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The search returned 68 bills introduced on 01/16/03:


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HB 2301 Providing funding for necessary care of animals seized pursuant to allegations of neglect Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
HB 2302 Providing that a governing body may not go into executive session to discuss the filling of a vacancy Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2303 Allowing a state employer or other public employer to contribute to deferred compensation plans to match employee contributions Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2304 Limiting the purchase of handguns to one gun per month Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2305 Tuition and fee waivers for persons enrolled at state institutions of higher education who wish to audit courses or classes Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2306 Uniform Premarital Agreement Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2307 Creating a criminal penalty for persons employed by any state institution of higher education, etc., who assist in or perform abortions Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2308 Authorizing the assessor to grant or continue the homestead exemption under certain circumstances Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2309 Allowing United States armed service personnel that have completed the graduation requirements for the PROMISE scholarship before September 1, 1998, to be eligible for the scholarship Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2310 Establishing the duty of support of a child born out of wedlock by the natural father who is a teenager under the age of eighteen years Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2311 Creating a three person rate review board within the public service commission Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2312 Amending PSC rules, accelerated rate procedures for gas, water and electric utilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2313 Granting high school diplomas to certain veterans Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2314 Providing that certain discriminatory pricing practices prohibited under the federal Robinson-Patman Act are also unlawful under West Virginia law Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2315 Relating to the sales price of gasoline and prohibiting wholesalers of cigarettes from offering discounts to retailers or consumers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2316 Requiring banks to immediately post deposits Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/14/03 
HB 2317 Providing that the public service commission members are elected by statewide election Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2318 Providing jury trials in certain administrative proceedings involving contested cases Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2319 Providing that surplus revenues remaining in the general revenue fund after such revenues have been set aside for the revenue shortfall reserve fund shall be used to reduce personal and corporate income tax rates Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2320 Permitting the use of cash or a certificate of deposit in lieu of the posting of any bond requirement under state law Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2321 Providing for the election of public service commissioners Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2322 Exempting military pensions from income tax obligations Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2323 Establishing a division of school personnel within the state department of education by July 1, 2003 Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/23/03 
HB 2324 Making student financial aid a priority over other funding necessities in circumstances requiring budget reductions for an institution or commission of higher education Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2325 Establishing alternative considerations in planning construction of comprehensive high schools for counties that have existing county comprehensive vocational technical centers Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2326 Better Sight for Better Learning Act Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2327 Creating a charitable gaming commission to regulate and license charitable raffles and bingo Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2328 Authorizing an exemption from standardized testing for children receiving an exemption from compulsory school attendance and who attend church school Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2329 Requiring county commission of the county in which an indigent individual resides to pay the expenses of a commitment hearing Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2330 Relating to deferral of court costs and fees when collecting delinquent emergency ambulance bills Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2331 Creating a misdemeanor offense for the removal of vegetation, stone or sand from the lands of another Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2332 Directing the higher education policy commission to conduct certain studies and report findings to certain legislative committees Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2333 Providing that two dollars of the fees collected by the sheriff for service of process is deposited in the West Virginia deputy sheriff retirement fund Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2334 Changing the final average salary calculation in determining the benefit of a deputy sheriff retirement system member Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2335 Requiring the department of health and human resources to review the pay equity adjustment it made in 1999 Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2336 Phasing out the sales tax on food Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2337 Authorizing service credit under public employees retirement for federal employment service Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2338 Providing for a felony offense under the shoplifting statute Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2339 Requiring the department of health and human resources to reexamine and focus on positions that did not receive pay equity adjustments in 1999 Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2340 Granting wider authority of local fire departments to request materials and equipment to prevent further danger when dealing with an accident Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2341 Exempting sales of propane gas for any church, religious sect, society or denomination consumption from the imposition of the excise tax on gasoline or special fuel Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2342 Requiring coverage by insurers for breast reconstruction following mastectomy surgery Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2343 Increasing the amount of fees merchants are allowed to charge for cashing government or other checks Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2344 Providing that honorably retire federal law-enforcement officers are exempt from payment of fees and costs required otherwise in order to carry concealed deadly weapons Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2345 Providing for the manner of distribution of funds appropriated to the library commission for aid to libraries Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2346 Eliminating the seventy-five percent participation requirement for certain group insurance policies Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2347 Authorizing colleges and universities to charge county boards of education for remedial education courses attended by West Virginia high school graduates Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2348 Allowing the use of accumulated leave to meet initial eligibility criteria for retirement Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2349 Imposing a tax on commercial operation conducted on navigable waterways by nonresident operators Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2350 Allowing certain children to seek unpaid accrued child support Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2351 Reducing the tax on gasoline and special fuels Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2352 Providing that medical monitoring may not be awarded against participants in the tobacco master settlement agreement Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2353 Increasing a surviving spouse's death benefit under a municipal police officer's or firefighter's pension Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2354 Allowing registration plates for motorcycles to be fastened in a vertical position and offering motorcycle owners the choice of vertical or horizontal plates Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2355 Requiring the division of highways to use salt on roads where economically feasible Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2356 Making reports and notices to the Legislature concerning lawsuits against government agencies exempt from civil discovery and from the freedom of information act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2357 Authorizing the aeronautics commissioner to expend funds Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
HB 2358 Allowing farm wineries to manufacture, serve and sell dessert, port, sherry and Madeira wines as well as table wines Tabled    2nd Reading  02/27/03 
HB 2359 Allowing the state fire marshal to retain all of the special revenue fees collected by his office Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
HB 2360 Prohibiting a municipality from closing a fire department without advance approval of the state fire marshal Pending  House Finance Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2361 Authorizing county boards of education to provide for the use of sick leave days by a surviving spouse in certain circumstances Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/03 
HB 2362 Requiring a physician to obtain the informed consent of his or her patient before ending the patient's pregnancy by inducing an abortion Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
SB 161 Repealing section authorizing appeal from workers' compensation to supreme court Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
SB 162 Prohibiting release of certain motor vehicle license information involving nineteen-year-olds Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 163 Continuing driver's licensing advisory board Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 164 Continuing office of coalfield community development Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 165 Continuing commission for national and community service Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 166 Continuing oil and gas inspectors' examining board Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
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