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Senator Unger sponsored 145 bills:


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SB 2 Relating to benefits of retired teachers employed by institutions of higher education Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/08/03 
SB 15 Prohibiting open nonintoxicating beer and alcoholic beverage containers in passenger areas of motor vehicles Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/03 
SB 16 Relating to extraordinary police or security services by deputy sheriffs for public or private entities Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/03 
SB 17 Creating Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Senate Economic Development Committee  01/08/03 
SB 23 Allowing tax credit for employers providing child day care services Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/08/03 
SB 25 Increasing salary increments for principals and assistant principals Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/08/03 
SB 27 Exempting abandoned military awards and decorations from public auction Pending  Senate Military Committee  01/08/03 
SB 28 Authorizing counties establish transferable development rights Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/08/03 
SB 29 Requiring certain training for retail outlets and private club employees Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/03 
SB 30 Requiring public hearing prior to issuance of license for private clubs Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/03 
SB 31 Relating to bureau of employment programs Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/08/03 
SB 33 Reducing retired teachers' service time to qualify for pension increase Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/08/03 
SB 49 Exempting farming equipment and livestock from personal property taxation Pending  Senate Agriculture Committee  01/08/03 
SB 55 Relating to graduated elimination of consumers sales tax on food Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/08/03 
SB 62 Allowing conservation officers to work certain overtime Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/08/03 
SB 63 Repealing provider tax on optometrists Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/08/03 
SB 80 Relating to school counselors Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/09/03 
SB 83 Reducing sales tax on packaged food and fresh-grown food in certain cases Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/09/03 
SB 90 Increasing number of sales by certain volunteer groups that are exempt from consumers sales tax Pending  House Finance Committee  02/25/03 
SB 98 Creating Small Business Tax Credit Act Pending  Senate Economic Development Committee  01/10/03 
SB 99 Relating to dedication of certain proceeds to counties Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/10/03 
SB 100 Exempting barbers, beauticians and manicurists from continuing education classes for license renewal Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/05/03 
SB 104 Regulating all-terrain vehicles Pending  Senate TRAN Committee  01/10/03 
SB 108 Modifying adjusted gross income to certain retired higher education employees Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/10/03 
SB 109 Notifying third party of entry of order affecting child's care and education Pending    3rd Reading  03/08/03 
SB 110 Providing state income tax exemption to certain federal retirees Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/10/03 
SB 111 Providing civil service coverage for certain correctional officers Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/10/03 
SB 115 Providing state maintain telemarketing do-not-call list Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/10/03 
SB 117 Requiring firearm safety program in public schools Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/10/03 
SB 118 Exempting veterans' organizations from state sales tax Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/10/03 
SB 124 Relating to use of checks, drafts or debit authorizations as security Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  01/13/03 
SB 131 Creating Alzheimer's caregiver assistance program Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/13/03 
SB 140 Increasing salaries for certain employees in division of corrections Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/13/03 
SB 143 Providing high school diplomas to certain veterans Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/17/03 
SB 146 Increasing retirement supplement for certain teachers Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/13/03 
SB 149 Relating to prescription drug price assistance project Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/13/03 
SB 150 Relating to fees charged disabled veterans for special license plates Pending  Senate TRAN Committee  01/14/03 
SB 158 Creating Clean Elections Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/15/03 
SB 159 Relating to eligibility for child care assistance Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/15/03 
SB 160 Increasing retirement supplement for certain teachers; cap Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/15/03 
SB 161 Repealing section authorizing appeal from workers' compensation to supreme court Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/16/03 
SB 170 Requiring informed consent for abortion; other provisions BL    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 175 Creating Bioterrorism Threat Reduction Act Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/17/03 
SB 179 Limiting total number of students teacher is required to teach Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/20/03 
SB 181 Relating to compulsory school attendance and home school instruction Pending    2nd Reading  03/08/03 
SB 188 Requiring vision exams for school admission; other provisions Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/28/03 
SB 201 Increasing benefits to survivors of state police killed in line of duty Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/20/03 
SB 203 Expanding health care coverage for children; eligibility Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  01/22/03 
SB 205 Modifying criminal intent for animal cruelty crimes; fines Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 208 Clarifying authority of consolidated public retirement board regarding state police Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/22/03 
SB 209 Increasing base salary of sworn state police personnel by certain percent Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/22/03 
SB 210 Permitting retired state police carry concealed weapon for life Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/03 
SB 211 Relating to compensation of professional licensing board members Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/30/03 
SB 213 Restricting actions brought by nonresidents in state courts Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 215 Making supplementary appropriation to department of health and human resources, health care authority Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 222 Providing exemption from gross income for certain members of volunteer fire departments Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/23/03 
SB 338 Establishing medicaid buy-in program for certain individuals with disabilities Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 341 Creating Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act Pending    Concurrence  03/08/03 
SB 352 Relating to jobs act Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 362 Establishing Public-Private Transportation Act of 2003 Pending  House Finance Committee  03/03/03 
SB 364 Strengthening multidisciplinary treatment team process for children involved in court system Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 368 Lowering retirement age for certain state troopers Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/27/03 
SB 372 Allowing state police to engage in political activities in certain cases Pending    2nd Reading  03/08/03 
SB 380 Relating to licensing of private investigators and security guards Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/24/03 
SB 385 Eliminating provision disabled state police convert to regular retirement at certain age; benefits Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/29/03 
SB 389 Authorizing division of motor vehicles reimburse certain advisory boards for expenses Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/13/03 
SB 390 Removing requirement social security number appear on commercial driver's license Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 392 Increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/29/03 
SB 395 Granting temporary grandparent visitation during divorce action; technical corrections Pending    3rd Reading  03/08/03 
SB 409 Relating to compromise and settlement of claims for death by wrongful act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/30/03 
SB 413 Increasing various county fees and dedicating to courthouse facilities improvement fund Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/26/03 
SB 429 Increasing annuity multiplier in public employees retirement system; certain language deleted Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/03/03 
SB 436 Directing public service commission to implement 211 information and referral system Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 438 Defining "full-time" for higher education faculty member Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/04/03 
SB 439 Increasing overtime and holiday pay for classified employees; removing experience cap Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/06/03 
SB 441 Establishing Uniform Prudent Investor Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/03/03 
SB 444 Establishing Emergency Medical Services Retirement System Act Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/04/03 
SB 453 Establishing domestic violence fatality review team Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 454 Requiring school nurse for certain enrollment; shared-time Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/05/03 
SB 455 Authorizing retirement credit for public employment in another state Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 458 Requiring hospitals implement plan eliminating or reducing medication-related errors Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/05/03 
SB 460 Establishing Substance Abuse Prevention Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/26/03 
SB 473 Relating to incremental salary increase for classified higher education employees Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/07/03 
SB 474 Permitting certain higher education faculty to participate in catastrophic leave bank Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/21/03 
SB 482 Defining "adult-oriented establishment" for county commissions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/03/03 
SB 483 Making school support allowance for increased enrollment mandatory Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/11/03 
SB 490 Relating to prosecuting attorneys' qualifications Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/11/03 
SB 494 Regulating fees between cemeteries, certain companies and veterans for setting grave markers Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 503 Providing penalty for unauthorized access to government computers or computer networks Pending    3rd Reading  03/08/03 
SB 506 Providing homestead property tax exemption for all homeowners Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/12/03 
SB 509 Removing experience increment cap for higher education classified employees Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/12/03 
SB 510 Relating to commission on holocaust education Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 515 Creating State Payment for State Mandates Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/24/03 
SB 516 Increasing low-income exclusion for personal income tax Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/13/03 
SB 517 Creating certain tax credit for dependent children Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/13/03 
SB 527 Relating to property owner's liability for costs associated with waste tires Pending    3rd Reading  03/08/03 
SB 531 Relating to consumers sales and service tax; exemptions Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 539 Authorizing special license plate for Harley Owners Group Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/18/03 
SB 540 Relating to reporting unauthorized workers employed in state Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/26/03 
SB 543 Relating to managed timberland for property tax purposes Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/14/03 
SB 547 Relating to judges and justices and judicial retirement Pending    Concurrence  03/08/03 
SB 549 Relating to exotic entertainment Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/14/03 
SB 551 Increasing employee contribution to deputy sheriff retirement fund Pending    Concurrence  03/08/03 
SB 552 Establishing Container Recycling and Litter Control Act Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  02/17/03 
SB 562 Relating to certain painted markings for posted land Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/03 
SB 563 Increasing fine for trespassing Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/03 
SB 566 Increasing salaries of supreme court justices, circuit court and family court judges READ    1st Reading  03/05/03 
SB 567 Providing reduced turnpike toll for motorcycles Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/17/03 
SB 569 Authorizing special Knights of Columbus license plates Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/18/03 
SB 572 Relating to racial profiling by police during traffic stop Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/03 
SB 573 Requiring certain motor vehicle loads be covered; penalty Pending  Senate TRAN Committee  02/17/03 
SB 575 Requiring disclosure of known defects for sellers of real property Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/03 
SB 580 Providing for inspections of individual water supply and wastewater systems; certification of inspectors Pending  House Finance Committee  03/05/03 
SB 586 Providing certain public governing bodies need not require second to motion Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/03 
SB 587 Allowing state police to engage in political activities in certain cases Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/03 
SB 591 Providing for licensure of athletic trainers Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/17/03 
SB 594 Relating to public employees insurance agency finance board and participation of Legislature in insurance plan Pending    Introduced  03/08/03 
SB 606 Updating data processing exemption for consumers sales and service tax Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/17/03 
SB 613 Providing cost-of-living increase for certain teacher retirement annuitants Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/17/03 
SB 615 Permitting independent voters to vote for candidate of any political party in primary; marking registration record Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/03 
SB 618 Authorizing municipalities to permit certain veterans to park free Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  02/28/03 
SB 622 Prohibiting convicted felon from being employee or board member of regional jail and correctional facility authority Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/03 
SB 637 Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items from state road fund to department of transportation, division of motor vehicles Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 638 Making supplementary appropriation to department of military affairs and public safety, division of corrections, parolee supervision fees Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 639 Making supplementary appropriation to department of transportation, division of motor vehicles, driver's license reinstatement fund Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 640 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of military affairs and public safety, division of veterans' affairs Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 641 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of administration, children's health insurance agency Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 642 Making supplementary appropriation to department of health and human resources, division of human services, child support enforcement Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 643 Making supplementary appropriation to bureau of commerce, division of natural resources Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 644 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of military affairs and public safety, division of corrections Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 645 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to public service commission, motor carrier division Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 646 Establishing centers for economic development and technology advancement at higher education institutions Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 647 Establishing and maintaining self-insurance account by investment management board Pending    Concurrence  03/08/03 
SB 650 Defining waters of state Pending    Concurrence  03/08/03 
SB 651 Creating academy of science and technology Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 652 Renaming Marion health care hospital John Manchin, Sr., health care center Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 653 Coordinating standardized curricula for nursing undergraduate programs Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/27/03 
SB 655 Creating public utilities tax loss restoration fund Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 657 Relating to capital company act Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 658 Making supplementary appropriation to department of health and human resources, division of human services, James "Tiger" Morton Catastrophic Illness Fund Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 659 Making supplementary appropriation to state board of examiners for licensed practical nurses Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 660 Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items from state road fund to department of transportation, division of highways Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 661 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of health and human resources, division of health, maternal and child health Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 662 Expiring funds to unappropriated surplus balance in general revenue and appropriating to tax division Signed    Governor  04/08/03 
SB 663 Relating to creation of capitol renovation and debt service fund Pending  House Introduction 03/08/03 
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