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The search returned 38 bills introduced on 02/26/21:


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HB 2771 Creating the Economic Development Tuition Waiver Pending  House Education Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2772 Relating generally to transferring the duties of the Purchasing Division to the State Auditor Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2773 Permitting DNR to issue up to 100 permits for boats greater than 10 horsepower on Upper Mud River Lake Signed  Effective from passage - (April 8, 2021)
HB 2774 Requiring that a state employee with a commercial driver’s license have a current medical evaluation certification Pending  House T&I Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2775 Relating to the beginning and expiration of hunting and fishing licenses Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/18/21 
HB 2776 Creating the Air Ambulance Patient Protection Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2021)
HB 2777 Repeal municipal amusement tax Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/22/21 
HB 2778 Create the Education Tax Credit Pending  House Finance Committee  03/19/21 
HB 2779 Allow contracted work by state troopers to be counted toward their retirement instead of overtime Pending  House Finance Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2780 Repeal municipal license and tax when state license required Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/18/21 
HB 2781 To create the Occupational Licensing Legal Fund in the State Treasury Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2782 Repeal domestic animal tax Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/22/21 
HB 2783 Permitting a licensed physician to grant a medical exemption from the required immunizations for a child to enter a school or a state-regulated child care center Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2784 Relating to Municipal pension benefit calculations Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2785 Relating to public school enrollment for students from out of state Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 6, 2021)
HB 2786 Relating to Powers and Duties of the Chief Technology Officer Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/05/21 
HB 2787 Authorizing the Director of the Division of Purchasing to increase or Decrease the dollar limit of agency-delegated procurements based upon inspection Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/26/21 
HB 2788 Expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance from State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (March 22, 2021)
HB 2789 Supplementing and amending the appropriations to Public Defender Services Signed  Effective from passage - (March 22, 2021)
HB 2790 Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing items of existing appropriation to Division of Highways Signed  Effective from passage - (April 6, 2021)
HB 2791 Relating to enrollment and costs of homeschooled or private school students at vocational schools Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 4, 2021)
SB 460 Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 6, 2021)
SB 461 Supplemental appropriation from State Fund, General Revenue, to Division of Emergency Management Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/26/21 
SB 462 Extending Neighborhood Investment Program Act until July 1, 2026 Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/26/21 
SB 463 Consolidating position of Inspector General of former Workers’ Compensation Fraud and Abuse Unit and position of Director of Insurance Fraud Unit Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 1, 2021)
SB 464 Requiring composting of organic materials and commercial composting products comply with WV Fertilizer Law Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 8, 2021)
SB 465 Including correctional officers as law-enforcement within WV Fire, EMS, and Law-Enforcement Survivor Benefit Act Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/26/21 
SB 466 Relating generally to appraisal management companies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 5, 2021)
SB 467 Relating to WV Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  03/10/21 
SB 468 Supplemental appropriation from State Fund, General Revenue to Division of Forestry Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/26/21 
SB 469 Permitting and establishing requirements for appearance by video for purpose of notarial acts Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 17, 2021)
SB 470 Limiting release of certain personal information maintained by state agencies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2021)
SB 471 Updating firefighter training requirements Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/26/21 
SB 472 Updating criteria for regulating certain occupations and professions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 4, 2021)
SB 473 Permitting primitive camping at state campgrounds Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  02/26/21 
SB 474 Exempting DOH from Purchasing Division procedures Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/26/21 
SB 475 Dedicating certain fees collected by Division of Labor to General Revenue Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  03/11/21 
SB 476 Requiring hospitals to staff qualified personnel to perform sexual assault forensic exams Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/26/21 
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