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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Step |
Last Action |
HB 2001 | Relating generally to creating the West Virginia Jumpstart Savings Program | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 9, 2021) | ||
HB 2002 | Relating to Broadband | Signed | Effect May 27, 2021 | ||
HB 2003 | Relating to the authority and obligations of the Governor and Legislature when in declared states of preparedness and emergency | Pending | CONF | 04/02/21 | |
HB 2004 | Permit a licensed health care professional from another state to practice in this state through telehealth when registered with the appropriate West Virginia board | Pending | 2nd Reading | 04/10/21 | |
HB 2005 | Relating to health care costs | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2021) | ||
HB 2006 | Relating to the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 15, 2021) | ||
HB 2007 | Provide for occupational licenses or other authorization to practice by recognition for qualified applicants from other states | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/22/21 |
HB 2008 | Amending requirements for licensure relating to elevator mechanics, crane operators, HVAC, electricians, and plumbers | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 16, 2021) | ||
HB 2009 | Relating to limitations on the use of wages and agency shop fees by employers and labor organizations for political activities | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 17, 2021) | ||
HB 2010 | Permit licensees to continue to sell nonintoxicating beer and wine for off premises consumption without additional licenses or fees | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2011 | Eliminating any time requirements for part time personnel to work during a working year | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 16, 2021) | ||
HB 2012 | Relating to public charter schools | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 1, 2021) | ||
HB 2013 | Relating to the Hope Scholarship Program | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 15, 2021) | ||
HB 2014 | Relating to role of the Legislature in appropriating federal funds | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 31, 2021) | ||
HB 2015 | Requiring rules of local boards of health to be approved by the county commission except in cases of a public health emergency | Pending | 2nd Reading | 04/10/21 | |
HB 2016 | Relating to the “COVID-19 Essential Jobs Protection Act” | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2017 | Rewriting the Criminal Code | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 04/08/21 |
HB 2022 | Budget Bill, making appropriations of public money out of the treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article six of the Constitution | Signed | Effective from passage - (April 10, 2021) | ||
HB 2031 | West Virginia Development Achievements Transparency Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 03/09/21 |
HB 2032 | Issuing specialty motor vehicle registration plates for businesses owning a fleet of 25 or more vehicles | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2033 | Establishing matrix necessary for an institution of higher education to become exempt from the Higher Education Policy Commission | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2034 | Establishing a comprehensive addiction recovery center certification and grant program in this state | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2035 | Permitting the resident lineal descendants of landowners to hunt, trap or fish on that resident landowner’s property without a license | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2036 | Removing the requirement that real estate brokers, associate brokers and salespeople maintain a main office | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2037 | Providing protections, under certain circumstances, to owners of livestock and other domestic animals | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2038 | Revising requirements relating to the issuance and renewal of handicap vehicle placards | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2039 | Expunging records of unsubstantiated complaints made by the Department of Health and Human Resources against teachers | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2040 | Adopting and implementing a “Heat and Humidity Practice Policy” for all interscholastic athletic events | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2041 | County Budget Flexibility Act | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/18/21 |
HB 2042 | Exempting sales of small arms and small arms ammunition from state sales and use taxes | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2043 | Authorizing the West Virginia Tourism Office to enter into an agreement with the Division of Highways to provide staff at the welcome centers | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/10/21 |
HB 2044 | Establishing Next Generation 911 services in this state | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 03/11/21 |
HB 2045 | Providing limitations on nuisance actions against fire department and emergency medical services | Pending | House FD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2046 | West Virginia Emergency Responder Service Tax Credit Act | Pending | House FD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2047 | Changing the licensing requirement for certain casino employees | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2048 | Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2049 | Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Fund | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2050 | Establishing the West Virginia Healthy Food Crop Block Grant Program | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/18/21 |
HB 2051 | Allowing workers’ compensation benefits for first responders diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder | Pending | House FD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2052 | Relating to occupational pneumoconiosis claims | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2053 | Authorizing the DMV to issue certain vital records in the custody of the state registrar | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/10/21 |
HB 2054 | Requiring parents or guardians to participate in programs for juveniles in an out-of-home placement | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2055 | Establishing a procedure to name a kinship legal guardian | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2056 | Changing the beginning time for beer and wine sales on Sunday from one p.m. to 10 a.m. | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2057 | Establishing the Summer Feeding for All initiative | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2058 | Providing a pay increase for full-time adult protective service workers | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2059 | Establishing a system for issuing permits for persons to provide rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured wildlife | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2060 | Reducing the criminal penalty for possession of small amounts of marijuana or paraphernal | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2061 | Katherine Johnson College Award Program | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2062 | Creating a Small Business and Minority Populations Economic and Workforce Development Taskforce | Pending | House SB | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2063 | Relating to unfair or deceptive telemarketing acts or practices | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2064 | Biometric Information Privacy Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2065 | Allowing low income senior citizens to receive certain tax credits without filing a state income tax return | Pending | House Senior Citizen Issues | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2066 | Providing school days for registering eligible students to vote and to provide transportation to voting places | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2067 | Relating to designation of social workers in the Department of Health and Human Services | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2068 | Establishing a special memorial day to be known as Juneteenth honoring human rights and the end of slavery in the United States | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2069 | Economic and Community Development Task Force | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2070 | Relating to mandatory drug testing for state legislators and teachers | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2071 | Eliminating the requirement that schools be closed on election days | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2072 | Providing special license plate to support adoption | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2073 | Making it a felony to knowingly expose another individual to HIV | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2074 | Implementing the recommendations of the studies required by the Natural Gas and Horizontal Well Control Act | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2075 | Removing the registration fee for a vehicle operating on a combination of electricity and petrochemical fuels | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2076 | Removing all costs and fees from a Silver Star registration plate | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/19/21 |
HB 2077 | Eliminating the certificate of need program | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2078 | Nondiscrimination in Involuntary Denial of Treatment Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2079 | Providing equitable distribution to county boards of education of reimbursement costs of special needs students | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2080 | “Bank Time” used in reaching 180 instructional requirement | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2081 | Relating to withholding tax on income of nonresidents from natural resources royalty payments | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/17/21 |
HB 2082 | Changing the persons responsible for the taxes on soft drinks and soft drink syrups | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2083 | Relating to age verification requirements for delivery sales of tobacco | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2084 | Amend section providing for waiver of tuition and fees for older persons auditing certain college classes. | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2085 | Relating to tobacco usage restrictions | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2086 | Relating to requiring a parolee or probationer found to have suffered with addiction to participate in a support service. | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2087 | Relating to requiring the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification to inspect office-based medication-assisted treatment programs at least every 24 months. | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2088 | Relating to requiring a court to verify certain conditions are met before a child who has been removed from a home may be returned to that home. | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2089 | Defining a work day for school service personnel and removing a provision relating to employment of licensed practical nurses | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2090 | Relating to a customer constructing a connection or other infrastructure necessary for the customer to connect to the public utility | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2091 | Creating a process by which voters may recall a county ordinance in a special election | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2092 | Requiring each high school student to complete a full credit course of study in personal finance | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2093 | Relating to exemptions for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Foster Homes | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 6, 2021) | ||
HB 2094 | Relating to the juvenile restorative justice programs | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 30, 2021) | ||
HB 2095 | Providing increased protections for the welfare of domestic animals | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 04/01/21 |
HB 2096 | Reinstating the film investment tax credit | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2097 | Relating to calculating net enrollment for home-school students enrolled in one virtual school course in the public school system | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/05/21 |
HB 2098 | Relating to permits issued by the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2099 | Redistricting of the Senate into 16 two-member senatorial districts and redistricting the House into 96 single member districts | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2100 | Relating to payment for the construction of any expanded or upgraded public service district facilities in certain circumstances | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2101 | Reinstating the film tax credits | Pending | House SB | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2102 | Relating to required notices for air quality permits prior to the permit being granted | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2103 | Establishing an insurance program for health and medical insurance coverage to be offered in counties with limited insurance providers | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2104 | Relating to compensation paid to landowners when interest in property taken by eminent domain is for a nongovernmental entity | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2105 | West Virginia Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Control Act | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2106 | Modifying legislative rules for vital statistics relating to death certificates | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2107 | West Virginia Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication and Listing Act | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2108 | Taxation With Representation Act | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2109 | Relating to vocational and technical education programs | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2110 | Relating to senior citizens attending college classes at state institutions without receiving college credit | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2111 | Including emergency response vehicles in the single fee program for EZ Pass transponders | Pending | House FD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2112 | Prohibiting provisions within settlement agreements that prevent the disclosure of factual information related to a claim filed in a civil action | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2113 | Relating to paving contracts | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2114 | Prohibiting civil rights violations based on disability, gender identity or sexual orientation | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2115 | Economic Diversification Act of 2021 | Pending | House SB | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2116 | Verifying legal employment status of contractors and vendor’s employees for certain road and bridge contracts | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2117 | Providing certain employees of the Highways increases in annual pay | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2118 | Providing school days to register and transport eligible students to vote | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2119 | Relating to electioneering or distributing literature at early voting locations | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2120 | Ensuring health insurance coverage for residents with preexisting conditions | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2121 | Katherine Johnson and Dorothy Vaughan Fair Pay Act of 2020 | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2122 | Implementing The Agreement Among the States to Elect the President and Vice President by National Popular Vote | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2123 | Reducing personal income tax rates when personal income tax reduction fund is funded at a certain threshold | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2124 | Requiring licensees authorized to serve alcoholic liquors or nonintoxicating beer to have certain liability insurance coverage | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2125 | Creating a School Consolidation Task Force | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2126 | Creating the West Virginia Residential Furniture and Children’s Products Flame Retardants Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2127 | Relating to the state’s Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Intellectual/Developmental Disability Waiver | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2128 | Family Protection Act | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2129 | Establishing an industrial water extraction fee | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2130 | Relating to the Consumer Credit and Protection Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2131 | Clarifying that the county or regional solid waste authority that may impose and collect an additional solid waste assessment fee is the county or region where the waste originates | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2132 | Relating to horizontal well control standards | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2133 | Repealing the Workplace Freedom Act of 2016 and restoring the prior provisions of the Labor-Management Relations Act | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2134 | Providing that state retirees’ insurance benefits be restored to the benefit levels that existed in 2015 | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2135 | Providing that political party caucus meetings are not exempt from open proceedings requirements | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2136 | Granting counties and municipalities a portion of the net terminal income from racetrack video lottery | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2137 | Repealing the article on unfair trade practices | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2138 | Defend the Guard Act | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 03/12/21 |
HB 2139 | Permitting residential customers to deduct up to 50 percent of their electric utility payments from their federal adjusted gross income | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2140 | Redirecting excise tax revenue on bottled soft drinks from West Virginia University schools to the Public Employees Insurance Agency | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2141 | Relating to participation in school sports | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2142 | Establishing seniority rights for public employees | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2143 | Declaring a shortage of qualified bus operators and allowing retired bus operators to accept employment | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2144 | Modifying the definitions and pay grades of certain school cafeteria personnel | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2145 | Relating to student aide class titles | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2021) | ||
HB 2146 | Providing a tax credit for families who have foster children | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2147 | Providing that the Division of Motor Vehicles identification cards be issued at no cost | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2148 | Imposing a general data mining service tax on commercial data operators | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2149 | Allowing a personal income tax deduction for a foster care child | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2150 | Relating to driving restrictions in school zones | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2151 | Listing contractor classifications on a contractor license | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2152 | Requiring test in civics to graduate high school or obtain GED | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2153 | Permitting former members of the Legislature to remain eligible for insurance plans at full cost to the member and at no cost to the state | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2154 | Requiring all boards to be located in the same area and office space | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2155 | Creating three separate job titles for school bus operators | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2156 | Relating generally to the payment of salary or wages under the Parental Leave Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2157 | Forbidding displays relating to sexuality in public school facilities and forbidding the teaching of sexuality in public schools | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2158 | Relating to the Public Service Commission | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2159 | Preserving and protecting the right to keep and bear arms | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2160 | Issuing identification documents to homeless individuals residing at homeless shelters | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/25/21 |
HB 2161 | Relating to the removal of standardized testing in public schools | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2162 | Relating to qualifications for a commercial driver’s license permit | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2163 | Requiring disclosure of nonpublic personal information required in employment cases | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2164 | Requiring certain municipalities to pay for the incarceration of inmates | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2165 | Relating to crimes against property | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2166 | Reducing the cost of prescription drugs | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2167 | Exempting motor vehicles from personal property tax | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2168 | Relating to the transfer of certain revenues derived from lottery activities generally, restoring distribution to the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund to 2013 rates and decreasing the funds available for grants therefrom | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2169 | Life at Conception Act of 2021 | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2170 | Relating to insurance unfair trade practices | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2171 | Vulnerable Child Protection Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2172 | College Graduate Tax Credit | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2173 | Health Care Transparency Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2174 | West Virginia Monument and Memorial Protection Act of 2021 | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/22/21 |
HB 2175 | Removing the permit requirement for a person over 21 to possess a concealed handgun in a motor vehicle on school property | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2176 | Making it a criminal offense to escape or attempt to escape from the custody of a Community Corrections program | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2177 | Permitting the issuance of a state issued identification card without a photo on the card under certain conditions | Pending | 2nd Reading | 04/10/21 | |
HB 2178 | Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disasters Act of 2021 | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/18/21 |
HB 2179 | West Virginia Civil Authority Act | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2180 | Prohibiting the regulation and licensing of occupations by local government | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2181 | Allowing a personal income tax deduction for a stillborn child | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2182 | Relating to the Ryan Brown Fund | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2183 | Relating to posting of information regarding the WV Tobacco Quitline | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2184 | Increasing the penalties for exposure of governmental representatives to fentanyl or any other harmful drug | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/25/21 |
HB 2185 | State Settlement and Recovered Funds Accountability Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2186 | Relating to tobacco usage restrictions | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2187 | West Virginia Earned Income Tax Credit | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2188 | Establishing reimbursement rates for congregate and in-home meals | Pending | House Senior Citizen Issues | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2189 | Changing the title of the Commissioner of Culture and History to the Curator of Arts, Culture, and History, and increasing the salary | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2190 | Authorizing ordinances allowing the municipal court to place a structure, dwelling or building into receivership under certain circumstances | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2191 | Requiring paving contracts for state highways to have special requirements to prevent potholes | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2192 | Creating a tax credit for improving facades in historic districts | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2193 | Creating a litigation practice license for social workers | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2194 | Establishing the Minority Health Advisory Team | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2195 | Relating to motor vehicle crash reports | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2021) | ||
HB 2196 | Providing a tax credit for families who have foster children | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2197 | West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2198 | Prohibiting employees of the state who have convictions for driving under the influence from driving or operating state owned vehicle | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2199 | Creating the Intrastate Coal and Use Act | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2200 | Allowing the issuance of special licenses for one-day charitable events for the sale, serving, and auctioning of beer, and alcoholic liquors | Pending | House SB | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2201 | Repealing the section of code relating to unlawful military organizations | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2202 | Creating the West Virginia Intrastate Commerce Improvement Act | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2203 | Ending tolls on the West Virginia Turnpike effective July 1, 2021 | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2204 | Providing for a special “Don’t Tread On Me” license plate | Pending | House T&I | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2205 | Streamlining the process of abandoned mineral interests | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2206 | Discontinuing the use of common core standards and assessments in the state | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2207 | Save the Hospitals Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2208 | Exempting social security benefits from personal income tax | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2209 | Exempting firefighters and volunteer firefighters from payment of income and real and personal property taxes | Pending | House FD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2210 | Exempting personal income earned by individuals working as teachers at primary and secondary schools from personal income tax | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2211 | Abolishing the Personal Income Tax | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2212 | Continuing personal income tax adjustment to gross income of certain retirees receiving pensions from defined pension plans | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2213 | Relating to the hunting of coyotes | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2214 | Home Instruction Tax Relief Act | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2215 | Allowing a group of affiliated voters to become a recognized political party under certain criteria | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2216 | Right to keep and bear arms | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2217 | Exempting law-enforcement officers from payment of income and personal property taxes | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2218 | Creating an enhanced penalty for certain aggravated serious traffic offenses | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2219 | Relating to requiring pharmacist to check the Controlled Substance Monitoring Database. | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2220 | Providing that the sale and purchase of copper as scrap metal may not be completed with the payment of cash | Pending | House SB | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2221 | Relating to the establishment of an insurance innovation process | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2021) | ||
HB 2222 | Prohibiting vehicles from driving slow in the left lane | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/25/21 |
HB 2223 | Repealing section of code authorizing additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2224 | Relating to complaints against public agencies to obtain records through the Freedom of Information Act | Pending | 3rd Reading | 04/10/21 | |
HB 2225 | Authorizing local units of government to adopt local energy efficiency partnership programs | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2226 | Protecting consumers from surprise bills by health care providers | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2227 | Prohibiting blasting within 625 feet of an occupied dwelling | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2228 | Assessing the health impact of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2229 | Requiring persons who are in the business of purchasing precious metals and precious gems to photograph those purchases and to transmit the photographs to law-enforcement | Pending | House SB | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2230 | The Healthy and Safe Workplace Act | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2231 | Prohibiting confidential settlement terms of a contested case involving sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or sexual assault in a state administrative proceeding | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2232 | Providing a process by which a city may hold an election to recall an ordinance | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2233 | Coordinating a plan to provide the first two years of post-secondary education for free | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2234 | Requiring public hearing for applicant for air quality permit relating to facility of certain investment value | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2235 | Relating to net neutrality for state government | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2236 | Relating to unlawful panhandling and solicitation | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2237 | Allowing free camping at state parks for certain resident veterans | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/18/21 |
HB 2238 | Granting tax credits for parents and legal guardians whose children are in a home schooling program or private school | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2239 | Restricting the performance of abortions and acquiring, providing, receiving, otherwise transferring, or using fetal body parts | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2240 | Relating to choice of law provisions in franchise agreements | Pending | House SB | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2241 | Affordable Medicaid Buy-In Program | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2242 | Relating to special license plates for vehicles titled in the name of the Division of Public Transit | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 03/18/21 |
HB 2243 | West Virginia Saving Money and Reducing Time Prize Program | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2244 | Relating to a tax rebate for facilities or processes that result in additional employment and an additional demand for electrical power | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2245 | Relating to the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2246 | Prohibiting manufacturing plants from locating within two air miles of an existing public school | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2247 | Requiring the authority to obtain approval from county board of education for agreements that involve tax revenues expended for public schools | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2248 | Prohibiting payroll deductions to electioneering organizations | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2249 | Permitting customers and developers to enter into solar power purchase agreements | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2250 | Relating generally to the issuance of driver licenses | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2251 | Reorganizing various boards and authorities for the licensing and oversight of trades, occupations, and professions | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2252 | Requiring Medicaid and insurance coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2253 | Relating to forgery and other crimes concerning lottery tickets | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 4, 2021) | ||
HB 2254 | Establishing different rates of taxation for tobacco products for certain border counties | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2255 | Allowing deductions to determine adjusted gross income for student loan payments or mortgage payments in determining child support | Pending | House Senior Citizen Issues | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2256 | Providing that a municipal services user fee may not be imposed on employees of the state | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/25/21 |
HB 2257 | Relating to extended supervision for certain drug offenders | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/08/21 |
HB 2258 | Establishing an intravenous drug user treatment and commitment process | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2259 | Creating a cause of action for injuries suffered in a gun- free zone | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2260 | Relating to procurement of child placing services | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 31, 2021) | ||
HB 2261 | Placing a moratorium on new patients admitted to state facilities | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2262 | Relating to the controlled substance monitoring database | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 31, 2021) | ||
HB 2263 | Update the regulation of pharmacy benefit managers | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 28, 2021) | ||
HB 2264 | Hospital exemptions from certificate of need | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/17/21 |
HB 2265 | Relating to collaborative pharmacy practice and updating rulemaking authority | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 03/01/21 |
HB 2266 | Relating to expanding certain insurance coverages for pregnant women | Signed | Effective from passage - (April 10, 2021) | ||
HB 2267 | Establishing an optional bus operator in residence program for school districts | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2021) | ||
HB 2268 | Changing the recommended guidelines for full-day and half-day cooks to the minimum ratio of one cook for every 110 meals | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2269 | Creating a state-wide email address directory | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2270 | Transferring the Office of Medical Cannabis to the Department of Agriculture | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2271 | Requiring compulsory immunization of public school children | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2272 | Informed Consent Protection Act | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2273 | Dividing pretrial detention jail costs between arresting authorities | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2274 | Relating to abolishing spousal support | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2275 | Eliminate the restriction to carry a firearm on the state capitol complex grounds. | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2276 | Authorizing the Governor to seek the return of fugitives | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2277 | Establishing an intravenous drug user treatment and commitment process | Pending | House DA | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2278 | Creating a Children’s Health Insurance Program buy-in program for children of families above 300 percent of the federal poverty level | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2279 | Establishing a higher education scholarship program for foster children | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2280 | Involuntary drug and alcohol treatment | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2281 | Modifying the method of calculation of the employer and employee contribution percentages for public employee insurance premiums | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2282 | Establishing a tax on the production of natural gas to fund the public employees insurance program | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2283 | Creating a healthy living tax credit against the personal income tax | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2284 | Creating a state-administered wholesale drug importation program | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2285 | Relating to Capitol Complex Security Access | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2286 | Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Veterans' Assistance- Veterans Home | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2287 | Providing for solar energy production on formerly mined land | Pending | House ENG | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2288 | Limiting pay of members of the Legislature when a budget bill has not been passed | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2289 | Relating to compulsory immunizations | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2290 | Initiating a State Employment First Policy to facilitate integrated employment of disabled persons | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 28, 2021) | ||
HB 2291 | Relating to legalizing cannabis production, sales and adult consumption | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2292 | Including three types of cancer for which rebuttable presumption of injury from employment exists for firefighters | Pending | House FD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
HB 2293 | Reestablishing prevailing wages for certain state government contracts | Pending | House WD | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 1 | Providing for parity of payment for telehealth services between service in-person and service provided through telehealth platform | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/24/21 |
SB 2 | Relating generally to economic development loans and state-issued loan insurance | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 3 | Relating to COVID Liability | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 4 | Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 5 | Relating to claims arising out of WV Consumer Credit and Protection Act | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 16, 2021) | ||
SB 6 | Creating WV Employment Law Worker Classification Act | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 7 | Limiting political activity by public employees | Pending | 3rd Reading | 04/10/21 | |
SB 8 | Relating to castle doctrine and self-defense standards | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 9 | Continuing Licensed Racetrack Modernization Fund | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 22, 2021) | ||
SB 10 | Modifying racetrack licensing due date | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 21, 2021) | ||
SB 11 | Declaring work stoppage or strike by public employees to be unlawful | BL | Governor | ||
SB 12 | Relating to local health department accountability | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2021) | ||
SB 13 | Protecting rights of conscience for child welfare services providers | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 14 | Providing for additional options for alternative certification for teachers | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 27, 2021) | ||
SB 15 | Relating generally to in-field master’s degree | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/19/21 |
SB 16 | Providing continued eligibility for developmental disability services to dependents of military members | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/25/21 |
SB 17 | Requiring certain disclosures of election expenditures | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 18 | Allowing workers' compensation for first responders diagnosed with PTSD due to event during employment | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 19 | Designating DHHR social workers to promote school attendance and performance | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 20 | Creating litigation practice license for social workers | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 21 | Relating generally to Consolidated Public Retirement Board | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 22 | Relating to surcharge on fire and casualty insurance policies for funding volunteer fire departments | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 23 | Requiring county boards of education establish program for random drug testing of student drivers and student athletes | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 24 | Limiting liability of employers in cases where certain crime convictions are expunged | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 25 | Requiring minors in possession of marijuana and their parents to attend classes on danger of marijuana | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 26 | Limiting penalty for possession of marijuana to no more than $1,000 without confinement | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 27 | Allowing voters who register in person with county clerk to vote during early in-person voting | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 28 | Creating Open and Equal Opportunities in Student Activities Act | Pending | Senate Rules | Committee | 03/16/21 |
SB 29 | Authorizing fee payment and expense reimbursement for attorneys participating on court teams established by Supreme Court of Appeals | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/22/21 |
SB 30 | Permitting third-party ownership of renewable and alternative energy generating facilities | Pending | Senate Economic Development | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 31 | Relating to custodial allocation actions independent of divorce | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 32 | Relating to valuation of natural resources land property | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 33 | Creating State Settlement and Recovered Funds Accountability Act | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 34 | Creating exemption to state sales and use tax for rental and leasing of equipment | Signed | Effective July 1, 2021 | ||
SB 35 | Requiring establishment of paternity before awarding DHHR benefits | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 36 | Relating to WV Secondary School Activities Commission audits | Pending | House Education | Committee | 03/23/21 |
SB 37 | Prohibiting registered lobbyists from appointment to state legislative, executive, or judicial position for five years | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 38 | Creating WV Black Lung Program | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 39 | Prohibiting insurance coverage from requiring prior authorization for tests to stage cancer | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 03/10/21 |
SB 40 | Ensuring insurance coverage for residents with preexisting conditions | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 41 | Relating generally to occupational pneumoconiosis | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 42 | Creating Zombie Property Remediation Act of 2021 | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 16, 2021) | ||
SB 43 | Relating to Pay Transparency Act of 2021 | Pending | Senate WORK | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 44 | Creating WV Call Center Jobs Act of 2021 | Pending | Senate WORK | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 45 | Relating to required equipment for State Police and Natural Resources police officers | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 46 | Requiring one-year residency within district or county to fill vacancy in Legislature | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 47 | Creating New Worker Relocation Incentive Program | Pending | Senate Economic Development | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 48 | Prohibiting employment of unauthorized employees in construction industry | Pending | Senate WORK | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 49 | Requiring PACs disclose contributors' names and addresses to Secretary of State | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 50 | Relating generally to adoption records | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 51 | Requiring dairy foods processed in state be added to list of items to be purchased by state-funded institutions | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 52 | Relating to payment of attorney fees in subsidized adoptions or guardianships | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 53 | Providing person criminally responsible for another's death may not be involved in burial arrangements | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 03/02/21 |
SB 54 | Permitting photo identification on voter registration cards | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 55 | Allowing municipalities to contract projects up to $50,000 without bidding | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 56 | Eliminating requirement that schools be closed on election days | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 57 | Staying civil actions resulting from domestic violence for 60 days from date of final order | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 58 | Creating WV Farm Fresh Dairy Act | Pending | Senate Agriculture | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 59 | Reporting motor vehicle crashes to owners | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 60 | Increasing monthly retirement annuity for certain retirees | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 61 | Expanding Coyote Control Program through voluntary assessment on breeding cows | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/25/21 |
SB 62 | Changing low-income qualifier to 300 percent or less of federal poverty guideline for senior citizens' homestead tax credit | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 63 | Creating Taxation with Representation Act | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 64 | Allowing certain out-of-state residents ride motorcycle without helmet | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 65 | Requiring licensed programs for domestic violence victims offer specific services | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 66 | Creating Voluntary WVU Rifle Team Check-Off Program on hunting and fishing licenses | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/25/21 |
SB 67 | Relating to authority of Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 26, 2021) | ||
SB 68 | Relating to excise tax on tobacco products | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 69 | Creating "Choose Life" special registration plate supporting adoption | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 03/25/21 |
SB 70 | Relating to residency requirements for voter registration | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 71 | Adding grievance and appellate procedures for individuals participating in DMV safety and treatment program | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 72 | Requiring notice be sent to owners of record before real property can be sold due to nonpayment of taxes | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 73 | Prohibiting discrimination in access to organ transplants based on physical or mental disability | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 74 | Creating Human Life Non-Discrimination Act | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 75 | Prohibiting insurance companies from using credit ratings to establish home and auto premiums | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 76 | Providing compensation to victims of abusive lawsuits | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 77 | Allowing certain motorcycle operators to ride without helmet | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 78 | Relating to rehabilitative spousal support | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 4, 2021) | ||
SB 79 | Providing fair mechanism for adjudication of requests for relocation of parent with child | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/25/21 |
SB 80 | Allowing for administration of certain small estates by affidavit and without appointment of personal representative | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 1, 2021) | ||
SB 81 | Relating generally to WV Uniform Trust Code | Signed | Effective from passage - (April 2, 2021) | ||
SB 82 | Exempting physicians from specified traffic laws when responding to emergencies | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 83 | Regulating pharmacy services administrative organizations | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 84 | Relating to allocation of premiums for employers and employees in PEIA | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 85 | Requiring Public Land Corporation and Real Estate Division review all vacated publicly owned property | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 86 | Creating Office of Outdoor Recreation | Pending | Senate Economic Development | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 87 | Enacting WV Human Life Protection Act | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 88 | Exempting WV senior citizens 65 and older from personal income tax | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 89 | Exempting certain kindergarten and preschool programs offered by private schools from registration requirements | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 4, 2021) | ||
SB 90 | Creating Education Savings Account Act | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 91 | Requiring State Police to follow towing services policies of county of location | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 92 | Establishing Summer Feeding for All Program | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 93 | Providing pay raises to teachers | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 94 | Repealing additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 95 | Creating Corporate Anti-Subsidy Act | Pending | Senate Interstate Cooperation | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 96 | Creating online voters' guide | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 97 | Modifying procedure certain public agencies use to procure architectural and engineering services contracts | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 98 | Providing $1,000 cost-of-living adjustment to certain PERS and State Teachers Retirement System retirees | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 99 | Creating surcharge on fire and casualty insurance policies to help municipalities and counties with certain fire-related cleanup and demolition | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 100 | Establishing tax credit for certain physicians who locate to practice in WV | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 101 | Authorizing tax credit for business entities which invest in certain fresh food retailers | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 102 | Allowing disabled veterans and purple heart recipients park free at paid parking of state or its political subdivisions | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 03/25/21 |
SB 103 | Relating to employment of nurses in public schools | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 104 | Creating Patient Safety and Transparency Act | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 105 | Relating to retirees employed as substitute bus drivers | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 106 | Creating personal income tax credit for volunteer firefighters | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 107 | Including certain types of cancers for which rebuttable presumption of injury exists for firefighters | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 108 | Prohibiting racial discrimination based on certain hair textures and hairstyles | Pending | Senate WORK | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 109 | Prohibiting civil rights violations | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 110 | Adjusting distance from polling place certain election-related activity is prohibited | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 111 | Exempting firearm safe storage products from consumers sales tax | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 112 | Relating to mobility impairment identifying documents | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 113 | Creating Wholesale Prescription Drug Importation Program | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 114 | Permitting certain veterans to hunt, trap, or fish in state without license | Pending | Senate Natural Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 115 | Exempting emergency vehicles and private ambulances from paying tolls or other charges | Pending | Senate Transportation and Infrastructure | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 116 | Drug testing of legislators | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 117 | Creating Stay in State Tax Credit | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 118 | Require parental notification of minors being prescribed contraceptives | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 119 | Prohibiting certain misleading pharmaceutical advertising practices | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 120 | Requiring wholesale drug distributors to report certain information to WV Board of Pharmacy | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 121 | Exempting nonprofit corporations from property tax for certain agricultural and industrial fairs and expositions | Pending | Senate Agriculture | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 122 | Allowing counties to hold inmates under certain circumstances in county jail | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 123 | Changing determination of compensation paid to landowner when eminent domain used for pipeline | Pending | Senate Energy, Industry and Mining | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 124 | Relating to insulin cost management | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/10/21 |
SB 125 | Budget Bill | Pending | Senate Rules | Committee | 04/08/21 |