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Delegate Stalnaker sponsored 45 bills:


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HB 2036 Requiring school attendance and maintenance of satisfactory progress for privilege of operation of a motor vehicle Pending  House Education Committee  02/12/97 
HB 2074 Establishing a division of forms management Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/13/97 
HB 2075 West Virginia Regulatory Flexibility Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/13/97 
HB 2076 Permitting courts to award attorney fees and expenses against the state in civil actions brought by the state and in proceedings for judicial review of administrative orders Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/13/97 
HB 2128 Allowing the Legislature to oversee the inmate classification system Pending  Senate GOVO Committee  03/13/97 
HB 2133 Making it a misdemeanor to shoot deer, turkey or bear from a vehicle Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/06/97 
HB 2160 Repealing section in code relating to the appraisal control and review commission and related subcommittees Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2161 Repealing code sections relating to health-related boards, councils, committees and programs Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2162 Repealing code sections relating to certain economic development programs Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2165 Providing employer immunity from civil liability for information disclosed regarding former law-enforcement employees Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  04/07/97 
HB 2170 Relating to physician assistants and licensing requirements Pending    3rd Reading  04/11/97 
HB 2185 Requiring persons who have judgments against them and their wages to notify the clerk of the court of any change of job status or employer Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/97 
HB 2209 Allowing landowners to enter small streams and ditches to remove debris to prevent flooding Pending  House A&N Committee  02/25/97 
HB 2236 Removing the legislative oversight commission on education accountability from sunset review Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2237 Removing the forest management review commission from sunset review Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2238 Continuing the state building commission Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2285 Providing recovery of bank service charges after a warrant is filed in magistrate court Pending    2nd Reading  04/11/97 
HB 2286 Continuing the West Virginia State Police Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2287 Continuing the Division of Environmental Protection Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2288 Continuing the Office of Water Resources Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2401 Requirements for budgeting additional tax on severance, extraction and production of coal Pending  Senate Finance Committee  04/07/97 
HB 2406 Continuing the Child Support Enforcement Division Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2407 Continuing the Division of Personnel Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2416 Reduction of insurance premiums for school bus operators and drivers' education instructors Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/05/97 
HB 2441 Inspection of meat, poultry or any other agricultural commodity sold to a state institution Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2468 Creation of provider sponsored health networks Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/10/97 
HB 2498 Continuing the governor's cabinet on children and families Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2499 Continuing the school building authority Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2519 Continuing the department of health and human resources and the division of human services Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2523 Making the crime of impersonating a state policeman or deputy sheriff a felony Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/13/97 
HB 2561 Providing that magistrates be elected on a nonpartisan ballot and providing that terms of magistrates be staggered Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/14/97 
HB 2566 Revising the grandfather clause for respiratory care licensure Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2625 Prohibiting parking in front of wheelchair ramps Pending    3rd Reading  04/11/97 
HB 2676 Procedures for boards of health in promulgating rules restricting or prohibiting the smoking or possession of tobacco Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/21/97 
HB 2677 Provisions relating to reducing the access to tobacco products for persons under the age of eighteen years Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/21/97 
HB 2678 Terminating the public employees insurance agency advisory board Pending    1st Reading  04/09/97 
HB 2694 Providing for the collection of taxes on real estate sold at a sheriff's sale Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/24/97 
HB 2720 Requiring the county commission of the county in which an indigent individual resides to pay the expenses of a commitment hearing Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/25/97 
HB 2764 Relating to school nurses and school service personnel job descriptions, evaluations and pay increases Pending  House Education Committee  03/26/97 
HB 2766 Placing the board of respiratory practitioners under sunset review Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2851 Expanding automobile parking fraud provisions and increasing fines Pending  Senate TRAN Committee  04/04/97 
HB 2860 Requiring students to attend school and maintain a minimum grade point average to avoid a driver's license suspension Pending  House Education Committee  03/28/97 
HB 2867 Continuing the parks section and functions of the division of natural resources Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
HB 2878 Requiring the department of health and human resources to conduct detailed performance audits Pending  House Finance Committee  04/02/97 
HB 2881 Changing termination dates for agencies and relating to changes in the sunset law Signed    Governor  05/19/97 
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