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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Senator Helmick sponsored 87 bills: |
Bill |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Step |
Last Action |
SB 17 | Providing for notification of availability of flood insurance coverage | Pending | Senate Banking and Insurance | Committee | 02/14/01 |
SB 25 | Creating safer schools by requiring character education and development in curriculum | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/14/01 |
SB 26 | Allowing landowners to clear debris from streams and ditches to prevent flooding | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/14/01 |
SB 29 | Relating to salaries and civil service of certain employees in corrections and juvenile services | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/14/01 |
SB 39 | Increasing protected income level for spend-down under medicaid | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/14/01 |
SB 65 | Creating Small Business Tax Credit Act | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/06/01 |
SB 74 | Repealing provider tax on optometrists | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/14/01 |
SB 75 | Limiting state court venue for certain nonresident plaintiffs | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/14/01 |
SB 88 | Dedicating certain sales proceeds to counties | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/15/01 |
SB 103 | Creating Jobs Act | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 150 | Relating to retirement annuity of public employees and retirants | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 02/16/01 |
SB 160 | Establishing downtown business revitalization tax credit | Pending | Senate Economic Development | Committee | 02/16/01 |
SB 161 | Increasing salaries of magistrate clerks, deputy clerks and magistrate assistants | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/16/01 |
SB 163 | Increasing salary increments paid to principals and assistant principals | Pending | Senate Education | Committee | 02/16/01 |
SB 164 | Exempting personal property tax on one personal vehicle for member of volunteer fire department | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/16/01 |
SB 165 | Increasing time to perfect liens upon improved property | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/16/01 |
SB 171 | Relating to exempting senior service organizations from certain taxation | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/16/01 |
SB 177 | Phasing out certain health care provider tax | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 181 | Providing special motor vehicle registration plates for certain members of armed forces | Pending | Concurrence | 04/13/01 | |
SB 219 | Creating Alzheimer's caregiver assistance program | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 03/14/01 |
SB 222 | Exempting certain military retirement from personal income tax | Pending | Senate Military | Committee | 02/23/01 |
SB 227 | Relating generally to school personnel laws | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 230 | Providing state maintain telemarketer do-not-call list | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/26/01 |
SB 231 | Increasing severance tax on timber to support libraries | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/26/01 |
SB 249 | Relating to salaries of certain employees of division of corrections, juvenile services and regional jail and correctional facility authority | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 04/04/01 |
SB 253 | Increasing indigent funeral expense allowance | Signed | Governor | 05/01/01 | |
SB 383 | Creating Insurance Fraud Prevention Act | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/07/01 |
SB 384 | Strengthening littering penalties | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/05/01 |
SB 385 | Dedicating severance tax on timber for economic development and infrastructure | Pending | Senate Economic Development | Committee | 03/05/01 |
SB 407 | Creating Municipal Financial Stabilization Fund Act | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 427 | Exempting military retirement from personal income tax | Pending | Senate Military | Committee | 03/07/01 |
SB 429 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to bureau of commerce, fund 8705 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 430 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to bureau of commerce, fund 8706 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 431 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of military affairs and public safety, fund 8728 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 432 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of agriculture, fund 8736 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 433 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of agriculture, fund 8737 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 434 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of military affairs and public safety, fund 8741 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 435 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to public service commission, fund 8743 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 455 | Finding and declaring claims against state | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 457 | Using tobacco settlement to fund programs discouraging tobacco use | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 03/09/01 |
SB 458 | Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items in division of highways, fund 9017 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 462 | Authorizing counties and municipalities form aggregations to negotiate procurement of energy | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/12/01 |
SB 463 | Relating to taxes on coal products | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 464 | Increasing privilege tax on manufacturing or producing synthetic fuel from coal for infrastructure | Pending | Senate Economic Development | Committee | 03/12/01 |
SB 469 | Expiring funds from secretary of state account-- ucc account fund | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 474 | Increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 03/14/01 |
SB 476 | Establishing information technology access for blind or visually impaired | PASS | 04/14/01 | ||
SB 480 | Expiring funds to department of administration, office of secretary, natural gas contract refund fund, fund 2040 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 481 | Making supplementary appropriation to department of military affairs and public safety, fund 6362 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 482 | Making supplementary appropriation to alcohol beverage control administration, fund 7352 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 483 | Making supplementary appropriation to state board of examiners for licensed practical nurses, fund 8517 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 484 | Supplementing, amending and reducing items in public service commission, fund 8623 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 485 | Making supplementary appropriation to board of examiners for speech-language pathology and audiology, fund 8646 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 486 | Making supplementary appropriation to massage therapy licensure board, fund 8671 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 487 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of transportation, division of motor vehicles, fund 8787 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 488 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to auditor's office, national white collar crime center, fund 8807 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 489 | Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of education and the arts, office of secretary, fund 8841 | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 517 | Relating to higher education revenue bonds generally | Vetoed | Governor | 04/14/01 | |
SB 519 | Relating to liability for damage or destruction of forest, agricultural or field test crop | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/22/01 |
SB 520 | Providing for sworn officer status for investigators of securities commission | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 525 | Establishing Independent Living Act | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 532 | Relating to restricting location of businesses offering exotic entertainment | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 04/03/01 |
SB 543 | Making gray gambling machines illegal to own or operate | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/21/01 |
SB 552 | Providing one-time supplement to retirement benefit of certain annuitants | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 561 | Modernizing requirements for publishing legal advertisements; increasing fees | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/22/01 |
SB 595 | Exempting veterans' organizations from certain state sales tax | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/26/01 |
SB 601 | Relating to crime victims award payment | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 604 | Relating to public education generally | Pending | House Education | Committee | 04/06/01 |
SB 631 | Creating Clean Coal Technology Council Act | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 634 | Establishing medical malpractice insurance study task force | Pending | Senate Rules | Committee | 04/04/01 |
SB 637 | Exempting religious organizations from excise tax on certain fuels | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/26/01 |
SB 657 | Including clean up of certain cemeteries among tasks performed by jail or prison labor | Pending | 2nd Reading | 04/15/01 | |
SB 660 | Relating to motor vehicle insurance policies | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 04/09/01 |
SB 663 | Calculating retirement benefits for certain temporary legislative employees | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 03/26/01 |
SB 669 | Exempting travel agencies from collecting sales tax received from out-of-state travel businesses | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 03/26/01 |
SB 680 | Relating to supplemental retirement plans for employees of higher education | Pending | Senate Pensions | Committee | 03/26/01 |
SB 686 | Reestablishing uses of proceeds from charitable bingo and raffles | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/26/01 |
SB 701 | Making supplementary appropriation to development office, community development | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 706 | Making supplementary transfer to department of administration, public employees insurance agency | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 707 | Making supplementary appropriation in development office, office of coalfield community development | Signed | Governor | 04/18/01 | |
SB 708 | Relating to use of funds from sale of law-enforcement and sports education stamp | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 709 | Relating to operation of garbage collection and disposal services by county commission | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/29/01 |
SB 713 | Allowing county commissions of Brooke, Hancock and Ohio counties jointly undertake economic development projects | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 714 | Exempting county commission fee for first report provided to certain injured parties | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 04/04/01 |
SB 715 | Expanding division of highways authority for collection and disposal of waste tires | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 04/04/01 |
SB 716 | Creating Economic Development Strategy | Signed | Governor | 05/15/01 | |
SB 733 | Expiring funds from various accounts to unexpired balance in general revenue fund | Tabled | 3rd Reading | 04/14/01 |