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Delegate Burke sponsored 36 bills:


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HB 2499 Restricting offerings at farmer's markets to items grown, raised or produced in West Virginia Pending  House A&N Committee  01/10/96 
HB 4046 Creating a residential board and care home advisory committee Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  03/04/96 
HB 4137 Certificate of need standards of hospice agencies and home health facilities Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4181 Creating the breast and cervical cancer diagnostic and treatment fund Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4187 Supplemental appropriation to the Department of Agriculture, Acct. No. Fund 0132, FY 1996 Org. 1400 Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4210 Composition of institutional boards of advisors Pending  House Education Committee  01/26/96 
HB 4221 Procedures and guidelines concerning the debarment of vendors who supply goods or services to the state Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/26/96 
HB 4223 Supplemental appropriation to the Division of Public Safety from reappropriated balances in the Supreme Court and from the general administration fund of the Racing Commission BL    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4349 Establishment of a Division of Forms Management Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/31/96 
HB 4364 Limiting the liability of the nonprofit sponsor of a special passenger excursion train Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/31/96 
HB 4428 Requiring insurance companies to cover treatment of diabetes on an equal basis with coverage of other diseases Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/06/96 
HB 4478 Exempting sales of services by libraries from the consumers sales tax Pending  House Finance Committee  02/06/96 
HB 4487 Duties and powers of the child support enforcement division Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/06/96 
HB 4491 Removing the excise tax on special dyed diesel fuel used for off-highway equipment Tabled    3rd Reading  03/01/96 
HB 4513 Reduction of automobile insurance premium charges for school bus operators and drivers' education instructors Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/08/96 
HB 4526 Penalties for shooting deer, turkey or bear from a vehicle Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/21/96 
HB 4530 Personal and corporate income tax credit for purchases of certain agricultural equipment Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4551 Assisting domestic violence victims by adding an additional fee to be collected for divorce filings Pending  House Finance Committee  02/27/96 
HB 4552 Providing an alternative-fuel motor vehicle tax credit Pending    3rd Reading  03/02/96 
HB 4635 Supplemental appropriation to the Department of Education, West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind, Acct. No. Fund 0320 BL    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4649 Supplemental appropriation to the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice and Highway Safety, Acct. No. Fund 0546 BL    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4660 Claims for compensation of innocent victims of crime Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4661 Claims against the state and its agencies Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4672 Granting PEIA coverage to employees and members of public service districts Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/04/96 
HB 4704 Allowing use of net terminal income received by the Thoroughbred Breeders Classic to be used for promotional purposes as well as purses Pending  House Finance Committee  02/22/96 
HB 4705 Raising the civil jurisdiction limit of magistrate court to ten thousand dollars Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/96 
HB 4739 Clarifying the two-year waiting period for a local option election pertaining to video lottery where the question was previously defeated Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4742 Supplemental Appropriation to the Department of Agriculture, Acct. No. Fund 0131 BL    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4743 Supplemental Appropriation to the Division of Forestry, Acct. No. Fund 0250 BL    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4797 Limiting liability of landowners to allow people unto their land without charge for recreational purposes Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/23/96 
HB 4806 Requiring a vision test for renewal of a driver's license Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/23/96 
HB 4842 Expiring funds from the Board of Investments to the West Virginia Development Office Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4843 Expiring funds to the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, Division of Corrections BL    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4847 Supplemental appropriation to the West Virginia Development Office, Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community BL    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4860 Definitions in the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Act Signed    Governor  04/26/96 
HB 4870 Supplemental appropriation to the Governor's office, civil contingent fund, Acct. No. Fund 0105 BL    Governor  04/26/96 
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