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Delegate Conley sponsored 39 bills:


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HB 2290 Initiating a State Employment First Policy to facilitate integrated employment of disabled persons Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 28, 2021)
HB 2514 Relating to the Rural Industrial Site Development Act Pending  House SB Committee  02/15/21 
HB 2515 Require regulatory agency heads to have one year experience in the regulated industry Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/15/21 
HB 2537 Preserving and protecting the right to keep and bear arms Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/21 
HB 2545 West Virginia Religious Freedom Restoration Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/21 
HB 2598 Altering the definition of an above ground storage tank Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/12/21 
HB 2600 Require all public contracts be publicly advertised Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2602 Require special elections to be held same day as primary or general election Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2603 Limit number of visitor bureaus that can exist in a county Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2604 Expand 529 savings plans to include vocational and trade schools Pending  House Education Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2605 Require that a public service district board that represents more than one community have at least one member from each community Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2606 Award military veterans with a “Veterans” license plate Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2607 Require all registered voters to produce a photo ID to vote in all public office elections Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2608 Relating to property taxes dedicated to volunteer fire departments Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2609 Establish quick response teams to work with drug users who are arrested Pending  House DA Committee  02/19/21 
HB 2629 Expanding the scope of hunting, fishing, and trapping benefits provided to former members of the United States Armed forces Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  02/22/21 
HB 2717 Assure West Virginians proper access to water and sewage service at reasonable rates Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2718 Better protect citizens in the event of a car accident with an uninsured motorist Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2727 Providing a special license plate for homeland security individuals Pending  House T&I Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2733 Relating to the establishment of a Combat Action Badge and Combat Action Ribbon special registration plates Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/05/21 
HB 2734 Require all athletes to perform in sport of the sex they were born Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2738 Bias Motivated Intimidation of Responders Prosecution Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2753 Provide programs to educate senior citizens Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/21 
HB 2835 Requiring the construction, development, acquisition or other establishment of an alcohol or drug treatment facility and drug and alcohol treatment services to obtain a certificate of need Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/02/21 
HB 2852 Relating to distribution of the allowance for increased enrollment Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 30, 2021)
HB 2884 To make changes to the FOIA law to protect public utility customer databases from disclosure, with exceptions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 8, 2021)
HB 2934 Allow local governments to hold property owners more accountable for upkeep of buildings Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/05/21 
HB 2935 Limit amount a county tax assessor can increase assessed value of antique or classic cars Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/05/21 
HB 2969 To clarify the procedures for the sale and operation of a municipally owned toll bridge by a private toll transportation facility Signed  Effective from passage - (April 7, 2021)
HB 2974 To implement a Property Tax Poverty Exemption - School Excess Levy Pending  House Finance Committee  03/08/21 
HB 2981 Providing veterans with suicide prevention assistance Pending  Senate Military Committee  03/27/21 
HB 2990 Requiring that any municipality or county commission intending to approve a location for a video lottery retailer must first announce their intention to do so and hold a public hearing Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/09/21 
HB 3009 Relating to the publication of county board financial statements Pending    2nd Reading  04/10/21 
HB 3101 Preserve the constitutional right of West Virginian’s to be free from unlawful automotive searches Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/12/21 
HB 3179 Limit property tax increases on certain individuals Pending  House Finance Committee  03/16/21 
HB 3180 Require all tax assessments be done on a periodic schedule Pending  House Finance Committee  03/16/21 
HB 3220 Restrictions on Taxpayer funded lobbying Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/16/21 
HB 3222 Assure West Virginians proper access to water and sewage service at reasonable rates Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/16/21 
HB 3231 Public Utilities not required to pay interest on security deposits Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/26/21 
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