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HB 2002 Establishment of family resource centers in needy counties Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2003 Permitting a physical therapist holding a temporary permit to practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2006 Providing employer immunity from civil liability for information disclosed regarding former law-enforcement employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2007 Requiring state agencies to provide information for verifying eligibility for public housing programs Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2008 Tax credit for employers who provide child day care services for their employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2009 Allowing municipalities to self-insure together and promulgation of rules by the Commissioner of Insurance Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2010 Providing restitution to crime victims by juvenile offenders or the parents of the offenders Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2011 Patient Protection Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2012 Prohibiting the manufacture, distribution or possession of certain controlled or counterfeit substances near a park or housing project Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2014 Requiring certain health insurance policy language Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2015 Exempting magistrates from obtaining a concealed weapons permit Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2016 Making the commission of a felony or misdemeanor with the use of a motor vehicle and firearm a separate criminal offense Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2017 Permitting emergency medical service attendants to choose whether lost time is subtracted from regular pay or annual leave Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2018 Providing that an employee has the right to decline to work more than forty hours in a workweek Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2019 Removing from a period of parole any credit for good conduct Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2021 Making the state convict road force mandatory Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2023 Providing a ten percent discount on insurance policies for homes with sprinkler systems Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2024 Creating a tax exemption for voluntary fire, rescue or emergency medical service personnel Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2025 Prohibiting employers from charging accumulated sick or annual leave against an employee who has missed work due to being on call as a firefighter, EMT or paramedic Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2026 Requiring that insurance demolition proceeds be placed in escrow Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2028 Raising the monetary threshold for grand larceny Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2029 Raising the maximum penalty for third degree sexual assault and first degree sexual abuse Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2030 Creating a pilot program to evaluate the efficacy of requiring the hiring of workers from the local labor market in publicly funded construction projects Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2031 Allowing persons to defend their property with deadly force without being exposed to liability Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2032 Allowing schools to close on days of public mourning for the death of a current or former United States President Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2033 Providing public employees retirement with full pension rights when contributing service equals or exceeds thirty years Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2035 Requiring HMOs, PEIA insurance coverages and group health coverages to provide equal payment coverage for prescription drugs Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2036 Prohibiting the recognition of same sex marriages from other states or territories Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2037 Removing liability of landowner for injuries to persons hunting, trapping or fishing on the landowner's land Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2038 Crediting a deceased state employee's sick leave toward continued insurance coverage for a surviving spouse or other dependents Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2040 Relating to testimony of a child witness by use of live, closed-circuit television Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2042 Reducing the blood alcohol content for DUI convictions Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2045 Relating to itemized statements of medicaid assistance or services Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2046 Misdemeanor offense for the manufacture, possession, use or distribution of jackrocks Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2047 Alternating the requests or dispatches of tow truck services among all available towing services Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2048 Eliminating the compensation programs performance council and the position of commissioner of the bureau of employment programs and reinstating the position of commissioner of employment security Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2049 Requiring medicaid providers to publicly disclose staffing and performance data Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2051 Amending provision relating to the award and distribution of grant moneys from the school building authority Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2052 Granting waivers to sparsely populated counties for relief from the ratio limitations on state funding of professional educators Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2054 Providing certain retired veterans free passes to high school, college or university sporting events Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2055 Creating the West Virginia transportation oversight committee Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2056 Misdemeanor offense of ticket scalping Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2057 Authorized expenditure by qualified nonprofit tax exempt organizations of certain net proceeds of bingo and raffle operations Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2059 Relating to disposition of juvenile delinquents and notice of hearing to the state medicaid agency Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2060 Granting priority to veterans for federal and state employment and training programs Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 2061 Clarifying language relating to funds to be used to implement provisions relating to the child placement alternatives corporation Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2063 Relating to seniority and posting of higher education classified job vacancies Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2064 Renaming the state teachers retirement system and the teachers retirement board Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2065 Reentry into the teachers retirement system for certain employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2066 Permitting the deduction of home mortgage interest paid for purposes of personal income tax Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2067 Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2068 Special method for valuation of certain computer property Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2069 Expanding the counties covered by the Route 2 and Interstate 68 Authority and increasing the number of members Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2070 Establishing "Operation Native Talent" for West Virginians seeking employment and job opportunities Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2071 Relating to grandparent visitation when the parent's parental right is terminated due to a felony conviction Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2072 Permitting retiring public employees to apply a percentage of their annual and sick leave to insurance coverage and a percentage toward service credit Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2073 Providing a speed limit, applicable to semitractor trailers, of five miles per hour slower than the existing speed limit on all highways Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2076 Requiring that the election of the entire judiciary be on a nonpartisan basis and providing that candidates cannot solicit contributions from lawyers Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2077 Permitting courts to award attorney fees and expenses against the state in civil actions brought by the state and in proceedings for judicial review of administrative orders Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2079 Granting prior service credit to certain county employees for retirement purposes Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2080 Requiring executive agencies to report notices of disallowances or potential disallowances of federal funds within sixty days of receipt Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2083 Imposing a fee on prison and jail inmates for medical services Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2085 Establishing a commuter pass for college students who use the turnpike in commuting to school Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 2087 Relating to retirement annuities for persons who retired on disability retirement Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2089 Incremental decrease in the tax assessed on dental and physicians' services Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2091 Prohibiting county commissioners who are candidates in an election from serving on the board of canvassers or participating in the canvassing of returns Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2092 Clarifying when the time begins to run following the suspension of a driver's license for driving under the influence Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2093 Permitting unclaimed moneys held by the general receiver to be kept within each respective county's general fund Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 2095 Increasing the maximum number of years to which an additional levy applies and providing that levy elections take place during general elections Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2096 Requiring a vision test for renewal of a driver's license Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2097 Requiring water companies to provide water for emergency flow testing and to maintain fire hydrants at no cost to the consumer or fire department Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2098 Requiring the installation of fire hydrants in all upgrades and new installations of water mains Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2099 Prohibiting vehicles transporting hazardous materials from parking within one thousand feet of educational or health care facilities Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2100 Requiring certain buildings built and maintained with public funds to use at least twenty-five percent steel framing Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2101 Dedicating tax proceeds from fuel tax on barges and other commercial watercraft to the West Virginia Public Port Authority Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2103 Permitting the sale of certain motor vehicles on an "as is" basis Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2105 Authorizing an action for the late return of a rented video cassette Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2106 Requiring an election to adopt a zoning ordinance proposed by a county commission Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2107 Authorizing the parkways, economic development and tourism authority to construct industrial sites along its corridor Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2109 Industrial Park Shell Building and Jobs Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2110 Adding "sexual orientation" to the categories covered by the Human Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2111 Homestead exemption from debts caused by catastrophic illness Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2112 Granting four hours of paid leave for the purpose of attending conferences for each child of a school employee Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2114 Prohibiting violations of civil rights because of disability of sexual orientation Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2115 Primary elections and nominating procedures of third party candidates Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2116 Establishing a procedure for collective bargaining by public school employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2117 Teacher retirement eligibility when age plus years of service equals or exceeds eighty Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2118 Providing a business franchise tax credit for expenditures to upgrade county or state roads Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2120 Allowing all counties to become eligible for infrastructure fund grants Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2121 Retirement system service credit for certain teachers on educational leave of absence Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2122 Making Christmas Eve a state holiday Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2123 Ensuring good indoor air quality in schools Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2124 Providing that certain advanced nurse practitioners may serve in lieu of an HMO subscriber's primary care physician Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2126 Allowing professional firefighters to run for office except in the municipality where they work Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2127 Granting homestead exemption benefits to disabled veterans under the age of sixty-five Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2129 Bimonthly deductions for PEIA insurance and negotiation of fees with health care provider groups Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2130 Establishing three degrees of negligent vehicular homicide Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2132 Providing disincentives to frivolous or malicious inmate litigation Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2134 Authorizing county commissions to adopt and enforce noise abatement ordinances Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2137 Providing that an insured individual's motor vehicle coverage is primary when a claim arises from the operation of a vehicle owned by a certain person, firm or corporation Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2138 Removing the requirement that reclamation related liabilities have to exceed the accrued amount in the reclamation fund before the fund tax is collected and removal of the five thousand dollar per acre limit for bonding Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2142 Allowing mental hygiene commissioners to carry concealed weapons Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2145 Personal property tax exemption on one vehicle in proportion to the amount of miles traveled for volunteer fire department members Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2146 Authorizing county boards of education to employ school crossing guards Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2147 Removing the twenty year limitation in determining incremental salary increases for state employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2149 West Virginia Jobs Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2151 Providing a tax credit for parents or guardians who provide their children with home or private schooling Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2152 Providing the death penalty for first degree murder Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2154 Requiring labor organizations to establish separate funds for political purposes, etc Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2155 Requiring the commissioner of labor to base the determination of prevailing wage rates on certain statistics and providing county commissions authority to review the determination Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2156 Exempting construction performed on behalf of educational authorities from prevailing wage laws Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2157 Granting prior service credit in the West Virginia State Police to members of the teachers retirement system Pending  3rd Reading  02/28/00 
HB 2158 Providing funding for the costs of certain bus operator salaries and fringe benefits Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2159 Second or subsequent offense of cruelty to animals a felony and providing for mandatory incarceration Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2160 Providing that both creation science and evolution science be taught in public schools on an equal basis Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2161 Implementing a religious education program in the public schools Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2162 Requiring restaurant food handlers to wear protective gloves Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2163 Requiring diagnostic test results be reported to a patient within twenty-four hours of the time the physician receives the results Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2164 Requiring advised consent for induced abortions Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2165 Golden Rule Financing and Tax Incentives Disclosure Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2166 Including school-based health care providers in the definition of primary care physician for children subscribers of HMO's Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2167 Authorizing the supreme court of appeals to establish a uniform bail schedule Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2171 Prohibiting posting of notification of sobriety checkpoints Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2172 Prohibiting insurance companies from discriminating on rates charged for drivers under the age of eighteen years Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2173 Providing a fifteen percent discount to automobile insureds who have not filed a claim for five years or longer Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2174 Providing for the collection of taxes on real estate sold at a sheriff's sale Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2175 Requiring the county commission of the county in which an indigent individual resides to pay the expenses of a commitment hearing Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2176 Authorizing municipal law-enforcement officers to transport and present mentally incompetent persons to mental health care facilities Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2177 Prohibiting auto insurers from developing premium rates by territories and requiring the same to be developed statewide Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2178 Criminal penalty for willful violation of school employee rights Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2179 Prohibiting the disclosure of the names of lottery winners Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2184 Creating a new felony offense of disarming or attempting to disarm a law-enforcement officer Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 2187 Increasing salaries of principals and assistant principals and providing salary reduction procedures Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2189 Allowing former members of the state police to receive service credit under the public employees retirement system Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 2190 Requiring insurance coverage of breast reconstruction following mastectomy surgery Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2194 Relating to the appointment of a sheriff as the administrator of an estate Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2198 Retirement benefits for members of police and fire departments upon attaining twenty-five years of service regardless of age Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2201 Tuition and fee waivers for children and spouses of full-time faculty and staff members at state institutions of higher education Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2202 Deduction of contributions for the restoration of the C&O canal and the towpath from adjusted gross income Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2203 Sentencing alternative for violations of the ban on tobacco products for students over the age of eighteen years Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2204 Removing the family purpose doctrine provision from motor vehicle liability policies Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2205 Tuition and fee waivers for persons enrolled at state institutions of higher education who wish to audit courses or classes Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2207 Election of attorney general and secretary of state in nonpresidential election years Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2208 Covenant Marriage Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2209 Providing a cost-of-living benefit for certain retired public employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2210 Eviction proceedings of persons who commit illegal activities on rented property Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2211 Making it unlawful to create certain loud noises Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2212 Extending throughout the year state campsite discounts for disabled persons Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2213 Permitting certain state employees to earn merit pay raises Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2214 Elder Offense Registration Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2215 Limiting the expansion of the state capitol complex in the east end of Charleston Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2217 Prohibiting the operation of all-terrain vehicles on publicly maintained streets or highways Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2220 Requiring a local police agency to pay a percentage of the cost of training a state police academy recruit Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2224 Requiring students to maintain a 1.0 minimum grade point average to avoid a driver's license suspension Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2225 Requiring a divorced member to prove there is no qualified domestic relations order in effect as a condition to elect certain retirement annuity options Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2226 Including an appendix for an agreement of alternative child support arrangement Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2229 Requiring parental consent before an unemancipated minor may obtain an abortion except in certain instances Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2234 Authorization to award damages to landlords for damages caused by evicted tenants Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2235 Eliminating the acquisition of property rights in real estate by adverse possession Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2237 Requiring persons who have judgments against them and their wages to notify the court of any change of job status or employer Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2240 Uniform Premarital Agreement Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2247 Providing a tax credit of fifty dollars for each dependant child of a taxpayer Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2248 Civic Literacy Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2250 Increasing benefits for retired state personnel and teachers Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2266 Removing the requirement of blowing a vehicle horn in certain instances Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2267 Implementing a one-time tax-free week on sales of clothing under fifty dollars Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2268 Establishment of a state veterans' nursing home Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2275 Eliminating violent offenders from that group of criminal defendants and inmates who are eligible under existing law for work release Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2279 Prohibiting the unauthorized use of Olympic symbols Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2282 Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2283 Permitting spouses and dependents of West Virginia residents on active military duty to be issued licenses to hunt, fish or trap Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 2284 Requiring the state personnel board to consider levels of seniority when awarding or withdrawing benefits Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2287 West Virginia Public Employment Relations Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2288 Providing for the payment of prescription drug services for senior citizens Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2289 Relating generally to public employees retirement and benefits Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 2290 West Virginia Wild Game Breeder's and Dealer's Licensing Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2299 Relating to the disposal of animal carcasses by incineration Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2308 Implementing a training or certification program which includes drug testing and criminal background checks for in-home health care workers Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2315 Relating generally to the West Virginia development office Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2317 Issuing special license plates for reserve deputy sheriffs Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2319 Increasing the pay of magistrates, magistrate court clerks and magistrate assistants in counties with high caseloads Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2320 Phasing out the sales tax on food by one cent a year until the tax is removed Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2321 Requiring animal owners to post bond for costs when an animal is seized as abandoned, neglected or cruelly treated Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2322 Changing the time limitation to acquire property by adverse possession Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2323 Preventing the recordation of fraudulent deeds and notification by the clerk of the county commission Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2328 Relating to political activities of deputy sheriffs and professional firefighters Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2331 Providing local option elections to allow counties to enact a right-to-work law Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2332 Prohibiting the use of funds from the public assistance medical services fund to pay for an abortion except in certain cases Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2336 Permitting the sealing of criminal records relating to drug offenses Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2337 Providing retirement credit to teachers for years of service at private four-year colleges and universities Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2341 Equalizing magistrate salaries with the salary of the clerk of the circuit court in that respective county Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2342 Exempting military retirement benefits from personal income tax obligations Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2344 Requiring at least one registered nurse to serve on certain state boards, commissions or task forces Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2346 Protecting a religious body from incurring tax liabilities on certain land Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2352 Procedures for the development of coal properties owned by cotenants Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2353 Providing that the commissioner of the division of highways may offer certain right-of-way properties to other entities before disposing of the properties by public auction Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2355 Providing a supplemental cost-of-living allowance to retired teachers Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2361 Eliminating landlord liability for a tenant's delinquent utility accounts Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2365 Repealing the section which prohibits the political activities of members of paid fire departments Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2367 Removing the tax exemption status for certain nonprofit hospitals Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2370 Requiring schools to include instruction on voter education, civic leadership and the democratic process Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2372 Increasing retirement benefits for public employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2373 Promulgating a rule regarding faculty status for college librarians Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2374 Providing continued use of a suspended commercial driver's license under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 2375 Prohibiting block scheduling in schools Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2376 Raising the minimum pay for national guard members on active state duty Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2377 Establishing a civil remedy for the drawing and uttering of worthless check Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 2378 Providing for reimbursement to the bail bondsman for the amount of a forfeited bond under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2379 Imposing an excise tax on smokeless tobacco products and dedicating the proceeds of the tax to the Children's Health Insurance Program Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2382 Relating to the labeling of dairy products Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2384 Prohibiting sale at full retail price of any damaged container or canned goods Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2385 Establishing a secure residential school for juvenile status offenders Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2386 Removing the requirement that venue properly lies in Kanawha County in relation to certain controversies involving the state Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2387 Creating the institute for increased postsecondary education participation Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2389 Requiring nursing homes to have sufficient nursing personnel Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2390 Requiring inmates convicted of a felony involving violence to serve at least eighty percent of his or her maximum sentence Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2391 Good Neighbor Water Expansion Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2398 Licensing of debt collection agencies Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2400 Removing the authority of the child advocate to collect alimony payments Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2403 Removing the requirement that certain motorcycle operators and passengers wear helmets Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2405 Providing a county referendum to allow voters to decide the issue of Sunday hunting Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2406 State personal income tax exemption for certain members of volunteer fire departments Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2407 Providing for meetings and conference rights for members of municipal police and fire departments Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2408 Relating to taxes on income, receipts or expenditures for goods or services of horse or dog racing owners, trainers or jockeys Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2409 Distribution of revenues of video lottery net terminal income to the thoroughbred development fund Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2410 Voluntary Small Employer Purchasing Pool Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2411 Requiring businesses which use scanners at the checkout counter to post prices on the shelf Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2412 Removing the exemption from planning and zoning restrictions for mining and manufacturing activities and uses Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2413 Faculty status for professional librarians Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2415 West Virginia Regulatory Flexibility Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2416 Raising the minimum sentence of a person convicted of a second or subsequent offense of felony Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2417 Providing for jury sentencing of a person convicted of certain criminal offenses following a jury trial Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2419 Enhanced penalties for crimes against the elderly Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2420 Making the state convict road force mandatory Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2421 West Virginia Small Business Tax Credit Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2422 Requiring drug and alcohol testing of drivers involved in accidents that result in death Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2423 Creating an independent Board of Tax and Revenue Appeals Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2426 Increasing from twenty to thirty the allowable years of service used in calculating salary increments for state employees and including employees of higher education governing boards Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2427 Imposing a mandatory life sentence without probation or parole for conviction on death caused by arson-related crime Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2428 Creating a new registration plate for classic motor vehicles and motorcycles and use of such vehicles for general transportation Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2429 Adding the suspension of driver's license as a penalty for vandalism of public property Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2431 Making it a misdemeanor to shoot deer, turkey or bear from a vehicle Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2432 Providing retirement service credit for certain employees of the West Virginia University extension service Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2433 Providing a reduction in campground rental fees for certain disabled veterans Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2435 Authorizing specialized motorcycle license plates for veterans Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2436 Providing a state flag to every public school in the state Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2439 Designating President's Day as a school holiday Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2442 Providing for appellate relief for the state in criminal proceedings Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2444 Relating generally to noncoal mineral extraction Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2445 Establishing an environmental leadership program Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2446 Phasing out the sales tax on food over a period of up to ten years Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2447 Lowering the minimum age for those persons eligible for boot camp programs Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2449 Repealing the Controlled Substances Monitoring Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2452 Imposing special excise taxes on tobacco products Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2454 Increasing the excise tax on the sale and use of cigarettes Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2456 Exempting from taxation antique motor vehicles and motorcycles Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2457 Adding public service district board members and employees to the definition of employee under PEIA Pending  Committee  02/29/00 
HB 2459 Recapture of previously earned seniority upon reemployment for certain school employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2460 Authorizing criminal discovery in magistrate court Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2463 Requiring nurse representation on hospital boards of directors Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2464 Granting additional compensation to education employees who work a shift other than day shift Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2473 Creating felony penalties for owning or allowing use of certain gaming devices or machines Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2584 Consideration of time served in the armed forces for service credit under the public employees retirement system Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2586 Lifelong Learning Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2588 Exempting West Virginians seventy-five years of age or older from state income tax Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2589 Creating a special driving permit for disabled persons for driving three-wheeled motorcycles Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2591 Providing that the use of intimidation, force or threats against judicial officers, jurors and witnesses is a felony Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2605 Increasing the age requirement for obtaining a concealed weapon permit from eighteen to twenty-one years of age Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 2606 Increasing disability and death benefits for police pensions Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2611 Requiring verification of approved septic or sewage system prior to connection of public utilities Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 2614 Providing a two thousand dollar exclusion from income for income tax purposes for certain retirees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2619 Enhancement of the jail sentence of persons convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol who are intoxicated when they appear to serve their sentences Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2620 Providing that correctional officers shall be paid for unused leave in addition to their regular salary Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2623 Correcting an omission in the model Insurance Company Holding Act by providing that certain information reported is confidential Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 2624 Relating to the amount of employee and board contributions to retirement plans selected by the governing boards of higher education Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2634 Implementing a graduated driver's license program for persons under the age of eighteen, etc Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2638 Changing the state primary election date Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2647 Requiring the use of unused genuine crash parts for the repair of motor vehicles Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2651 Public employee retirement system service credit for time worked in CETA and other federal programs Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2652 Increasing the criminal penalty for unlawful possession of certain controlled substances Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2654 Permitting motor vehicle dealers to sell certain motor vehicles on an "as is" basis without warranty Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2655 Increasing magistrate salaries in the more populous counties equal to the salary of Class I clerks of circuit courts Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2657 Increasing the tax for the privilege of transferring property and dedicating proceeds for clean-up of dilapidated structures Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2663 Relating generally to school service personnel salaries and classifications Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2664 Clarifying costs to be assessed against defendants in magistrate court cases Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2665 Reducing the sales tax on food from six percent to five percent Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2666 Increasing the policemen's and firemen's minimum monthly retirement and the surviving spouse's monthly death benefit Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2668 Providing for teacher retirement annuity survivor beneficiary options Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2680 Gradually eliminating the sales tax on food and increasing the sales tax on other items to six and one-half percent Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2681 Patient Safety Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2686 Allowing municipalities to regulate the hours of operation of private liquor clubs by ordinance Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2687 Creating the felony offense of destruction of property Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2690 Relating to issuance and fees of hunting, trapping and fishing licenses Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2692 Authorizing courts to order defendants to contribute monetarily or through hours of service to local crime victim's assistance programs Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2698 Removing language in the seat belt law whereby enforcement is accomplished only as a secondary action Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2704 Increasing supplemental benefits to teacher retirement annuitants Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2708 Establishing the crime of interfering with or misleading a law-enforcement officer Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2709 Fixing a maximum time period for the settlement of decedent's estates at five years Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2714 Providing tax relief for homeowners and renters under the age of sixty-five Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2716 Income tax exemption for veterans who locate in West Virginia following separation from service Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2717 Providing for child visitation centers to monitor child visitation Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 2720 Making it a crime to operate certain large vehicles in the passing lane of four lane highways Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2725 Establishing a procedure for collective bargaining by public school employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2727 Requiring school boards to follow statutory guidelines as to the ratio of cooks to the number of meals served Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2728 Permitting persons sixty years of age or older to attend colleges or universities without payment of tuition and fees on a space available basis Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2729 Providing that the annual salary increment increase applies to thirty years of experience for higher education employees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2736 Exempting military retirement income from personal income tax Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2737 Setting forth new provisions regarding the method and nomination of members of the board of coal mine health and safety Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 2738 Graduated cost-of-living allowances for certain public employee retirees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2739 Crediting a deceased teacher's sick leave toward continued insurance coverage for a surviving spouse and other dependents Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2741 Increasing administrative allowances for officers of the army and air national guards Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 2747 Child Relocation Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2748 Relating to discharging probation officers and circuit court clerical assistants for cause only Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 2750 Providing a one-step pay increase for school bus operators with fifteen or more years service Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2751 Salary increase for sanitarian employees of the division of health Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2752 Promoting contributions to the maintenance and improvement of state parks Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2753 Requiring all occupants driving or riding in a motor vehicle to wear safety belts Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2761 Authorizing optical image media preservation of county records Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2763 Prohibiting discrimination in providing access to public accommodations because of means of transportation or insignia on clothing Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2764 Information Technology Access Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2769 Establishing reciprocity of mine foreman and experienced miner certification Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2770 Repealing the section relating to charging fees for the use of the state seal Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2776 Relating to the definition of managed timberland for tax purposes Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 2779 Limiting the number of cases that juvenile probation officers are required to handle and preventing juvenile contact with adult probationers Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2785 Relating to cruelty to animals during extreme weather conditions Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2786 Exempting property used exclusively for retirement homes from taxation Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2795 Increasing the amount which may be expended for training of high technology business employees under the guaranteed work force program Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2799 Protecting insurance consumer's right to representation by an agent of their choice in certain situations Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2801 Requiring PSC consent in the sale of certain properties Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2803 Permit standards, definitions and documentation relating to post-mine land use Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2808 Relating generally to the board of barbers and cosmetologists Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2812 Increasing threshold amounts before small businesses and contractors must file monthly or quarterly tax returns Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2813 Equalizing the number and alternating the selection of juror strikes in a felony trial Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2817 Making state laws conform to federal law relating to the use and display of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2818 Authorizing the division of corrections to collect certain costs from inmates and parolees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2819 Articulating a purpose and legislative intent concerning the operation of the division of corrections Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2820 Updating language addressing the custody of inmates and authorizing the division of corrections to contract with other facilities for incarceration of inmates Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2824 Providing a tax credit for expenditures made toward educational purposes for school children Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2825 Excluding federal interest income when applying the income exclusion available to those sixty-five years of age or older and to persons permanently and totally disabled Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2827 Graduated elimination of the consumer's sales tax on food Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2832 Sales tax exemption for certain purchases intended to counteract negative effects of cancer or cancer treatment Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2834 Providing for businesses in border areas to receive certain tax exemptions to better compete with businesses in contiguous states Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2840 Relating to nurse-patient ratios in hospitals Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2842 Establishing a pilot project allowing collective bargaining within district one of the division of highways Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2845 Repeal of the countersignature requirement and amending the requirements of the payment of commissions to insurance agents Pending  2nd Reading  03/07/00 
HB 2846 Providing teacher retirement eligibility when age plus years of service equals or exceeds eighty-five Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2848 Teachers retirement with full pension rights regardless of age when contributing service equals or exceeds twenty-five Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2849 Definition and pay grade of plumber III in the school service pay scale Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2850 Establishing higher education community schools Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2852 Enhancing protection for consumers of managed health care plans Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2857 Phasing in increased assessments on certain property Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2859 Changing the crime of DUI causing a death to a felony Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2864 Restricting increased assessments on property to no more than two percent in any one year Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2865 Eliminating the consumer sales tax on food by a six-year phaseout Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2866 Providing concurrent juvenile jurisdiction of circuit, magistrate and municipal courts for certain violations Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 2870 Creating the criminal offense of failing to supervise a child Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2873 Relating to the requirement that certain loads of motor vehicles be covered Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2876 Penalties for the crime of littering Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2877 Creating the West Virginia sentencing commission Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2878 Requiring public utilities to notify customers of proposed rate increases at least ninety days in advance of the proposed increase Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2881 Allowing taxpayers a reduction in their adjusted gross income for gifts made to community foundations Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 2889 Relating generally to school personnel Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2890 Defining methods and rights of individuals relative to posting land Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2892 Authorizing lateral transfers for deputy sheriffs Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 2893 Granting authority to police officers to arrest parolees Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2894 Allowing home schooled students to participate in public school extracurricular and interscholastic activities Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2899 Prohibiting certain county officeholders from spending more than fifty percent of their budgets before the end of the calendar year Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 2900 Increasing the civil penalty for violating the Consumer Credit and Protection Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2901 Enhancing protection for consumers of managed health care plans Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2903 Excluding social security benefits from federal adjusted gross income for purposes of the state personal income tax Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2904 Reestablishing the site index valuation method for valuation of managed timberland Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2905 Establishing a managed care policy board Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2906 Managed Care Ombudsman Program Act Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2909 Providing notice to residents of the proposed deletion of the name of the city or town from the master road and highway map Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2913 Providing a defense to the seller of legal beverages to certain individuals Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2915 Genetic Information Privacy Act Pending  2nd Reading  03/03/00 
HB 2917 Criminal penalties for owning or allowing use of certain gaming devices or machines Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2918 Limiting the civil liability of tourist railroads and their facility providers Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 2920 Providing a tax credit for new high technology products and manufacturing Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2922 Providing responsibility of railroad companies to maintain grade crossings Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2925 Removing the teaching preference for persons hired to perform coaching duties in public schools Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2927 Increasing the state minimum salary increments for certain professional educators Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2928 Prohibiting county, city or other local governments from imposing additional requirements on septic system installers Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2929 Exempting certain postsecondary religious institutions from obtaining a certificate of approval Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2933 Establishing a blood borne pathogen standard governing exposure of public employees to blood and infectious materials Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2934 Relating to the duties of the attorney general under common law Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2936 Relating to a personal representative's criminal liability for failure to carry out his or her statutory duties Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2947 Use of surplus revenues in the general revenue fund to reduce personal and corporate income tax rates Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2948 Allowing public employee retirees to apply a percentage of annual leave and sick leave to insurance coverage and to extended service credit Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2949 Relating to reinstatement of withdrawn service into the teachers retirement system Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2952 Revising the procedure for minor boundary adjustments Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2954 Requiring law-enforcement agencies to pay a percentage of the cost of certain training Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2955 Requiring the tourism commission to promote heritage presentation tourism programs Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2956 Enhancement and preservation of rural health care services Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2958 Prohibiting banks from charging fees for payoff or balance inquiries unless the inquiries exceed a certain number Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2960 Reducing the classroom size in which students with exceptional needs are served Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2962 Prohibiting certain motor vehicle rate increases within a family residence Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2963 Allowing voters living outside the country and members of the armed forces to use the federal write-in ballot when voting Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2966 Providing the homestead property tax exemption for all homeowners Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2968 Enabling the securities commission to police and prosecute securities fraud, etc. Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2969 Registration and auditing of coin-operated machines offering amusements and other services Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2970 Providing teacher retirement eligibility when a members age and years of service equals or exceeds eighty Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2973 Increasing workers' compensation permanent total disability awards by twenty percent Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2974 Reinstatement without loss of rights of state employees following extended leave of absence Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2978 Requiring the completion of periodic valuations of real property in the county before placing new values on landbooks Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2980 Requiring the sheriff to provide security and protection for magistrates while they are performing their official duties Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2981 Allowing certain operators of motorcycles and passengers to ride without helmets Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2982 Repealing motor vehicle inspection requirements Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2983 Prohibiting automobile insurance rate increases or surcharges for reason of nonserious traffic convictions Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2984 Prohibiting arrest quotas and the use of unmarked vehicles in the enforcement of traffic laws Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2986 Requiring insurance coverage for mental illness Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2987 Providing right of sheriffs in counties where DMV maintains an office for renewals and registration to elect not to process renewals and registrations Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2988 Extending the time to file an action in state court after receiving a right to sue notice from the Human Rights Commission Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2993 Requiring county boards of education to conduct a criminal background check through the FBI in addition to the State Criminal Identification Bureau Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2997 Excepting certain gasoline pricing from being considered unfair trade practices Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 2998 Creating the Office of Administrative Hearings Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 3000 Increasing the annual salaries of circuit and county clerks Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 3002 Recodification of laws governing criminal offenses and administrative sanctions for DUI Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 3027 Clarifying that the Legislature is a part-time elected office for purposes of state teachers retirement system early retirement incentives program Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 3041 Creating the rule of eighty for teachers and school service personnel Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4001 Relating to votes by members at meetings of local school improvement council boards Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4002 Correcting erroneous assessments Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4003 Relating generally to animal protection and animal cruelty Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4004 Providing for an extension in implementing crane operator certification Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4005 Requiring the chief technology officer to maintain a central cross index of forms used by state agencies Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4006 Increasing the personal income tax exemption Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4007 Permitting children under the age of eighteen years to accompany a parent, grandparent or legal guardian to the polls Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4008 Defining the offense of trespassing on a railroad track Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4009 Disposition of court costs collected in magistrate court Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4010 Requiring the secretary of state to forward to election officials certain election night ballot counting procedures Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4011 Reducing insurance premium charges for school bus operators and drivers' education instructors Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4012 Regulating the body piercing studio business Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4013 Establishing a program to manage waste tires Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4014 Relating to armed assault upon school property or against school personnel or students Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4015 Eliminating the need for municipal elections in which all candidates are unopposed Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4016 Providing a hunting and fishing license exemption for active members of the national guard Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4017 Distribution of profits from prison-made goods Pending  Committee  01/12/00 
HB 4018 Prohibiting the reduction of the number of magistrates allocated to each county RQST  CONF  02/24/00 
HB 4019 Creating a misdemeanor offense for political firing Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4020 Budget Bill, making appropriations of public money out of the Treasury in accordance with Article VI, Section 51 of the Constitution Tabled  3rd Reading  03/17/00 
HB 4021 Establishing an additional penalty for crimes involving DNR's use of decoy animals Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4022 Regulating the operation of all-terrain vehicles Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4023 Exempting military retirement benefits from personal income tax obligations Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4024 Placing restrictions upon vending machine tobacco sales to prohibit sales to minors Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4025 Prohibiting the shooting of dogs or cats at certain pounds or shelters Pending  2nd Reading  03/11/00 
HB 4026 Limiting the reduction of retirement annuities for certain public employee retirees Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4027 Allowing certain disabled persons and senior citizens to use telescopic sights on muzzle-loading firearms Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4028 Relating to the employment of persons under the age of eighteen at establishments in which beer, wine or alcoholic liquors are sold Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4029 Requiring newly appointed mental hygiene commissioners to complete an orientation course and allowing certain municipal law-enforcement officers to perform duties required of the sheriff Pending  Concurrence  03/11/00 
HB 4030 Providing a hunting license for disabled or senior residents to hunt with a crossbow Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4031 Relating to compromise of actions and suits in behalf of infants and insane persons Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4032 Creating a system of registration for durable powers of attorney and medical powers of attorney Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4033 Establishing a three-year statute of limitations for commencement of actions under environmental statutes Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4034 Providing notice to employees regarding hazardous chemical substances and lead exposure Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4035 Compensating deputy sheriffs for required work during holidays Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4036 Authorizing a preneed cremation agreement Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4037 Uniform Athlete Agents Act Pending  Committee  01/13/00 
HB 4038 Expanding the area within a county in which a board office may be located Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4039 Licensing and regulation of pawnbrokers Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4040 Reducing the time for eligibility for expungement of criminal records of certain persons Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4041 Relating to correcting erroneous assessments generally Tabled  3rd Reading  03/08/00 
HB 4042 Prohibiting discriminatory pricing practices Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4043 Providing state residents a twenty percent reduction in use fees at state parks Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4044 Relating to county coroner fees Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4045 Protecting the privacy of students and their families against the release of certain information Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4046 Removing the sixteen year cap on salary increments for years of service for deputy sheriffs Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4047 Allowing the lateral transfer of municipal police officers and deputy sheriffs from one law-enforcement agency to another Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4048 Changing from twenty-four hours to seventy-two hours the time in which an insured has to report an accident Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4049 Relating to the billing and payment of utilities on highway construction projects Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4050 Increasing the fees which may be imposed by the holder of a worthless check Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4051 Allowing multiple worthless checks to be added in order to enhance penalties Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4052 Allowing a jail penalty for worthless check violations Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4053 Relating to the distribution of worthless check warrant lists Pending  Committee  01/14/00 
HB 4054 Creation of a worthless check restitution program Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4055 Regulation of quarry mining of all minerals except coal Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4056 Assessment of a fee for a Class N antlerless deer hunting license once in a calendar year Pending  Committee  01/17/00 
HB 4057 Exempting military retirement income from state personal income tax Pending  Committee  01/17/00 
HB 4058 Providing the state athletic commission authority over full contact boxing or fighting events Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4059 Increasing retirement benefits of teachers and public employees Pending  Committee  01/17/00 
HB 4060 Establishing a sunset review process for professional licensing boards Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4061 Providing for restricted practice licensure for addictions counselors Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4062 Requiring professional licensing boards to receive training, to propose legislative rules and to file annual reports Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4063 Allowing the placement of roadside memorial markers Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4064 Relating to the board of dental examiners Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4065 Allowing the expansion of membership of historic landmark commissions Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4066 Combining maintenance accounts in proposed budget appropriations for the division of highways Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4067 Clarifying that a person may start a motor vehicle for the purpose of warming the engine and leaving the vehicle unattended Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4068 Defendant restitution to victim assistance programs Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4069 Extending the maximum sentence for sexual abuse in the first degree Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4070 Extending the maximum sentence for third degree sexual assault Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4071 Prisoner litigation reform Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4072 Providing for payment of tuition and fees for certain members of the national guard Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4073 Mandatory carding for certain sales of tobacco products and nonintoxicating beer Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4074 Updating the West Virginia fertilizer law Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4075 Strengthening laws relating to pornography and obscene matter Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4076 Adding a five-year penalty to the term of an indeterminate felony sentence for a twice convicted felon Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4077 Changing from a misdemeanor to a felony the possession of a firearm by a convicted felon Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4078 Providing high school diplomas to certain veterans Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4079 Regulation of commercial timber harvesting operations including sediment control Pending  Committee  01/18/00 
HB 4080 Authorizing the state treasurer to conduct a program on banking in the public schools Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4081 Permitting expungement of underage alcohol use conviction records Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4082 Including cats within the responsibilities of the county dog warden and providing procedures for humane euthanasia Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4083 Submission of annual reports to the legislative librarian Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4084 Eliminating the date restrictions on insurance coverage for emergency medical services Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4085 Requiring the department of health and human resources to reexamine and focus on positions that did not receive pay equity adjustments in 1999 Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4086 Relating to alcohol server permits Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4087 Exemptions from immunizations of school children Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4088 Updating Corporation Net Income Tax Act terms Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4089 Establishing that marriage is designed to be a union between a woman and a man Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4090 Increasing thresholds before businesses and contractors must file certain tax returns Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4091 Updating Personal Income Tax Act terms Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4092 Requiring the PSC to propose rules implementing a plan for emergency telephone system mutual response between counties Pending  Committee  01/19/00 
HB 4093 Supplemental appropriation to the department of transportation, division of highways Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4094 Continuing the board of respiratory care practitioners Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4095 Providing for the employment of technology troubleshooters to assist school personnel Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4096 Prohibiting the ordering of child support obligations prior to the time paternity is established Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4097 Waiving the motor vehicle privilege tax on registrations for new residents Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4098 Increasing the number of allowable magistrate court deputy clerks Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4099 Providing medicaid coverage for ventilator patient care at skilled nursing facilities Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4100 Providing authorization for issuance of wallet size license cards to carry deadly weapons Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4101 Definition of terms pertaining to interest rates used in teacher retirement legislation Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4102 Adding the definition of retroactive service to the public employee retirement statutes Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4103 Making technical corrections relating to compensation limitations in public employee retirement plans Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4104 Deleting a section of the Public Employees Retirement Act which violates the Americans with Disabilities Act Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4105 Imposing excise taxes on smokeless tobacco products and dedicating proceeds to programs which reduce tobacco use by minors Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4106 Authorizing the regional jail and correctional facility authority board to appoint an executive director Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4107 Requiring certain businesses to file information returns used to analyze economic effects of recommendations of the commission on fair taxation Tabled  3rd Reading  03/08/00 
HB 4108 Removing the waiting period for the issuance of certain concealed weapons licenses Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4109 Requiring the removal of all severed trees from a timbering operation site before closing the operation Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4110 Relating to prohibiting persons from riding in the open bed of a truck with exceptions Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4111 Relating to voting privileges for certain protected persons Pending  Committee  01/20/00 
HB 4112 Requiring citing permits for businesses involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4113 Increasing the number of professional educators for purposes of the public school support foundation allowance Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4114 Establishing child care services for students at community and technical colleges Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4115 Relating to the acquisition and maintenance of orphan roads Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4116 Providing for automobile trade-in protection for automobile dealers Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4117 Renaming conservation officers as natural resources police officers Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4118 Permitting retired teachers to substitute teach an unlimited number of days without losing benefits Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4119 Requiring the next person appointed to the court of claims be from the southern part of the state Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4120 Making larceny of municipal or voluntary fire department equipment a felony Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4121 Providing a ten percent discount to residents at state parks and forests Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4122 Prohibiting the awarding of child custody or visitation when a child is conceived as the result of sexual assault Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4123 Pension Liability Redemption Act Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4124 Relating generally to the disposal of waste tires Pending  Committee  01/21/00 
HB 4125 Establishing the method of collecting and applying DMV enrollment fees Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4126 Extending the time for the county commission of Marion County to meet for the purpose of a county levy Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4127 Relating to disciplinary powers of the contractor's licensing board Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4128 Employment terms of principals and assistants and requiring assistant principals in schools of a certain size Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4129 Authorizing law-enforcement officers to carry deadly weapons in the duties of service of process for magistrate courts Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4130 Making changes in the Deputy Sheriff Retirement Act Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4131 Withdrawal and preretirement benefits in the teachers retirement system Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4132 Relating to the division of natural resources and the construction of facilities and cabins by third parties Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4133 Mandating the teaching of a program on West Virginia natural resources in the public schools Pending  Committee  02/29/00 
HB 4134 Relating to disbursements for medical, dental, surgical and hospital treatment under workers' compensation Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4135 Prohibiting the use of fireworks displays at private residences Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4136 Requiring deposits from various sources be made in the stream restoration fund Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4137 Transferring land from the county commission of Jefferson County for development of a senior center Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4138 Relating to the design, marketing, manufacture or sale of firearms or ammunition to the public Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4139 Amending the law relating to secondary mortgage loans Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4140 Increasing salaries of conservation officers Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4141 Relating to improvement of art and music instruction in public schools Pending  Committee  01/24/00 
HB 4142 Restoring a jail penalty option for first offense uttering worthless checks Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4143 Requiring the left lane on certain highways be used for passing only Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4144 Creating the Health Care Decisions Act Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4145 Permitting an attending physician to perform an autopsy in certain cases Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4146 Requiring persons receiving cash assistance under the works program to participate in educational programs Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4147 Providing OSHA coverage for municipal firefighters Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4148 Removing the furnishing of community care services from the imposition of severance taxes Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4149 Establishment of veterans nursing homes Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4150 Permitting the women's commission to set the salary of the executive director with approval of the secretary of DHHR Pending  3rd Reading  02/23/00 
HB 4151 Providing limited protection to medical practitioners who decline certain diagnostic procedures and order conservative therapy Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4152 Requiring utilities to conduct actual monthly meter readings Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4153 Allowing an insured to keep a totaled vehicle on a cosmetic total loss title Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4154 Relating to the muzzle-loading deer hunting license and season Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4155 Increasing a surviving spouse's death benefit under a municipal police officer's or firefighter's pension Pending  Committee  01/25/00 
HB 4156 Continuing the medical services advisory council Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4157 Continuing the family protection services board Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4158 Continuing the board of examiners in counseling Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4159 Permitting movement of insurance policies between companies within the same group Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4160 Imposing excise taxes on tobacco products Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4161 Repealing the code section which authorizes counties to repair, close or demolish dwellings or buildings Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4162 Creating an office of actuarial services for state agencies Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4163 Clarifying the meaning of prior military service credit for members of the judicial retirement system and crediting certain time spent as governor's counsel Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4164 Allowing probation officers to carry firearms Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4165 Creating the senior citizens prescription drug subsidy program Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4166 Requiring a definite property description in deeds creating easements and rights-of-way Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4167 Relating to civil penalties of the Water Pollution Control Act Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4168 Relating to the housing of inmates in correctional institutions Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4169 Relating to equipment used in the electronic monitoring of offenders program Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4170 Preventing the unauthorized use of a uniform, badge, identification card or other insignia of the division of corrections Tabled  3rd Reading  02/07/00 
HB 4171 Providing a right of appeal to professional firefighters who have had disability benefits denied Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4172 Defining planting and harvesting season for administering rules relating to drivers transporting agricultural commodities or supplies Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4173 Creating the West Virginia educare program Pending  Committee  01/26/00 
HB 4174 Regulating the operation of all-terrain vehicles Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4175 Property Tax Limitation Act Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4176 Relating to public employee retirement system credit for military service Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4177 Removing the requirement for county board of education employees that a spouse's death must be from accidental causes before the surviving disabled spouse receives credit for personal leave days Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4178 Requiring genetic testing to establish paternity of a child born during the marriage of a couple seeking separation or divorce Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4179 Creating a review board to hear complaints against state police personnel Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4180 Salaries and classifications of employees in the divisions of corrections and juvenile services Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4181 Relating generally to the public employee retirement system Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4182 Mandating that the West Virginia University and Marshall University football teams play each other annually Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4183 Prohibiting the sale of tobacco products in certain vending machines Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4184 Relating to the compensation paid to temporary senior magistrates Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4185 Granting magistrates authority to perform marriages Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4186 Small Business Tax Credit Act Pending  Committee  01/27/00 
HB 4187 Relating to state aid for fairs Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4188 Tax and revenue, ad valorem property taxation Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4189 Agriculture, marketing of eggs Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4190 Child support enforcement, credit reporting agencies Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4191 Child support enforcement, child support awards Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4192 DEP, air pollution, combustion of refuse Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4193 DEP, ambient air quality, nitrogen dioxide Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4194 DEP, standards of performance for new stationary sources Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4195 DEP, air pollution from direct meat-firing devices Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4196 DEP, emissions from hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4197 DEP, air pollution, hazardous waste Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4198 DEP, acid rain provisions Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4199 DEP, hazardous air pollutants Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4200 DEP, water pollution control Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4201 DEP, water pollution control revolving fund Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4202 DEP, groundwater protection at steam electric generating facilities Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4203 Development office, coalfield community development Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4204 Insurance, medicaid supplement insurance Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4205 Insurance, continuing education for agents Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4206 Insurance, prepaid limited health service organizations Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4207 DNR, special bear hunting Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4208 DNR, trapping Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4209 ABC, retail licensee operations Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4210 ABC, private club licensing Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4211 Athletic commission Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4212 Auditor, standards for requisitions Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4213 Auditor, transaction fee and rate structure Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4214 Administration/Auditor, purchasing card program Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4215 Consolidated public retirement board Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4216 Consolidated public retirement board, teachers' defined contribution system Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4217 Consolidated public retirement board, teachers defined benefit plan Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4218 Consolidated public retirement board, PERS Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4219 Consolidated public retirement board, loan interest factors Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4220 Corrections, monitoring of inmate mail Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 4221 Authorizing the department of education and the arts to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4222 DEP, particulate air pollution Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4223 Authorizing the bureau of environment to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4224 DEP, air pollution from coal plants, operations and refuse disposal areas Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4225 DEP, air pollution, manufacturing operations Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4226 DEP, air quality, sulfur oxides Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4227 DEP, air quality, carbon monoxide and ozone Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4228 DEP, emission from sulfur oxides Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4229 DEP, air pollution, fugitive particulate matter Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4230 DEP, emissions from municipal solid waste landfills Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4231 DEP, air pollutant emissions banking and trading Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4232 DEP, surface mining and reclamation Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4233 DEP, mining and restoration for sandstone, limestone and sand Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4234 DEP, reclamation and mining of minerals Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4235 DEP, sewage sludge management Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4236 DEP, hazardous waste management Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4237 Economic development authority, capital company act Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4238 Environmental quality board, water quality standards Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4239 Family protection services board, domestic violence and intervention programs Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4240 Authorizing the board of registration for foresters to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the registration of foresters Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4241 Health, behavioral health centers licensure Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4242 Health, personal care homes Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4243 Health, food establishments Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4244 Health, fire department rapid response services Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4245 Health, AIDS-related medical testing and confidentiality Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4246 Health, cancer registry Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4247 Health, behavioral health consumer rights Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4248 Health, public water systems design standards Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4249 Health, certificates of need Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4250 Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4251 Highways, construction of state roads Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 4252 Highways, traffic and safety Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 4253 Highways, transportation of hazardous waste Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 4254 Labor, steam boiler inspection Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4255 Labor, amusement rides and attractions Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4256 Lottery commission Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4257 Lottery commission, limited gaming facilities Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4258 Authorizing the department of transportation to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4259 Motor vehicles, rules generally Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 4260 DNR, recycling assistance grant program Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4261 DNR, litter control Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4262 DNR, revocation of hunting and fishing licenses Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4263 DNR, boating Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4264 DNR, special motorboating Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4265 DNR, state parks, forests and management areas Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4266 DNR, hunting and trapping Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4267 DNR, special fishing Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4268 DNR, hunting, trapping and fishing licenses Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4269 DNR, licenses by telephone or other electronic method Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4270 Nursing home administrators licensing board Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4271 Oil and gas commission Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4272 Division of personnel, administration Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4273 Division of personnel, workers' compensation temporary total disability Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4274 Board of physical therapy, general provisions Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4275 Racing commission, thoroughbred racing Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4276 Racing commission, greyhound racing Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4277 Racing commission, pari-mutual wagering Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4278 Registered professional nurses, schools of nursing Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4279 Rehabilitation services, Ron Yost Assistance Services Act Board Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 4280 Respiratory care, continuing education requirements Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4281 Respiratory care, disciplinary action Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4282 Risk and Insurance Management, written notification filing of certain incidents Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4283 Secretary of State, elimination of precinct registration books Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4284 Secretary of State, organization filing fees Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4285 Elections Commission, regulation of campaign finance Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4286 Authorizing the department of military affairs and public safety to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4287 Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Fund Board, traumatic brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation fund Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4288 Veterinary Medicine, standards of practice Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4289 Environmental protection, permits for construction, modification, relocation and operation of stationary sources of air pollutants, etc. Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4290 Environmental protection, surface mining blasting Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4291 Crime, Delinquency and Correction, law enforcement training standards Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4292 Board of Medicine, fees for services rendered Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4293 Modifying state banking and trading requirements to comply with federal program changes Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4294 Repealing a certain legislative rule relating to the prevention and control of air pollution from coal refuse disposal areas Pending  Committee  01/28/00 
HB 4295 Increasing the gross weight limitations on certain roads in Ohio and Brooke counties Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4296 Continuing the investment management board Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4297 Continuing the stream partners program Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4298 Creating a needlestick injury prevention program in hospitals and nursing homes Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4299 Providing maternity leave for higher education personnel Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4300 Relating to emergency possession by health care facilities of certain abandoned children Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4301 Civil service coverage for correctional officers Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4302 Including the Legislature and the former departments of corrections and health within coverage of OSHA Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4303 Relating to credits against premium tax for investment in West Virginia securities Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4304 Assessing liability to cat owners for damages done to others by their cats Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4305 Requiring insurance companies to offer plans to sole proprietors at the same rates and terms as are offered to groups Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4306 Placing Kanawha State Forest under the sole management of the division of parks and recreation Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4307 Providing that probation officers and clerical assistants to circuit judges may be discharged only for cause Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4308 Preventing a retired employee's death to terminate certain paid family insurance Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4309 Issuing special license plates depicting auto racing themes including particular race car drivers Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4310 Relating to actions on contracts Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4311 Prohibiting subrogation of motor vehicle liability insurance medical payments Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4312 Amending the farmland preservation program statutes Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4313 Relating to residential tenant security deposits Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4314 Relating to leave banks for school personnel and defining catastrophic illness or injury Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4315 Providing for the use of neck braces by football players in interscholastic athletic football events Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4316 Relating to political activity of certain public employees Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4317 Providing a monthly retirement benefit for retired teachers and public employees Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4318 Prohibiting certain persons from riding in the back of an open truck with exceptions Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4319 Authorizing county commissions to adopt ordinances prohibiting excessive noises Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4320 Making it a misdemeanor to disturb the peace by making excessive noise Pending  Committee  01/31/00 
HB 4321 Reimbursement to institutions of higher education for expenditures in the provision of services to students with disabilities Pending  Committee  02/29/00 
HB 4322 Requiring the taking of blood samples from certain persons convicted of offenses Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4323 Relating to the Controlled Substances Monitoring Act Pending  2nd Reading  03/11/00 
HB 4324 Implementing a graduated driver's license program, etc Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4325 Allowing a person to draw unemployment compensation when they are forced to miss work due to domestic violence Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4326 Providing a small business tax credit Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4327 Prohibiting insurers, health service plans and HMOs from establishing an emergency system in competition with 911 service Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4328 Providing an exemption from mandatory immunizations for good cause or due to religious prohibition Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4329 Exempting purchases of the American flag from the consumers sales tax Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4330 Requiring the department of health and human resources to review pay equity adjustments Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4331 Creating a health insurance program for small business employers Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4332 Allowing unemployed, uninsured persons to purchase PEIA insurance Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4333 Permitting hunting on Sunday after twelve o'clock noon Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4334 Providing a work release option for persons sentenced for nonviolent felonies Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4335 Requiring drivers to be retested periodically Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4336 Requiring the use of abandoned coal mines for disposal of solid waste Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4337 Permitting one unlicensed junked vehicle on private property Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4338 Increasing the number of allowable magistrate court deputy clerks Pending  Committee  03/08/00 
HB 4339 Relating to weight limits on coal conveyance vehicles Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4340 Increasing the length of incarceration for persons convicted of selling drugs to minors Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4341 Requiring the board of medicine to propose rules governing the prescribing of narcotic substances to minors Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4342 Requiring pharmacies to maintain a database for information about pain medication for minors Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4343 Providing that the health care authority may not set rates for certain hospitals Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4344 Increasing salary increments paid to principals and assistants Pending  Committee  03/07/00 
HB 4345 Providing for motor vehicle impoundment or sale for DUI offenses Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4346 Issuing special license plates displaying wildlife native to West Virginia Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4347 Prohibiting the advertisement of tobacco products at certain events Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4348 Providing circumstances under which a person may shoot a firearm within five hundred feet of their home Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4349 Making it unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle with an alcohol concentration of eight hundredths of one percent in the person's blood Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4350 Relating to the degree of tint on automobile windows for persons with certain medical conditions Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4351 Exempting funeral procession vehicles from payment of bridge or road tolls Pending  Committee  02/01/00 
HB 4352 Providing a formula for valuation of managed timberland Pending  2nd Reading  03/06/00 
HB 4353 Relating to state aid for students of optometry Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4354 Allowing taxpayers to deduct long-term care insurance premiums from federal adjusted gross income Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4355 Requirements for trolley wire used in a mine Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4356 Requiring a certified person to examine underground mines after cutting and welding has been performed Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4357 Extending unemployment compensation benefits when special circumstances exist Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4358 Requiring the superintendent or owner of a mine to sign the fire boss record book daily Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4359 Ventilation requirements for battery charging stations in mines Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4360 Allowing bow hunting on Sundays Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4361 Making the use of permanent replacements for striking workers an unfair labor practice in certain cases Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4362 Extending muzzle-loading deer hunting season to seven days Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4363 Amending the patients' bill of rights law Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4364 Expanding authority of DHHR to subsidize legal guardianship of a child without regard to the status of the parents' rights Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4365 Release of state records of a juvenile by a court of record following review Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4366 Authorizing child protective services to issue subpoenas to locate certain children Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4367 Providing that the Hughes River water board may enter into certain agreements Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4368 Permitting volunteer fire companies in certain areas to participate in the neighborhood investment program Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4369 Relating generally to school personnel Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4370 Authorizing access to cemeteries or grave sites on private lands Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4371 Making changes in the teen court program Pending  Committee  02/02/00 
HB 4372 Requiring direct consumer advertising for prescription drugs to include the usual and customary price Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4373 Requiring county school boards to employ one nurse for every fifteen hundred pupils in all grades Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4374 Creating a tax credit for tuition paid at institutions of higher education Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4375 Creating a tax credit for employers who hire graduates of West Virginia institutions of higher learning Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4376 Providing that workers' compensation coverage for leased employees is a joint responsibility between the leasing employer and its client employer Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4377 Requiring insurance coverage for treatment of serious mental illness Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4378 Opening the traditional firearms deer hunting season on the Saturday before Thanksgiving Day for state residents Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4379 Creating the crime of feticide Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4380 Promoting the alternative use of poultry litter Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4381 Clarifying the relationship between automobile dealers, distributors and manufacturers Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4382 Relating to the lawful design, marketing, manufacture or sale of firearms or ammunition to the public Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4383 Payment of college or university tuition and fees for certain members of the national guard Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4384 Excluding social security benefits from federal adjusted gross income for purposes of the West Virginia personal income tax Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4385 Licensure and regulation of bail-enforcement agents Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4386 Relating generally to the Dam Control Act Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4387 Improving health care delivery and access to health care Pending  Committee  02/03/00 
HB 4388 Relating to Harrison County levy for bus services Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4389 Requiring a criminal background check of applicants for motor vehicle driver examiner positions Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4390 Reporting requirements for complaints of abuse, neglect and exploitation of residents in nursing home facilities Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4391 Relating to public employees retirement and service credit for persons in active service of the armed forces of the United States Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4392 Expanding the comprehensiveness of the section concerning what causes a civil rights violation for purposes of criminal responsibility Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4393 Limiting the purchase of handguns to one gun per month Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4394 Agricultural Land Preservation Act Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4395 Increasing the distance that a beer licensee must be located from a school or church Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4396 Criminal penalties for misuse of the state purchasing card Vetoed  Governor  04/05/00 
HB 4397 Updating reports of the supreme court of appeals and the secretary of state Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4398 Prohibiting public funds from being expended to any association or organization which lobbies Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4399 Requiring the state board of education to provide certain information and other support to the Mountaineer Challenge Academy Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4400 Requiring mine operators to provide notice of hazardous chemical substances and lead exposure to its employees Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4401 Providing that no person may perform maintenance on a mine belt conveyor unless it has been deenergized and locked out Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4402 Relating to crossing facilities on moving belt conveyors in mines Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4403 Relating to final average salary in calculating the benefits of a deputy sheriff retirement system member Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4404 Exempting military retirement from personal income tax Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4405 Providing for a state do-not-telephone-solicit directory Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4406 Requiring a public hearing and county commission approval prior to issuance of private club licenses Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4407 Allowing the Legislature to employ certain persons who took early retirement under PERS Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4408 Providing a pay increase for school bus operators Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4409 Amending the Residential Mortgage Lender, Broker and Servicer Act Pending  Committee  02/04/00 
HB 4410 Continuing the board of examiners for licensed dietitians Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4411 Continuing the family law masters system Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4412 Changing limits on compensation and expense reimbursement for members of various boards and commissions Pending  Committee  03/08/00 
HB 4413 Establishing regional education service agencies Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4414 Allowing county school superintendents to hire prospective employable professional personnel Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4415 Supplemental appropriation to the economic development authority Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4416 Exempting coalbed methane production from imposition of severance taxes Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4417 Restoring the former training season for hunting dogs in certain counties Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4418 Requiring corporations to provide to the secretary of state names and addresses of subsidiaries and the corporation's parent corporation Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4419 Prohibiting noncompetition clauses in employment contracts of broadcast employees Pending  2nd Reading  03/01/00 
HB 4420 Exempting military retirement income from personal income tax Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4421 Reducing the corporation net income tax Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4422 Updating definitions and certifications relating to emergency personnel in coal mines Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4423 Eliminating the consumers sales tax on food and the business franchise tax Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4424 Providing that members and managers of limited liability companies be added to those persons who can elect coverage under workers' compensation Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4425 Creating a special instant lottery game and dedicating profits for construction and operation of nursing homes for veterans Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4426 Prohibiting the sale of drug paraphernalia at events conducted outdoors Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4427 Relating to the rate of pay for substitute teachers Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4428 Criminalizing the hunting, digging or harvesting of moss, shrubs, bushes, ferns and other like things on the lands of another Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4429 Deleting the provision permitting handicapped voters to vote from an automobile outside the polling place Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4430 Providing that a train may be cleared from a railroad crossing when it is blocking emergency vehicles Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4431 Updating the management and receipt of funds in the hazardous waste emergency response fund Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4432 Imposing penalties for interfering with or misleading a law-enforcement officer Pending  3rd Reading  03/07/00 
HB 4433 Providing a special method of appraising charitable property Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4434 Increasing the years of increments in the salary schedule for teachers Pending  Committee  02/07/00 
HB 4435 Increasing the longevity pay of a state trooper and updating salary schedules Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4436 Requiring photographic identification prior to sales of tobacco products and restricting direct access Pending  3rd Reading  03/03/00 
HB 4437 Updating terms and findings of the child fatality review team Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4438 Reducing the time for consumption of alcoholic beverages in bars Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4439 Exempting sales of band booster organizations from the consumers sales tax Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4440 Exempting sales of propane gas from the excise tax on gasoline or special fuel Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4441 Clarifying that a retiree under the deputy sheriff retirement system may become a member of PERS and that no member of any teacher retirement system may be a member of PERS Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4442 Relating to the debarment of vendors which bid on state contracts Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4443 Requiring health benefit plans to issue prescription cards to their members Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4444 Requiring licensure of all retail sellers of tobacco Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4445 Providing a B & O tax credit for power plants that burn West Virginia coal Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4446 Providing for the hunting or trapping of coyote which cause property or livestock damage Pending  Committee  02/08/00 
HB 4447 Providing that a master's degree in forestry satisfies the educational requirement for registered professional foresters Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4448 Removing the prohibition against registered voters who sign a certificate to nominate candidates from voting in primary elections Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4449 Establishing a system of starting points family resource centers Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4450 Providing that a durable power of attorney does not become effective until ten days from the date executed Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4451 Revising provisions relating to the chief medical examiner, county medical examiners, coroners and postmortem examinations Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4452 Relating to mutual cooperation between law-enforcement agencies Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4453 Permitting miners fined for noncompliance with mining statutes to pay the penalty or complete a training course in lieu thereof Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4454 Relating generally to mine inspectors Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4455 Offering a choice of curriculums to barbering students Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4456 Remediation of waste tire piles Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4457 Providing insurance coverage for colorectal cancer exams and laboratory tests for cancer Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4458 Creating the charitable gaming commission Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4459 Making the state an enterprise zone for high tech sales companies to sell over the internet Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4460 Alzheimer's Special Care Standards Act Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4461 Modifying provisions relating to the jobs investment trust fund Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4462 Clarifying the manner in which moneys reserved for the payment of income tax refunds are to be managed Pending  2nd Reading  03/10/00 
HB 4463 Recovering assets of a protected person whose estate has been diminished by the mismanagement of an attorney Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4464 Relating to the number of days a retired teacher may substitute before losing benefits Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4465 Requiring a certain decorum for students in public schools when addressing or speaking to teachers and service personnel Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4466 Creating a new felony offense of premeditated malicious wounding Pending  Committee  02/29/00 
HB 4467 Relating to recidivist information in the appropriate county consistent with the opening of the correctional facility in Fayette County Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4468 Issuance of continuous or multiple trip permits for the transport of oversize or overweight loads on highways Pending  Concurrence  03/11/00 
HB 4469 Providing criminal penalties for the distribution of pornography Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4470 Relating to state funds received by volunteer fire departments Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4471 Establishing the Older West Virginians Act Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4472 Providing for jury trials in certain administrative proceedings Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4473 Providing funding for health, disability and retirement benefits for certain jockeys and their dependents Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4474 Requiring county boards of education to compel students to exhibit appropriate conduct Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4475 Expanding venue for lawsuits involving state officials to include the county in which the action arose as well as Kanawha County Pending  Committee  02/09/00 
HB 4476 Relating to access of pornography on public computers Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4477 Relating to the board of examiners for licensed dietitians and defining a scope of practice Vetoed  Governor  04/06/00 
HB 4478 Repealing the managed timberland program Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4479 Providing for the issuance of a provisional insurance agent's license Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4480 Eliminating the sunset provisions for the prudent layperson standard when providing insurance coverage for emergency medical services Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4481 Registration of bail bond enforcers and allowing the secretary of state to accept service of process on behalf of nonresident bail bondsmen or enforcers Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4482 Rights and privileges with respect to access to public facilities for guide or support dogs and trainers Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4483 Creating the affordable housing trust fund Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4484 Requiring the employment of counselors in domestic violence shelters Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4485 Relating to the exercise of trust powers of banking institutions through nonbank affiliates or subsidiaries Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4486 Authorizing PSC motor carrier inspectors to enforce speed limits with respect to certain vehicles Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4487 Enacting the interstate compact on licensure of participants in live horse racing with pari-mutuel wagering Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4488 Creating a fraud unit within the division of the insurance commissioner Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4489 Relating to the children's health insurance program Tabled  3rd Reading  03/07/00 
HB 4490 Election of justices of the supreme court by divisions Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4491 Increasing salaries of magistrate clerks, deputy clerks and assistants Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4492 Creating a separate crime for the death of a viable fetus caused by the criminal slaying of the mother Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4493 Uniform Electronic Transactions Act Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4494 Uniform Principal and Income Act Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4495 Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4496 Implementing recommendations of the national gambling study commission Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4497 Relating to the penalty for abuse of an incapacitated adult Pending  Committee  02/10/00 
HB 4498 Relating to administration of the state farm museum by the commissioner of agriculture Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4499 Clarifying that warranties and service contracts are not subject to insurance laws Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4500 Eliminating the prohibition against licensing insurers controlled or owned by foreign or other state governments Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4501 Suspension of ordinary time frames in which insurers are required to settle claims in emergency situations Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4502 Permitting a farmer's mutual company to insure property outside the state Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4503 Payment of attorneys, appraisers, actuaries, accountants or other professionals as examiners by the insurance commissioner Tabled  3rd Reading  02/28/00 
HB 4504 Establishing a wholesale price based excise tax on snuff and chewing tobacco Pending  Committee  03/07/00 
HB 4505 Increasing the borrowing limit of the water development authority Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4506 Permitting equivalent electrician licensing of certain former residents Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4507 Relating to emergency towing service Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4508 Removing tree stumps severed on certain real property from the definition of solid waste Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4509 Increasing the annual amount a disabled member of the police or firefighters pension fund may earn without losing benefits Pending  Committee  02/28/00 
HB 4510 Uniform Vehicle Code Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4511 Amending provisions relating to the crime victims compensation fund Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4512 Providing full employment status to certain substitute teachers Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4513 Allowing a mobility impaired license plate for Class G motor vehicles Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4514 Regulation of homeowner associations Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4515 Expanding personnel covered by job sharing in the school system Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4516 Allowing the superintendent of the state police to reasonably dispose of police canines which are no longer of any service to the division Pending  3rd Reading  02/29/00 
HB 4517 Providing written notice of intention to annex to each freeholder of land in the area to be annexed Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4518 Requiring assessors to notify new owners of real property of the property tax liability Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4519 Defining the method of calculating a period of military service credit Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4520 Relating to service credit for unused personal leave days for teachers Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4521 Relating to changing provisions in the Insurance Guaranty Association Act Pending  Committee  02/11/00 
HB 4522 Revising the secured transaction provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code Tabled  3rd Reading  03/02/00 
HB 4523 Relating to assets considered in determining the financial condition of insurers Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4524 Creating a program to provide matching grants of funds to public service districts or local government units in providing water service Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4525 Requiring restaurant establishments to post results of health department inspections Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4526 Relating to the ad valorem property taxation of chattel interests Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4527 Requiring a personal interview with an alleged adult victim of abuse within fourteen days following the initial report Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4528 Establishing a death benefit for families of veterans Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4529 Directing the auditor to issue warrants for the payment of claims against state agencies Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4530 Creating criminal offenses of engaging in sexual intercourse with incarcerated persons by persons employed at corrections or juvenile services facilities Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4531 Providing for the seizure of a motor vehicle and license plate for failure to maintain proper security on a motor vehicle Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4532 Reducing the crime of child concealment for first or second offenses and providing that a third offense is a felony Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4533 Relating to real property tax liens sold by sheriffs for delinquent ad valorem taxes Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4534 Review of pay equity adjustments made by the department of health and human resources Pending  Committee  02/14/00 
HB 4535 Eliminating provisions preempted by federal law relating to financial services reform Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4536 Prohibiting stopping, standing or parking a vehicle in an area which is wheelchair accessible and marked with blue paint Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4537 Relating to school closings or consolidations Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4538 Personal income tax credit for certain employees whose employers contribute to a neighborhood investment program Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4539 Setting the reimbursement of jurors at forty dollars per day Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4540 Clarifying the preretirement death benefits for public employees Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4541 Clarifying the preretirement death benefits for teachers Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4542 Reorganizing cabinet secretaries of the executive branch Tabled  3rd Reading  03/08/00 
HB 4543 Tax credits for qualified rehabilitation buildings investment Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4544 Nonpartisan election of justices of the supreme court of appeals Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4545 Requiring courses of instruction in basic computer functions and applications Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4546 Excluding mandatory union dues and pension withholding from the definition of gross income for child support purposes Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4547 Excluding income received from a second employer from the definition of gross income for child support purposes Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4548 Providing that handicapped individuals may receive additional special registration plates and placards Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4549 Creating a joint legislative committee on technology Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4550 Requiring the reporting and collection of information concerning abortions Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4551 Exempting retired federal law-enforcement officers from concealed deadly weapons fees and costs Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4552 Expungement of certain arrest records Pending  Committee  02/15/00 
HB 4553 Providing a pay grade H for master electricians Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4554 Removing physical therapy as a technique authorized under chiropractic licensure Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4555 Extending the right to purchase one trip registration permits to persons in the business of repossessing motor vehicles Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4556 Requiring personal representatives to notify immediate family members of the sale of estate assets Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4557 Providing that certain juveniles be prosecuted as adults for capital offenses Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4558 Allowing DNR conservation officers to participate in the deputy sheriff retirement system Pending  Committee  02/16/00 
HB 4559 Requiring contracting consideration for traditional medicaid providers Pending  3rd Reading  03/06/00 
HB 4560 Audit and review procedures of county boards of education Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4561 Clarifying terms in sexual abuse of spouse Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4562 Providing an exemption from licensure for out-of-state doctors providing services at summer camps for children Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4563 Providing workers' compensation coverage for clients of the division of rehabilitation services Tabled  3rd Reading  03/11/00 
HB 4564 Study and development of a method of conducting elections by means of computer internet systems Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4565 Requiring insurance companies to reflect on billing statements increased costs of fire insurance Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4566 Requiring insurance companies to provide for colorectal cancer examinations and laboratory tests for colorectal cancer Tabled  3rd Reading  03/08/00 
HB 4567 Repeal of the article creating the Crane Operator Certification Act Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4568 Relating to exempting the state fire marshal from certain department of administration rules Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4569 Relating to marriage and family therapists Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4570 Establishing a school of pharmacy at Marshall University Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4571 Allowing thoroughbred racetracks and horsemen's associations to use proceeds for track capital improvements Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4572 Providing for the manner of distribution of funds appropriated to the library commission for aid to libraries Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4573 Self-Storage Lien Act Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4574 Payment and apportionment of ad valorem taxes on proportionately registered commercial motor vehicles Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4575 Making additional contributions to the teachers retirement system for periods of temporary total disability Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4576 Withholding twenty-five percent of amounts due on a construction contract until material persons, suppliers and subcontractors have been paid Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4577 Requiring the state to purchase prescription drugs of the same quality at the least cost from within or outside the United States Pending  Committee  02/17/00 
HB 4578 Relating to tuberculosis testing Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4579 Certificate of need exemption for behavioral health Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4580 PSC regulation of the minimum amount of liability insurance carried by motor carriers Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4581 Authorizing a special bow hunting permit to prevent damage to historical gardens at Blennerhassett Island Historical Park Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4582 Strengthening the penalties for littering Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4583 Requiring vehicles to use the right-hand most lane when driving with certain exceptions Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4584 Graduate school opportunities for individuals receiving rehabilitative services Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4585 Creating a governor's council on physical fitness for children and adults Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4586 Relating generally to special registration plates or placards for persons with disabilities Pending  Committee  02/18/00 
HB 4587 Anatomical Gift Act Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4588 Relating to allowing Jefferson County to withdraw from participation in a multicounty vocational center Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4589 Relating to the minimum severance tax on coal Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4590 Permitting a legislator to contribute to teachers retirement for that period during which the legislator is engaged in official business Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4591 Providing the PSC with jurisdiction to regulate dealers of propane gas Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4592 Repealing the section of the code which directs the Legislature to prepare a digest or summary of the budget bill Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4593 Requiring prompt payment for claims under accident and sickness insurance policies Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4594 Salary increase for county officials Pending  Committee  03/08/00 
HB 4595 Specifying that county commissions consider budgetary matters when approving the hiring of certain employees Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4596 Revising the law relating to indecent exposure and creating the crime of public indecency Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4597 Exempting funeral-related retail sales from the consumers sales tax Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4598 Requiring commercial trucks to have the corporate name prominently displayed on the truck Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4599 Relating to the language, publishing requirements and rates of newspaper legal advertisements Pending  Committee  02/21/00 
HB 4600 Requiring the placement of carbon monoxide detectors in schools Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4601 Amending legislative rules relating to the division of environmental protection, office of air quality Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4602 Providing a tax credit to electric power generators for use of West Virginia coal Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4603 Establishing an executive compensation commission Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4604 Permitting joint negotiation by competing physicians of terms and conditions of contracts with health benefit plans Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4605 Creating the West Virginia Virtual School Pending  Committee  02/29/00 
HB 4606 Correctional Industries Act Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4607 Establishing a comprehensive public records management and preservation program Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4608 Requiring local government agencies to use the double entry form of accounting Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4609 Phasing out the health care provider tax on physicians' services Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4610 Allowing all economic development entities to compete for local economic development grants Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4611 Providing that standby guardian proceedings and records be protected from public disclosure Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4612 Requiring that the driver's county of residence be shown on drivers' licenses Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4613 Requiring legislative rules designed to protect students from harassing or threatening behavior of other students Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4614 Dental hygiene program accreditation requirements Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4615 Allowing certain children to seek unpaid accrued child support Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4616 Creating the office of women's health within the bureau of public health Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4617 Relating to state police transfers, grievance procedures, disciplinary action and probationary periods Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4618 Clarifying retirement calculations for temporary legislative employees Pending  3rd Reading  03/11/00 
HB 4619 Adding to the Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act provisions addressing when mined land does not have to be restored to its approximate original contour Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4620 Allowing the chief inspector to recover the costs of auditing Class III and IV municipalities Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4621 Providing an amnesty period for employers who owe delinquent unemployment compensation contributions Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4622 Authorizing crossbow hunting for disabled persons Pending  Committee  02/22/00 
HB 4623 Eliminating dual retirement system participation by employees of the state rail authority Pending  Concurrence  03/09/00 
HB 4624 Removing the requirement that the person providing home instruction have four years higher formal education than the most academically advanced child Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4625 Relating generally to registered nurse first assistant Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4626 Motor vehicle insurance and coverage for loaned, leased or rented vehicles Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4627 Personal property tax exemption for a vehicle used for volunteer fire department or emergency medical services Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4628 Allowing county commissions to require combined billing of personal property taxes and county fire service and emergency ambulance fees Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4629 Prohibiting nude dancing in private licensed clubs Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4630 Relating to ethics and fairness in insurance carrier business practices Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4631 Creating the office of grant coordination and assistance Pending  2nd Reading  03/10/00 
HB 4632 Patients' Access to Eye Care Act Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4633 Allowing an increase in the earned income exclusion for personal income tax purposes Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4634 Revision of the Logging Sediment Control Act Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4635 Adding exceptions to the prohibitions against carrying concealed deadly weapons for persons licensed in other states Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4636 Requiring natural gas easements and rights-of-way specify exact locations and dimensions Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4637 Permitting owners of dogs or cats to personally vaccinate their animal for rabies Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4638 Reducing and phasing out the sales tax on packaged food and fresh grown food sold for human consumption off the premises Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4639 Removing the national park service involvement in the designation of historic structures eligible for personal income tax credits Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4640 Creating a permit to allow medically incapacitated hunters to use all-terrain vehicles to hunt on state managed hunting areas Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4641 Creating criminal offenses involving theft detection shielding devices Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4642 Requiring wage rates to be noted in a contract proposal rather than attached to the construction contracts Tabled  3rd Reading  03/09/00 
HB 4643 Eliminating dual retirement participation by employees of the state rail authority Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4644 Including population growth as a factor to be considered by the school building authority in funding decisions Pending  Committee  02/23/00 
HB 4645 Allowing training in lieu of testing for crane operator certification Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4646 Terminating the charity food bank advisory committee Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4647 Requiring the department of agriculture to provide warning signs upon request by a horseman Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4648 Increasing the maximum amount of the commission a county may allow a sheriff to receive for collecting taxes Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4649 Deleting the requirement that local health departments provide matching funds in order to receive state funding Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4650 Clarifying a term relating to the reinstatement date for a motor vehicle liability policy Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4651 Making the PEIA director an ex officio member of the finance board Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4652 Making osteoporosis testing available for HMO subscribers Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4653 Requiring persons convicted of first offense DUI to pay the costs of their incarceration Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4654 Making it a felony to disrupt or degrade state computer equipment or data Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4655 Increasing required qualifications for magistrates Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4656 Imposing a one percent severance tax on natural resources for public education funding Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4657 Prohibiting subcontracting of jobs or services to private vendors when such jobs or services are being performed at institutions of higher education by public employees Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4658 Providing an annual cost-of-living increase for retired teachers Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4659 Increasing the number of allowable personal leave days without cause for county board of education employees Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4660 Providing additional hourly pay for classroom teachers for duties assigned to them outside their regular schedule Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4661 Relating generally to the jobs investment trust fund Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4662 Prohibiting the sale of certain types of cigarettes which do not meet federal guidelines or are manufactured for export only Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4663 Placing the secondary school activities commission under the rule-making and budgeting authority of the Legislature Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4664 Adding the internet to methods of advertising permitted to be funded by moneys of the tourism promotion fund for tourism promotion Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4665 Personal income tax exemption for contributions to a neighborhood investment program Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4666 Increasing pay and expenses for retired magistrates assigned on a temporary basis Pending  Committee  03/09/00 
HB 4667 Providing proof of payment of personal taxes prior to receiving a business franchise license Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4668 Relating generally to the treatment of a legal entity in the same way under the workers' compensation act as under federal and state laws and regulations Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4669 Clarifying that the appointment and removal of county development authority members is vested in the county commission Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4670 Creating the heritage preservation and tourism development fund Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4671 Dedicating money from the tobacco settlement fund to provide educational programs to discourage children from using tobacco products Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4672 Amending the law regarding guardianship and conservatorship Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4673 Giving the state auditor authority over the state purchasing card program Pending  Committee  02/24/00 
HB 4674 Creating an exemplary school accreditation standard Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4675 Requiring reporting by the PSC of safety violations by railroads Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4676 Relating to Jackson County excess levy for the health department Tabled  2nd Reading  03/03/00 
HB 4677 Increasing the minimum planning period for teachers Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4678 Creating a commission to develop professional development schools Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4679 Clarifying the reducing modification from federal adjusted gross income for personal income tax purposes of payments into the prepaid tuition trust fund Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4680 Authorizing counties to impose a recreation and amusement tax with voter approval Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4681 Employment of displaced employees formerly employed at the penitentiary at Moundsville Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4682 Operation of inmate benefit funds and providing for an automated inmate family and victim notification system Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4683 Giving the division of corrections flexibility in where to test and classify inmates Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4684 Collecting certain costs from parolees Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4685 Collecting certain costs from inmates Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4686 Sale to the state of land contiguous to a state park or forest being sold for delinquent taxes Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4687 Requiring registration of all-terrain vehicles Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4688 Relating to the carrying of a concealed deadly weapon while hunting, fishing, hiking or engaging in field or stream activities Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4689 Providing that thoroughbred horse tracks provide one restricted race per two racing days and removing the cap for moneys placed in the general purse fund Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4690 Mandating the school building authority to request an appropriation for school construction in growth counties Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4691 Military service credit for public employee retirees Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4692 Reducing certain fees charged by the secretary of state Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4693 Authorizing libraries to set up internet servers Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4694 Revising the school aid formula Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4695 Real Estate Used for Illegal Purposes Act Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4696 Relating generally to DNR violations and penalties and educational requirements for conservation officers Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4697 Relating to the opening of an official investigation for certain reported missing persons Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4698 Prohibiting the promulgation of state rules or policies stemming from the EPA impact statement relating to mountaintop mining and valley fill Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4699 Ensuring behavioral health services to persons eligible for such services Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4700 Creating an office of corrections ombudsman in the office of the secretary of the department of military affairs and public safety Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4701 Relating to the prohibition against blocking wheelchair accessible ramps or curbs Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4702 Clarifying the definition of victim in the Victim Protection Act and increasing liability of parents for criminal acts of their children Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4703 Increasing the ultimate tax on reserve coal properties susceptible to mining by conventional methods Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4704 Job Creation Zones Act Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4705 Continuing education requirements for insurance agents Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4706 Providing a specialty license for the sale of credit insurance Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4707 Relating to allowing wine specialty shops to deliver wine locally and to ship wine in and out of the state Pending  2nd Reading  03/01/00 
HB 4708 Preventing a party who has violated a court order to benefit from the mitigation of any penalty of a new law Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4709 Providing fines against shipping companies for overloaded vehicles involved in an accident Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4710 Insurance coverage of infant formula Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4711 Distribution of assets in satisfaction of pecuniary bequests or transfers in trust of an amount or formula Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4712 Reducing the tax on gasoline and special fuels Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4713 Requiring a certificate of need to close a hospital Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4714 Creating the child support scrutiny task force within the department of military affairs and public safety Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4715 Dedicating a portion of the consumers sales tax to PEIA and the teachers retirement system Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4716 Repeal of the article implementing the tax on soft drinks Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4717 Allowing substitute teachers to be covered under public employees insurance Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4718 Establishing the care home advisory committee Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4719 Reducing the tax on gasoline Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4720 Authority of the state police to investigate a missing person report Pending  Concurrence  03/11/00 
HB 4721 Increasing the salary of state police civilian employees Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4722 Protection of Water Act Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4723 Allowing enhanced emergency telephone system fees to be used for operational costs within the system Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4724 Requiring an occupied caboose at the rear of each train Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4725 Requiring the state police to maintain a video gaming unit to enforce laws prohibiting the use of certain gambling machines Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4726 Creating an alzheimer's care giver assistance program Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4727 Relating generally to wine sales Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4728 Requiring insurance coverage for social anxiety disorder Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4729 Prohibiting persons from serving in an office to which they were elected and simultaneously becoming a candidate for election to the same office for a certain term Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4730 Raising the allowable earnings limit of higher education faculty who retired under the severance plan Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4731 Great Family Literacy Act Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4732 Minimum standards for licensure of barbers educated in another state Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4733 Relating to building permits and inspection of structures Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4734 Requiring a minimum of thirty minutes per day of physical education for preschool through sixth grade Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4735 Allowing the appointment of a former family law master as a temporary family law master Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4736 Supplemental appropriation to the division of forestry, tree species nursery Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4737 Creating a statewide dog leash law Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4738 Relating to civil actions seeking medical monitoring costs Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4739 Increasing the gross weight limitations on certain roads in Brooke County Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4740 Allowing a county commission to assume ownership of certain toll bridges Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4741 Establishing the position of victim advocate Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4742 Investment of funds by hospital, medical, dental and health service corporations Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4743 Creating a state plumbing code Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4744 Establishing a motor vehicle dealer recovery fund Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4745 Providing for the nonpartisan election of certain judicial officers Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4746 Correcting the definition of retired employee under PEIA Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4747 A bill to reform, alter and modify the county commission of Wirt County under the provisions of section thirteen, article nine of the constitution of this state Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4748 Providing for the payment of magistrates who serve temporarily outside their elected counties Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4749 Initiating a procedure for voters to exercise their right to a referendum Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4750 Relating to state police officers' rights Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4751 Relating generally to the board of investments Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4752 Authorizing expenditure from the tourism fund to match private funds to promote West Virginia Celebration 2000 Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4753 Protection of consumers who purchase manufactured housing Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4754 Increasing racetrack video lottery net terminal income for payment into the pension plan for racing association employees Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4755 Transferring responsibility for administering the charity food bank assistance fund Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4756 Relating to the hiring of school athletic coaches Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4757 Automatic adoption of laws by municipalities of traffic regulations and laws of the road Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4758 Standards and procedures for the use and maintenance of diesel-powered equipment in underground coal mines Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4759 Coalfield Community Development Act Pending  2nd Reading  03/11/00 
HB 4760 Establishing a separate benefit plan for new employees under PEIA Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4761 Relating to the preservation of county records Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4762 Prohibiting the naming of the Governor and members of the Legislature as parties in educational funding suits Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4763 DMV opt-in for receiving solicitations Pending  2nd Reading  03/10/00 
HB 4764 Community Corrections Act Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4765 Supplemental appropriation to the development office, unclassified Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4766 Supplemental appropriation to the division of corrections, unclassified Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4767 Supplemental appropriation to the department of agriculture, unclassified Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4768 Supplemental appropriation to the division of human services, child care and development Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4769 Increasing a surviving spouse's death benefit under a municipal police officer's or firefighter's pension Pending  Committee  02/25/00 
HB 4770 Continuing the oil and gas inspectors' examining board Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4771 Continuing the racing commission Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4772 Continuing the division of environmental protection Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4773 Continuing the office of administrative law judges Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4774 Continuing the authority of the commissioner of the bureau of employment programs Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4775 Relating to liquor licenses and retail outlets Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4776 Uniform Health Care Administration Act Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4777 Relating to school service personnel salaries Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4778 Relating to the school aid formula Pending  2nd Reading  03/02/00 
HB 4779 Relating to the school calendar Pending  2nd Reading  02/28/00 
HB 4780 Requiring the clerk of the circuit court to maintain a log of persons examining confidential documents in domestic relations court files Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4781 Providing that the president of the Senate shall be additionally designated lieutenant governor Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4782 Authorizing the commissioner of agriculture to administer the state rural development council Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4783 Recreating the motorcycle safety standards and education committee Pending  Concurrence  03/11/00 
HB 4784 Higher education tuition waivers for high school graduates in foster care Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4785 Relating to public education grievance procedures Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4786 Supplemental appropriation to the division of motor vehicles, personal services and employee benefits Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4787 Authorizing the use of any appropriate floor covering in public school buildings Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4788 Increasing fees for motor vehicle inspections and charges for inspection stickers Pending  2nd Reading  03/01/00 
HB 4789 Authorizing the establishment of a prescription drug program for eligible senior citizens Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4790 Criminal justice resource center Pending  RECD  03/11/00 
HB 4791 Clarifying when a prosecuting attorney would not represent DHHR in juvenile and child abuse and neglect proceedings Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4792 Relating to the Local Powers Act Pending  2nd Reading  03/11/00 
HB 4793 Changing agency termination dates pursuant to sunset law Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4794 Eliminating monthly reporting requirements regarding Colin Anderson Center residents Pending  Committee  03/02/00 
HB 4795 Relating to wage increases for direct care staff in nursing homes Pending  Committee  03/01/00 
HB 4796 Relating to PEIA coverage of transport for dialysis patients Pending  1st Reading  03/01/00 
HB 4797 Creating an information systems disaster recovery center Pending  Committee  03/09/00 
HB 4798 Creating a legislative oversight committee on risk analysis and management Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4799 Relating to the management of state finances Pending  Committee  03/03/00 
HB 4800 Establishing a new prescription drug program within PEIA Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4801 Relating to the date a permittee of a landfill must submit an application for closure assistance Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4802 Controlling access to pornography on library and public school computers Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4803 Requiring the superintendent of the state police to create a drug and alcohol testing policy and a critical incident stress management policy Pending  Committee  03/10/00 
HB 4804 Requiring training for security guards Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4805 Extending the provisions concerning fraud under a state contract to cover contracts with political subdivisions Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4806 Authorizing the commissioner of motor vehicles to issue Class A license plates to the commission on special investigations Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4807 Limiting unpaid child support upon establishment of paternity Pending  Committee  03/06/00 
HB 4808 Jefferson County vocational education center Pending  Committee  03/09/00 
HB 4809 Supplemental appropriation to the division of highways Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
HB 4810 Administration of the public employees insurance agency Pending  3rd Reading  03/08/00 
HB 4811 Relating generally to higher education Tabled  3rd Reading  03/11/00 
HB 4812 Supplemental appropriation to the department of agriculture, unclassified Signed  Governor  04/11/00 
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