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Bill Status - 2001 Regular Session

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There are 62 Bills pending in House Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business




HB 2147Small Business Tax Credit Act02/14/01
HB 2147Small Business Tax Credit Act02/14/01
HB 2151Jobs Creation Zones Act 02/14/01
HB 2151Jobs Creation Zones Act 02/14/01
HB 2152Creation of the Economic Development Enterprise Zone Act of 200102/14/01
HB 2152Creation of the Economic Development Enterprise Zone Act of 200102/14/01
HB 2192Expanding the authority of the Office of Coalfield Community Development by allowing it to offer assistance to facilitate the development of economic or community assets02/14/01
HB 2192Expanding the authority of the Office of Coalfield Community Development by allowing it to offer assistance to facilitate the development of economic or community assets02/14/01
HB 2194Relating to the employment of persons under the age of eighteen in establishments which sell alcoholic beverages02/14/01
HB 2194Relating to the employment of persons under the age of eighteen in establishments which sell alcoholic beverages02/14/01
HB 2203Creation of a "Sunny Day Fund" for the promotion of economic development projects02/15/01
HB 2203Creation of a "Sunny Day Fund" for the promotion of economic development projects02/15/01
HB 2207Creation of preferences for the use of domestic steel products in state supported projects02/15/01
HB 2207Creation of preferences for the use of domestic steel products in state supported projects02/15/01
HB 2280Relating to crossing facilities on moving belt conveyors in mines02/19/01
HB 2280Relating to crossing facilities on moving belt conveyors in mines02/19/01
HB 2312Providing that no person may perform maintenance on a mine belt conveyor unless it has been deenergized and locked out02/19/01
HB 2312Providing that no person may perform maintenance on a mine belt conveyor unless it has been deenergized and locked out02/19/01
HB 2334Requiring that permanent and temporary battery charging stations in mines be ventilated directly to the return on a separate split of air02/20/01
HB 2334Requiring that permanent and temporary battery charging stations in mines be ventilated directly to the return on a separate split of air02/20/01
HB 2336Requiring mine operators to provide notice of hazardous chemical substances and lead exposure to its employees02/20/01
HB 2336Requiring mine operators to provide notice of hazardous chemical substances and lead exposure to its employees02/20/01
HB 2344Providing that an employee has the right to decline to work more than forty hours in a workweek02/20/01
HB 2344Providing that an employee has the right to decline to work more than forty hours in a workweek02/20/01
HB 2346Requiring a certified person to examine underground mines after cutting and welding has been performed02/20/01
HB 2346Requiring a certified person to examine underground mines after cutting and welding has been performed02/20/01
HB 2355Providing a small business tax credit02/20/01
HB 2355Providing a small business tax credit02/20/01
HB 2453Making the state an enterprise zone for high tech sales companies who sell over the internet02/22/01
HB 2453Making the state an enterprise zone for high tech sales companies who sell over the internet02/22/01
HB 2468Including the Legislature and the former departments of corrections and health within coverage of OSHA02/22/01
HB 2468Including the Legislature and the former departments of corrections and health within coverage of OSHA02/22/01
HB 2471Allowing all economic development entities to compete for local economic development grants02/22/01
HB 2471Allowing all economic development entities to compete for local economic development grants02/22/01
HB 2537Requiring labor organizations to establish separate funds for political purposes, etc02/26/01
HB 2537Requiring labor organizations to establish separate funds for political purposes, etc02/26/01
HB 2600Accountability for Economic Development Assistance Act03/01/01
HB 2600Accountability for Economic Development Assistance Act03/01/01
HB 2603Prohibiting employers from disciplining employees for lost time while the employee is on emergency duty as a volunteer fireman03/01/01
HB 2603Prohibiting employers from disciplining employees for lost time while the employee is on emergency duty as a volunteer fireman03/01/01
HB 2736Enhancement of wages received by current state employees who previously were employed as clerks in state liquor stores03/05/01
HB 2736Enhancement of wages received by current state employees who previously were employed as clerks in state liquor stores03/05/01
HB 2769West Virginia Jobs Act03/06/01
HB 2769West Virginia Jobs Act03/06/01
HB 2880Attracting investments of capital by offering tax credits03/16/01
HB 2880Attracting investments of capital by offering tax credits03/16/01
HB 2881Reformulating qualifications of capital companies and how they can best be utilized to aid the economy03/16/01
HB 2881Reformulating qualifications of capital companies and how they can best be utilized to aid the economy03/16/01
HB 2915Expanding the membership of the council for community and economic development03/20/01
HB 2915Expanding the membership of the council for community and economic development03/20/01
HB 2916Relating to joint undertakings by county development authorities03/20/01
HB 2916Relating to joint undertakings by county development authorities03/20/01
HB 2920Prohibiting nursing facilities and home health care agencies from using state funds to assist, promote, deter or discourage union organization03/20/01
HB 2920Prohibiting nursing facilities and home health care agencies from using state funds to assist, promote, deter or discourage union organization03/20/01
HB 2939Requiring persons who operate or maintain steam boilers and equipment be tested and licensed03/21/01
HB 2939Requiring persons who operate or maintain steam boilers and equipment be tested and licensed03/21/01
HB 2989Providing a comprehensive system of planning, managing and administering information technology in all executive agencies03/23/01
HB 2989Providing a comprehensive system of planning, managing and administering information technology in all executive agencies03/23/01
HB 3201Requiring the development office to report on international trade in West Virginia03/30/01
HB 3201Requiring the development office to report on international trade in West Virginia03/30/01
HB 3229Pilot project to evaluate the efficacy of requiring employment of residents of the local labor market in publicly funded construction projects03/30/01
HB 3229Pilot project to evaluate the efficacy of requiring employment of residents of the local labor market in publicly funded construction projects03/30/01
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