/16/06 
SB 596 Establishing Arthritis Prevention Education Act Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/16/06 
SB 597 Allowing appointment of Attorney General or assistant attorney general as special prosecuting attorney Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 598 Relating to Teachers Retirement System's qualified plan status Signed    Governor  04/13/06 
SB 599 Providing hospitals not required to perform certain abortions Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/16/06 
SB 600 Imposing factory-built home and real property transfer fees Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/24/06 
SB 601 Relating to security breach of consumer's personal information Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 602 Providing release of certain duplicate emergency service call recordings Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 603 Renaming day after Thanksgiving Day as Lincoln's Day Signed    Governor  04/13/06 
SB 604 Extending certain State Police disability pensions Pending  House Finance Committee  03/09/06 
SB 605 Relating to personal property tax receipt as prerequisite proof for vehicle registration Signed    Governor  04/13/06 
SB 606 Reducing family court judge term Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 607 Relating to beaver trapping Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  02/16/06 
SB 608 Increasing amount transferred to Special Operating Fund for Auditor's Public Utilities Division Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/16/06 
SB 609 Relating to time period for filing senior citizens' property tax credit claim Signed    Governor  04/13/06 
SB 610 Relating to salaries for family court judge secretary-clerks Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 611 Providing school service personnel pay raise Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/16/06 
SB 612 Establishing Joint Parenting Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/16/06 
SB 613 Creating Community Empowerment Transportation Act Pending  House Finance Committee  02/27/06 
SB 614 Relating to Auditor's authorization for direct deposit payment Pending  House Finance Committee  03/06/06 
SB 615 Relating to child support enforcement Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/16/06 
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