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The search returned 40 bills introduced on 03/07/01:


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HB 2773 Teachers and substitute teachers as professional educators and addressing the critical need and shortage thereof Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/09/01 
HB 2774 Allowing immediate distribution to the alternate payee named in a qualified domestic relations order Signed    Governor  05/14/01 
HB 2775 Making technical revisions to correct effective dates in the code relating to retirement systems Signed    Governor  05/14/01 
HB 2776 Amending the plan loan provisions of the teachers and deputy sheriff's retirement systems Signed    Governor  05/14/01 
HB 2777 Relating to technical revisions and clarifying retirement membership of a retired deputy sheriff who is later elected sheriff Signed    Governor  05/14/01 
HB 2778 Relating to conforming interest rates to rules promulgated by the consolidated public retirement board Signed    Governor  05/14/01 
HB 2779 Updating and modifying provisions relating to internal governance of the jobs investment trust fund Tabled    3rd Reading  03/30/01 
HB 2780 Creating the citizens' oversight review committee for legislative rule making Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/07/01 
HB 2781 Permitting certain farm vehicles to use the highways between sunset and sunrise Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/29/01 
HB 2782 Extension of period for new action after dismissal Signed    Governor  05/14/01 
HB 2783 Requiring counties to develop a local policy for the dispatch of wrecker services Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/07/01 
HB 2784 Creating a board to adopt statewide addressing and mapping standards Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/07/01 
HB 2785 Authorizing and directing the governor to execute a compact for the supervision of adult offenders Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/07/01 
HB 2786 Providing an option to renew a Class C trailer license on an annual basis Pending  House Finance Committee  03/29/01 
HB 2787 Minimum monthly retirement annuity for certain retired public employees and teachers Pending  House Finance Committee  04/04/01 
HB 2788 Process and requirements for registration of unarmed security guards and exemption from licensing provisions Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/07/01 
HB 2789 Regulation of residential mortgage lenders, brokers and servicers Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/07/01 
HB 2791 Continuing the massage therapy licensing board Signed    Governor  04/10/01 
HB 2792 Continuing the lottery commission Signed    Governor  05/14/01 
SB 416 Regulating money transmission services Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 417 Creating schools for growth counties fund Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/07/01 
SB 418 Relating to regulation of residential mortgage lenders, brokers and servicers Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 419 Relating to board of examiners for licensed dietitians Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 420 Allowing certain municipal police officers enforce violations of public service commission's regulatory laws Rejected      03/21/01 
SB 421 Requiring public hearing prior to issuance of initial license for private club Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/07/01 
SB 422 Prohibiting shooting of dogs or cats at certain county pounds or shelters Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/07/01 
SB 423 Raising limitations on noneconomic loss under governmental tort claims and insurance reform act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/14/01 
SB 424 Requiring circuit court clerk provide notification to child's school when parental custody changes Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/07/01 
SB 425 Increasing penalties for use or possession of tobacco by minors Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/07/01 
SB 426 Exempting certain open heart surgery programs from certificate of need program Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  03/07/01 
SB 427 Exempting military retirement from personal income tax Pending  Senate Military Committee  03/07/01 
SB 428 Relating to inspection and standards of inspecting structures Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 429 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to bureau of commerce, fund 8705 Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 430 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to bureau of commerce, fund 8706 Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 431 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of military affairs and public safety, fund 8728 Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 432 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of agriculture, fund 8736 Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 434 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of military affairs and public safety, fund 8741 Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 435 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to public service commission, fund 8743 Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
SB 436 Conforming licensure requirements for pharmacists with other medical professions Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/13/01 
SB 437 Extending date circuit courts and family law masters assume jurisdiction of domestic violence hearings Signed    Governor  05/15/01 
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