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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Delegate Campbell sponsored 77 bills: |
Bill![]() |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Step |
Last Action |
HB 2427 | Paying a monthly allotment to certain veterans | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2433 | Modifying the school calendar to begin not earlier than September 1 and end no later than June 7 | Rejected | 01/30/20 | ||
HB 2448 | Middle School Technical Education Program Act | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2455 | Redirecting excise tax revenue on bottled soft drinks from West Virginia University schools to the Public Employees Insurance Agency | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2551 | Requiring the State Board of Education to develop a method for funding student transportation costs as a stand-alone consideration | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2711 | Requiring public hearing for applicant for air quality permit relating to facility of certain investment value | Pending | House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2713 | Expunging records of unsubstantiated complaints made by the Department of Health and Human Resources against teachers | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2741 | Relating to unlawful discriminatory practices in categories covered by the Human Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act | Pending | House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business | Committee | 02/18/20 |
HB 2812 | Allowing the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training to inspect the records of employers of certified persons for compliance purposes | Pending | House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2822 | Creating an enhanced penalty for certain aggravated serious traffic offenses | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2852 | Increasing the expenditure for academic materials, supplies, and equipment | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2870 | Reducing the number of students and schools that a school nurse must serve | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2904 | Implementing drug testing for legislators of the State of West Virginia | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2919 | Establishing an Education Employees Fund | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2935 | Relating to licensing of drivers utilizing bioptic telescopic devices | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 2957 | Permitting residential customers to deduct up to 50 percent of their electric utility payments from their federal adjusted gross income | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 3033 | Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Fund | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 3034 | Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 3046 | Relating to compensation paid to landowners when interest in property taken by eminent domain is for a nongovernmental entity | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 3098 | Allowing the same business owner to brew and sell beer to also distill and sell liquor | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2020) | ||
HB 3125 | Coordinating a plan to provide the first two years of post-secondary education for free | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 3128 | Changing the recommended guidelines for full-day and half-day cooks to the minimum ratio of one cook for every 110 meals | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 3130 | Creating three separate job titles for school bus operators | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/08/20 |
HB 4026 | Exempting businesses transporting scrap tires, waste tires, or other used tires, from certain statutory provisions | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 20, 2020) | ||
HB 4152 | Allowing a personal income tax deduction for a stillborn child | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/13/20 |
HB 4179 | Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 17, 2020) | ||
HB 4367 | Adding speech pathologists to the step increase for special education teachers | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/19/20 |
HB 4396 | Relating to reporting suspected governmental fraud | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2020) | ||
HB 4407 | Exempting from the sales tax all-terrain vehicles and utility terrain vehicles used as farm equipment | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/28/20 |
HB 4413 | Relating to whom Workers' Compensation Fund is disbursed | Pending | House FD | Committee | 01/17/20 |
HB 4414 | Relating to the selection of language and development milestones for the deaf and hard-of-hearing children | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2020) | ||
HB 4447 | Creating the shared table initiative for senior citizens who suffer from food insecurity | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2020) | ||
HB 4475 | Requiring the State Board of Education to provide for the routine education of all professional educators | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/22/20 |
HB 4492 | West Virginia Children's Vision Act | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/23/20 |
HB 4495 | Extending the validity of a level one instruction driver's permit | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/14/20 |
HB 4500 | Exempting from personal property taxation, vehicles of certain volunteer firefighters | Pending | House FD | Committee | 01/23/20 |
HB 4508 | Making it illegal to discriminate based on hair texture or hair style | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/23/20 |
HB 4535 | Relating to student aide class titles | Pending | 3rd Reading | 03/07/20 | |
HB 4538 | Modifying the definitions and pay grades of certain school cafeteria personnel | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/24/20 |
HB 4554 | Relating to insurance coverage for insulin | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/27/20 |
HB 4561 | Exempting law enforcement and emergency vehicles from paying turnpike tolls | Pending | House FD | Committee | 01/28/20 |
HB 4570 | The Motion Picture Open Captioning Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/28/20 |
HB 4571 | Establishing a special plate with a medical condition diagnosis | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 01/28/20 |
HB 4592 | Extending periods of limitations for commencing certain criminal and civil sexual offenses | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/29/20 |
HB 4644 | Separating the Fire Marshal from the Fire Commission | Pending | House FD | Committee | 01/31/20 |
HB 4675 | Permitting persons who routinely shoot or discharge firearms at a public shooting range to assist in its maintenance and upkeep | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/04/20 |
HB 4681 | Requiring schools to offer elective vocational courses in middle schools | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/04/20 |
HB 4682 | Increasing annuity payment by one percent for certain retirants under a Consolidated Public Retirement Board retirement system | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/04/20 |
HB 4691 | Relating to employment in areas of critical need in public education | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 4, 2020) | ||
HB 4695 | The Closed Captioning Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/05/20 |
HB 4696 | Exempting school buses with students on board from paying turnpike tolls | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/05/20 |
HB 4719 | Increasing the number of days a retired teacher may accept employment | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/06/20 |
HB 4745 | Replacing minimum minutes of instructional time required per day with a requirement for an average of five hours per day | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/07/20 |
HB 4754 | Including ulcerative colitis as a "serious medical condition" | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/07/20 |
HB 4760 | Modifying video lottery retailer licensing eligibility requirements | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2020) | ||
HB 4776 | Increasing the pension awards to immediate family members of a deceased trooper that was disabled in the course of duty | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/10/20 |
HB 4787 | Allowing increased civil administrative penalties to be promulgated by legislative rules of by the Department of Environmental Protection | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/10/20 |
HB 4790 | Relating to Career Technical Education for middle school students | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2020) | ||
HB 4810 | Requiring earlier start of buck deer hunting season | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4812 | Permitting the resident lineal descendants of landowners to hunt, trap or fish on that resident landowner's property without a license | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4815 | Imposing an additional assessment on certain real property | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4826 | Permitting former members of the Legislature to remain eligible for insurance plans at full cost to the member and at no cost to the state | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4829 | Relating to transfers to State Teachers Retirement System | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4831 | Establishing a comprehensive addiction recovery center certification and grant program in this state | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4843 | Relating to public school education assessment of students for dyslexia and dyscalculia | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/18/20 |
HB 4848 | Permitting retirement credit for persons who served in other law-enforcement before becoming a member of the State Police | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4862 | Including emergency response vehicles in the single fee program for EZ Pass transponders | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/14/20 |
HB 4881 | Permitting individuals who have certain qualifications to operate as tactical emergency medicine providers | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4883 | Relating to criminal procedure | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4885 | "Katherine Johnson and Dorothy Vaughan Fair Pay Act" | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/24/20 |
HB 4890 | Relating to the removal of standardized testing in public schools | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4893 | Special Needs Registry | Pending | House FD | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4923 | Establishing a ratio of one counselor for every 250 students | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4925 | Requiring the Secondary Schools Athletic Commission to recognize preparatory athletic programs | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2020) | ||
HB 4942 | Establishing that the educational instructional term for students shall begin no earlier than Labor Day | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4947 | Repealing additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/11/20 |
HB 4967 | Relating to calculating net enrollment for home-school students enrolled in one virtual school course in the public school system | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/21/20 |