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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Senator Unger sponsored 69 bills: |
Bill |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Step |
Last Action |
SB 2 | Relating generally to economic development loans and state-issued loan insurance | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 19 | Designating DHHR social workers to promote school attendance and performance | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 45 | Relating to required equipment for State Police and Natural Resources police officers | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 58 | Creating WV Farm Fresh Dairy Act | Pending | Senate Agriculture | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 106 | Creating personal income tax credit for volunteer firefighters | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 224 | Creating Emergency Medical Services Personnel Loan Forgiveness Program | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 230 | Prohibiting civil rights violations | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 232 | Establishing Stay in State tax credit | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 233 | Relating to insurance coverage for insulin | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 234 | Ensuring coverage for residents with preexisting conditions | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 235 | Middle School Technical Education Program Act | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 236 | Adding certain cancers as rebuttable presumption for injuries, diseases for professional firefighters | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 237 | Implementing trauma-informed practices in schools | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 238 | Expanding early childhood education programs to three-year-old children | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 239 | Establishing vocational-technical programs in middle schools | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 240 | Allowing workers’ compensation benefits for first responders diagnosed with PTSD | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 241 | Providing tax credit to new graduates of in-state or out-of-state higher educational institution, community or technical college, or trade school | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 242 | Establishing Promise for All Scholarship Program | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/11/21 |
SB 252 | Relating to unlawful discriminatory practices covered by Human Rights Act and Fair Housing Act | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 253 | Implementing Business PROMISE+ Scholarship | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 254 | Adding definitions of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to categories covered by Human Rights Act | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 255 | Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 256 | Prohibiting insurers from denying coverage as result of preexisting condition | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 257 | Relating to prohibition on short-term duration health insurance | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 259 | Authorizing small private employers to buy-in to PEIA | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 260 | Establishing Minority Health Advisory Team | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/12/21 |
SB 288 | Creating Katherine Johnson Fair Pay Act of 2021 | Pending | Senate Workforce | Committee | 02/13/21 |
SB 292 | Relating to disclosure of fundraising contributions during legislative session | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/13/21 |
SB 306 | Relating to removal of animals left unattended in motor vehicles | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/17/21 |
SB 309 | Creating felony offense of aggravated cruelty to animals | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/17/21 |
SB 310 | Providing for nonpartisan elections of county prosecuting attorneys | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/17/21 |
SB 335 | Relating to WV Invests Grant Program for students at accredited community and technical college | Signed | Effective July 1, 2021 | ||
SB 345 | Expanding alcohol test and lock program to include offenders with drug-related offense | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2021) | ||
SB 372 | Providing greater discretion to WV Board of Medicine to approve graduate clinical training | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 9, 2021) | ||
SB 384 | Increasing minimum salaries for Bureau for Child Support Enforcement attorneys | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/17/21 |
SB 418 | Creating Small Business and Minority Populations Economic and Workforce Development Taskforce | Pending | Senate Workforce | Committee | 02/23/21 |
SB 424 | Creating fixed income credit for low-income senior citizens | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 04/01/21 |
SB 432 | Defining term “veteran” relating to veteran-owned businesses | Pending | Senate Military | Committee | 02/23/21 |
SB 445 | Reinstating film investment tax credit | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/04/21 |
SB 465 | Including correctional officers as law-enforcement within WV Fire, EMS, and Law-Enforcement Survivor Benefit Act | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/26/21 |
SB 505 | Establishing Office of Regulatory and Fiscal Affairs under Joint Committee on Government and Finance | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/01/21 |
SB 520 | Allowing foster parents to purchase lifetime hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses for foster children | Pending | Senate Natural Resources | Committee | 03/02/21 |
SB 543 | Establishing Chuck Yeager Mountain State Medal of Excellence | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 03/31/21 |
SB 555 | Creating WV Semi-quincentennial Commission and fund | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/03/21 |
SB 556 | Updating and amending certain Archives and History Commission requirements | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/03/21 |
SB 557 | Adding Curator of Division of Arts, Culture and History as ex officio voting member to Commission on Arts | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/03/21 |
SB 579 | Establishing WV State Police Loan Forgiveness Program | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/05/21 |
SB 581 | Relating to online privacy protection for minors | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/05/21 |
SB 583 | Increasing required medical coverage for autism spectrum disorders | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 03/05/21 |
SB 598 | Creating Youth Mental Health Protection Act | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 03/08/21 |
SB 599 | Increasing salaries for WV State Police | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/08/21 |
SB 612 | Requiring compensation to certain State Troopers for off-duty time when on standby | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/10/21 |
SB 614 | Including family court judges in Judges' Retirement System | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/17/21 |
SB 621 | Relating to non-compete covenants between certain health care practitioners | Pending | Senate Rules | Committee | 03/12/21 |
SB 622 | Increasing compensation for elected county officials | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 04/01/21 |
SB 627 | Allowing workers’ compensation benefits for first responders diagnosed with PTSD | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 03/11/21 |
SB 640 | Creating Tobacco Cessation Initiative Program Special Revenue Account within State Treasury | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/24/21 |
SB 641 | Allowing counties to use severance tax proceeds for litter cleanup programs | Signed | Effective July 1, 2021 | ||
SB 659 | Prohibiting insurance companies from raising rates for policies that allow nursing home care | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 03/18/21 |
SB 662 | Exempting Social Security from personal income tax | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/18/21 |
SB 677 | Relating generally to miners' safety, health, and training standards | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 8, 2021) | ||
SB 697 | Establishing Civil Air Patrol license plate | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 03/22/21 |
SB 705 | Creating Multi-Phase Procurement for Broadband Projects Act | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/22/21 |
SB 708 | Establishing County Cleanup Committee within DNR | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 03/22/21 |
SB 710 | Requiring impact statement in certain instances of school closing or consolidation | Pending | 2nd Reading | 04/10/21 | |
SB 711 | Relating to school aid formula and minimum student enrollment | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 04/01/21 |
SB 714 | Relating to physician assistant practice act | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 8, 2021) | ||
SB 715 | Creating Recovery and Hope Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 03/31/21 |
SB 717 | Supplemental appropriation from General Revenue to WV Community and Technical College Education, Control Account | Signed | Effective from passage - (April 8, 2021) |