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There are 33 Bills pending in House Pensions and Retirement




SB 166WV Public Employees Retirement Act02/01/23
HB 2136Provide a cost-of-living increase for certain individuals01/11/23
HB 2138Permit beneficiary under the State Teachers Retirement System to convert to the maximum life annuity if the spouse dies within the first five years of the beneficiary’s retirement01/11/23
HB 2139To provide a 5% cost of living increase for state retirees who make under $60,000 per year01/11/23
HB 2161Increase the State Police Retirement Benefit multiplier01/11/23
HB 2311Relating to taxable exemptions for surviving spouses01/11/23
HB 2340To remove limit of 140 days for retired substitute teachers01/11/23
HB 2451To allow another round of “buy in” to the old public employees retirement plan for those that didn’t last time. 01/11/23
HB 2466Repeal of taxing state employees pensions and social security01/11/23
HB 2491Relating to the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System Act01/11/23
HB 2493To modify deputy sheriff’s retirement pay and the cost of receiving certain reports01/11/23
HB 2568Raising retirement rate for Deputy Sheriff’s Retirement System 01/16/23
HB 2889Increase the retirement benefit multiplier from 2.5% to 3% for Deputy Sherriff’s retirement01/20/23
HB 2959Relating to reemployment after retirement for certain legislative employees01/24/23
HB 2996Public defender experience counts for judicial retirement01/24/23
HB 3028To allow teachers can bank sick leave for years of service and/or insurance payments. 01/25/23
HB 3060Permitting membership of the state teachers retirement system to include any person who has been retired by any other retirement system administered by the Board at the option of the retirant01/25/23
HB 3070Increasing Retirement Benefits for Public Employees01/26/23
HB 3119Authorizing expenditure of revenue from the Municipal Pension and Protection Fund and Fire Protection Fund01/27/23
HB 3178Authorizing sheriffs who are members of the public retirement system to retire upon attaining the age of sixty-two with eight or more years of service.01/31/23
HB 3220Increasing amount of excess funds to be held over to following year02/02/23
HB 3226Modifying the West Virginia State Police Retirement System02/02/23
HB 3234Relating to disability retirement medical examinations of public employee retirement systems02/02/23
HB 3235Adding Natural Resource Police Officers Retirement System and public charter schools for federal pick-up contribution purposes02/02/23
HB 3236Relating to the Teachers Retirement System and the Teachers’ Defined Contribution Retirement System02/02/23
HB 3237Ensure the retirement contributions, and delinquency charges if applicable, of charter school employees are paid upon school closure or by a successor02/02/23
HB 3241Setting the rate of interest on delinquent retirement contribution submissions02/03/23
HB 3242Relating to the Emergency Medical Services Retirement System02/03/23
HB 3243Relating to examinations for disability pensions02/03/23
HB 3281To provide supplement funding for the plan and to increase recruitment and retention of certified officers for the agency02/03/23
HB 3282Relating to decreasing the time period of eligibility for nonduty disability from 10 to five or more years of contributory service for the West Virginia Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System.02/03/23
HB 3292To expand the EMS retirement system02/03/23
HB 3481Increasing the number of days that retirees in the Consolidated Public Retirement Board can work without a decrease in the amount they receive in retirement02/14/23
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